PersonalCorpus 版 (精华区)
寄信人: Systems (两年之约--卧薪尝胆)
标 题: Re: resume
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2003年07月28日23:18:51 星期一)
来 源:
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Family Name: HE
First Name: Mansheng
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: The 23rd Feburary 1981
Telephone: 13564732037 (M)
Education Background
1999-2003 Harbin Institute of Techology
Department of Optelectronic Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Science and Engineering
Main Sujects: Physical Optics, Analogue and Digital Circuit,
Elecromagnetiic Fields, Photoelectron Theory and Application,
Integrated Electronics, Interface Techniques,
Communication Electronic Circuit, Applied Optics,
Solid-stat Electronics, Photoelectronics Device and Technolog
Work Experience:
¢ Jul. 2002 Intern in China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
the 88358 Institute
¢ Jun. 2002 Intern in Tianjin Laser Technology Institute
¢ Sept. 2001 Electronics Practice in Harbin Tianyuan Electronic Device Cor
¢ Oct. 1999- Metalworking Practice in Factory of HIT
Dec. 1999
//Suggestion: 在每个工作经历里简单写写你都做了什么
¢ Initiative and innovative
¢ Excellent interpersonal and presentation skills
¢ Proven leadership
¢ Commitment and dedication to work
¢ Self-motivated and very keen to ethics
Language Ability:
¢ English: fluent
¢ CET Band Four: PASS
Computer Skills:
¢ Good command of Office, C Programming Language, Origin, Visual Basic, Wi
¢ Skillful in operating Photoshop, FrontPage, PowerPoint, Dreamweaver, Fla
2001"International Space Week" Aerospace Knowledge Contest Class 2
//Suggestion: 中文简历的顺序按英文的改改
【 在 ellery (九年·三天) 的来信中提到: 】
: Resume Harbin Institute of Technology
: Personal Data:
: Name: Mansheng He (何曼生) Major: Electronic Science and Engineering
: Gender: Male Birthday: 23/02/1981
: MP: 13564732037 E-mail:
: Education Background:
: 1999-2003 Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)
: Main Courses: Physical Optics, Analogue Circuit, Digital Circuit, Elecromagnetic Fields, Photoelectron Theory and Application, Integrated Electronics, Interface Techniques, Communication Electronic Circuit, Applied Optics, Solid-stat Electronics,
: Photoelectronics Device and Technology
We are angels with but one wing.
To fly we must embrace each other.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM:]
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