PersonalCorpus 版 (精华区)
// Stack.cpp: implementation of the Stack class.
#include "Stack.h"
// Construction/Destruction
// push item on the the stack
void Stack::Push (const DataType& item)
// if stacklist is full, terminate the program
if (top == MaxStackSize-1)
cerr << "Stack overflow!" << endl;
// increment top and copy item to stacklist
stacklist[top] = item;
// pop the stack and return the top element
DataType Stack::Pop (void)
DataType temp;
// if stack is empty, terminate the program
if (top == -1)
cerr << "Attempt to pop an empty stack!" << endl;
// record the top element
temp = stacklist[top];
// decrement top and return former top element
return temp;
// return the value at the top of the stack
DataType Stack::Peek (void) const
// if the stack is empty, terminate the program
if (top == -1)
cerr << "Attempt to peek at an empty stack!" << endl;
return stacklist[top];
// test for an empty stack
int Stack::StackEmpty(void) const
// return the logical value top == -1
return top == -1;
// test for a full stack
int Stack::StackFull(void) const
// test the position of top
return top == MaxStackSize-1;
// clear all items from the stack
void Stack::ClearStack(void)
top = -1;
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