PersonalCorpus 版 (精华区)
发信人: asaki (牙子·:-#), 信区: ASCIIArt
标 题: English版进版
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年06月11日20:57:53 星期三), 站内信件
Welcome to the English Board ╰ /
For the promises there is the sky ╭─╮
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For the heavens are those who can fly ╭─╮
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│ If you really want to you will find a way ╭─╮
│ ╰ /
├┐╭┐ With a means to an end you can seize the day ╭─╮
┌┼┼┐╯ ╰ /
┏─┓ ┏────────┓ ◣/◢/◤
│┏┴───────┓ │ 忘记了行囊的我 ├┓ ┏───────────┓ ┏┴┓│
┗┤ 纷飞的树叶 ├╮┗┬───────┛│┏┤ 迷失在追梦的旅途 │
┗────────┛╰╮┗┬───────┛│┗───────┬───┛ ┗┬┛
╭─────────────╯ ╰──╮╮ ┗────────┛ ◣◥╲◤\
╰────────╰─────────╯╯ ── ────────── ─ ─ _◢╲◣◥◣◥╲◤▔
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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