发信人: MSTC (哈工大微软技术俱乐部), 信区: Computer
标 题: 微软亚洲研究院平台器件中心近期招聘全职实习生
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Sat Dec 9 19:02:59 2006)
Group:Platforms and Devices Center
Type:Full Time
Work Location:Beijing, China
Group Overview:Microsoft Research Asia Platforms and Devices Center is recrui
ting visiting student.
The goal of the Platforms and Devices Center (PDC) is to create or enable new
computing platforms. To achieve that goal, we may program down to the device l
evel or even build some hardware ourselves.
As a PDC team member, you will be working with a dynamic team of professionals
as we develop both system and application software. You may work closely with
hardware such as programming drivers, and may even design hardware.
Roles & Responsibilities:We are recruiting interns to work on an innovative a
nd challenging software project.
Required Qualifications:We are looking for
1. PhD or M.S candidate majoring in EE or CS. We need his/her advisor's sig
ning to permit him/her to be a visiting student of MSRA.
2. At least three-month internship/Full-time is preferred.
3. Solid C# or C/C++ programming skill.
4. UI design on Windows and communication programming experience.
5. Good oral and written English.
1. 申请人除需附上个人的中英文简历(中英文简历请放在同一文件内)外,还需详细
2. 请申请人在邮件标题中注明申请PDC组实习生。
申请表: http://bbs.hit.edu.cn/bbscon.php?bid=255&id=114474&ap=776
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 http://bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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