发信人: MSTC (哈工大微软技术俱乐部), 信区: Computer
标 题: 微软亚洲研究院多通道用户界面组近期招聘实习生
发信站: BBS 哈工大紫丁香站 (Sat Dec 9 19:02:01 2006)
Group:User Interface Group - MSR Asia
Type:Full-Time/Part-Time (Please select one)
Work Location:Beijing, China
Group Overview:The Multimodal User Interface Group at MSR Asia is exploring r
esearch in advanced natural user interface technologies. Natural communication
with machines or with other people via machines is critical to bringing the b
enefits of networked computers to the mass market. A computer's user interface
must cater to the human senses of sight, sound, and touch, which are used to
navigate physical surroundings. New technologies are emerging that can support
human-machine communications with features that are natural to humans. The ch
allenge is learning how to use these still imperfect technologies to transcend
the benefits of a single modality.
Roles & Responsibilities:
1. Explore innovative technical solutions;
2. Write quality code for experiments, prototypes, and demos;
3. Help designing the web UI.
Required Qualifications:We are looking for
1. BS/MS in CS/EE or any related technical field and possess the following
2. Have background and experience on web development
3. Good programming skills C#, ASP.Net;
4. Have experience on Web master (HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX);
5. Good reading and written English;
6. Good communication skills and excellent teamwork.
1. 申请人除需附上个人的中英文简历(中英文简历请放在同一文件内)外,还需详细
2. 请申请人在邮件标题中注明申请UI组实习生。
申请表: http://bbs.hit.edu.cn/bbscon.php?bid=255&id=114474&ap=776
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