发信人: MSTC (哈工大微软技术俱乐部), 信区: Computer
标 题: 微软亚洲研究院创新技术孵化组近期招聘全职实习生
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Sat Dec 9 19:03:28 2006)
Group:MSR Asia – Incubation Group
Type:Full Time
Work Location:Beijing, China
Group Overview: The mission of incubation at MSRA is to create real world sol
utions to the hardest business problems Microsoft and our customers face today
. We will achieve this goal through a process of Search and Redevelopment. Com
pared to traditional R&D which is forward looking, search and redevelopment id
entifies immediate customer needs and applies readily available technologies.
Our end goal is not patent awards or published papers on theoretical technolog
ies — we are accountable for producing deployable solutions for the most diff
icult problems no other group can or is willing to solve.
Roles & Responsibilities:
Position 1:
We are looking for intern for developing client UI using cool AJAX technology.
Position 2:
1. Implement data mining algorithms.
2. Study software usage.
3. Research on large scale data analysis.
Required Qualifications:We are looking for
Position 1:
1. Can work on full time for at least 3 months, 6+ months is better.
2. Passion on technology and working under pressure
3. Familiar with ASP.NET and HTML, JavaScript, AJAX experience is preferred
Position 2:
1. BS/MS in Computer Science or any related technical field and possess the
following skills;
2. Good C/C++ programming skills;
3. Project experience in data mining or pattern recognition is preferred;
4. Good reading and written English;
5. Good communication skills and excellent teamwork.
1. 申请人除需附上个人的中英文简历(中英文简历请放在同一文件内)外,还需详细
2. 请申请人在邮件标题中注明申请Incubation组实习生。
申请表: http://bbs.hit.edu.cn/bbscon.php?bid=255&id=114474&ap=776
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 http://bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM:]
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