BBShelp 版 (精华区)
发信人: zhili (北侠), 信区: BBS_help
标 题: e-mail,chat 常用表情符 (转载)
发信站: 雪城紫丁香 (Wed Aug 20 20:37:06 1997)
【 以下文字转载自 sysop 讨论区 】
【 原文由 robert 所发表 】
Eyes : ; | =
Nose - * ^ (or blank)
Mouth > ) o ( <
:-) The Basic Smiley
=|:>)= Abraham Lincoln
-| Ambivalent
^_^ Anime smile
@|@ All ears
~舿 Angel
o:-) Angelic
O |-)
>:-( Angry
|-I Asleep
艨 Awake
$:-( Bad hair day
(:-) Bald
(` )#------ Balloon
(::()::) or [Ζ潶 Bandaide
^v^ Bat
[_]3 Beer
() Beer (full)
(:-D) Big Grin
:o) Big nose
*<=) Birthday smiley
X-) Blind faith
:-{} Blowing a Kiss
\-o Bored
:-# Braces
:B Buck tooth
+:-( Bullet in the head
:-c Bummed Out
(_Y_) Butt, seated
:( ) Can't Stop Talking
0=:-) Chef
:*) Clowning
(::) (::) \-/ Cookies and milk
:' Crying
:'-) Crying with Joy
:'-( Crying Sadly
c(_) Cup of java
&:^ Elvis
~~(.)(.)~~ Eye Glasses, curious, looking
-( Dead
-) Dead and loving it
:-9 Delicious, Yummy
:-> Devilish
}:( Devilish Frown (revenge)
}:> Devil himself, the
;-> Devilish Wink
{8-{)> Disguised (Wearing wig, specs, moustache & beard)
:P Disgusted (tongue sticking out)
:-C Disapointed
:o(( Displeased
7:^) Ditto head, or Ronald Reagan
===:-D Don King
:-/ Don't know
@@@ Donuts or cookies
]B=8) Dragon
:)~ Drooling (add more ~ for drool-o-meter)
:))) Double chin
:-1 Doubtful
:*) Drunk
;oP Drunk face, wild face
*:| Duh!
<:-| Dunce
&:-s Elvis
:-6 Exhausted, Wiped Out
}:) Evil smiley (Muhahaha!)
><(((*> Fish
:^! Foot in mouth/shut up
:<)8 Formal dinner, waiter
E:-/ Frankenstein
:)-(: French Kiss
=(:-o) Frightened, hair standing on end
(:|) Froggy Face
:( Frown
\~/ Full Glass
^00^ Funny Face
8:-) Girl, little (user is a)
:-)8 Girl, big (user is a)
\_/ Glass Empty
~@@~ Glasses
!-) Got my attention
:(Z) Gritting teeth
:-Y Half Paralized
^5 High Five
(^.^) Hmmm
((((name)))) Hug
(( )):** Hugs and Kisses
#-) Hung over
:# I can't believe you said that!
:-I Indifferent
*(:) Inspired
:-X Kiss, Pucker up!
:-69-: Kissing
,,,^..^,,, Kitty
::::: Lei (from Hawaii)
:)~ Lick (see also: drool)
:-# Lips are Sealed
}:8 Longhorn
@@@@@:-) Marge Simpson
;-.> Marylin Monroe smile
\^_^/ Mellow
:~/ Mixed Up
(00) Mooning
$:=) Monkey
(:-| Monobrow
~(> Mouse
:{o Moustache
:[) Moustache, smiling
:-$ Mouth wired shut
:'p"99 My neck is sore
:+) Nose job
8-0 Not sure
~~~~*~~~~*~~~~ Ocean
(*.*) Oh!
*~) One eyed willie from the goonies
:-S Oops!
%\v Picasso
:@) Pig (Babe the pig)
:c) Piggy
~(:@ Piglet
(%> Pizza
:o)) Pleased
{|:-| Policeman
**** Popcorn
+<:) Pope
\o/ Praise the Lord
&&&& Pretzels
K:p Propeller beenie
:$ Puke, I think i'm gonna
=:-) Punk rocker
=:-( Punk rocker (real punk rockers don't smile)
:-^ Ptooey!
~(__)8> Rat
隹 Really!
@>-`-,-- Roses
@)-;-;----- @}---'--,---
@-}--- --,--'-{@
@)--)>>>>><( Rose in a vase
*<:)@@@ Santa Claus
:-@ Screaming
_O) Scuba diver
:O Shocked
=-o Singing
8=+ Skull
p(( Slap on bottom, (gentle pat)
P(( Slap on bottom
~.~ Sleeping
>:-> Sneaky Face
:) Smile
=) Smile
:-)-: Smiling and sad at same time
-/ or (:-? Smirk
= )-~ Smoking
~O~ Snoring
:)~ooo Spagetti and meatballs
:)(: Staring (at each other)
:-S State of shock
:- Sticking tounge out
:$ Stop talking or Shut up!
B-) Sunglasses
:-O Surprised
:-y Talking out of the side of your mouth
o0( ) Thinking, Thought bubble
[}------Pie---- Throwing Pies
^ Thumbs Up
:-& Tongue Tied
%} Too much time in front of the computer, wasted
:-\ Undecided
|-) Up to something
:-[ Vampire
>-[ Vampire, angry
:F : Vampire's bite
\\//_ Vulcan Greeting
q:) Was up?
;) Wink
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Worms
|-O Yawning
>:() Yelling at you
$-) Yuppie
robert (12:19):Hello, nice to meet you again! :) (R 回讯息)
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 pclinux.[FROM:]
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