发信人: blunt (钝刀*砍网), 信区: ECE
标 题: 雷达词汇(F)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年06月28日13:20:08 星期四), 站内信件
537 F型显示器(角度差显示器) F scope(angle error indicator)
538 屏蔽系数(屏蔽隔离度) Factor of shielding(shielding strength)
539 虚警概率 False alarm time
540 扇形波束天线 Fan-beam antenna
541 法拉第旋转式环行器 Faraday rotation circulator
542 法拉第旋转效应隔离器 Faraday rotation isolator
543 远场区(佛累和费区) Far-field region (Frouhofer region)
544 远场区方向图 Far-field region pattern
545 快速付里叶变换 Fast Fourier transform
546 快时间常数电路 Fast time constant circuit (FTC)
547 馈电器 feed
548 馈线 Feed line
549 馈电网络 Feed network
550 相控阵馈电网络 Feed networks for phased array
551 反馈 Feedback
552 前馈 Feedforward
553 篱笆 Fence
554 铁氧体天线收发开关 Ferrite duplexer
555 铁氧体移相器 Ferrite phase shifter
556 铁氧体开关 Ferrite switch
557 导光纤维管 Fibre-optic CRT
558 激磁控制 Field control
559 外场试验(现场试验) Field test
560 场移式隔离器 Field-displacement isolator
561 滤波器 Filter
562 滤波 Filter
563 火控雷达 Fire control radar
564 一阶微分环节 First derivative element
565 一阶无差系统 First order astatic system
566 五喇叭馈电器 Five-horn feed
567 固定式偏转线圈 Fixed deflection coil
568 固定雷达 Fixed radar
569 固定目标检查 Fixed-object check
570 平头缝隙天线 Flat headed antenna
571 软同轴线 Flexible coaxial line
572 软反馈 Flexible feedback
573 软波导 Flexible waveguide
574 飞行试验 Flight calibration
575 浮动极调制器(调制阳极脉冲调制器) Floating desk modulator (modulating a
node pulse modulator)
576 溢流阀 Flood valve
577 流量控保电路 Flow control protection circuit
578 流量控制阀 Flowrate-control valve
579 调频干扰 FM jamming
580 泡沫天线罩 Foamradome
581 聚焦 Focus
582 聚焦线圈 Focus coil
583 焦距 Focus distance
584 焦点(线) Focus(focal line)
585 散焦 Focus-out
586 折合振子 Folded dipole
587 强迫通风 Forced ventilation
588 前向波管 Forward wave tube
589 四点接触向心推力轴承 Four point contract center-oriented thrust ball bea
590 四轴稳定系统 Four-axial stable system
591 四喇叭馈电器 Four-horn feed
592 骨架 Frame
593 自由空间波长 Free space wavelength
594 自由空间衰减 Free-space attenuation
595 频率捷变雷达 Frequency agile radar
596 频率捷变 Frequency agility
597 频率特性 Frequency characteristic
598 频率去相关 Frequency decorrelation
599 频率鉴别 Frequency discrimination
600 鉴频系数 Frequency discrimination figure
601 鉴频器幅度对称性 Frequency discriminator amplitude frequency symmetry
602 鉴频器交界频率 Frequency discriminator cross-over frequency
603 鉴频器失真度 Frequency discriminator degree of frequency distortion
604 鉴频器频率对称性 Frequency discriminator frequency symmetry
605 鉴频器通频带 Frequency discriminator pass band
606 频率分集雷达 Frequency diversity radar
607 跳频 Frequency hopping
608 调频雷达发射机 Frequency modulation radar transmitter
609 倍频本地振荡器 Frequency multiplication local oscillator
610 频率预选 Frequency pre-selection
611 频率牵引系数 Frequency pulling figure
612 频率范围(带宽) Frequency range (band width)
613 频率选择抗干扰技术 Frequency selection anti-jamming technique
614 频率灵敏度 Frequency sensitivity
615 频率瞄准误差 Frequency spot error
616 频率稳定度 Frequency stability
617 频率综合器 Frequency synthesizer
618 频率捷变本地振荡器 Frequency-agile local oscillator
619 频率捷变信号 Frequency-agile signal
620 频率编码脉冲压缩 Frequency-coded pulse compression
621 调频雷达 Frequency-modulated radar
622 调频雷达接收机 Frequency-modulated radar receiver
623 调频信号 Frequency-modulated signal
624 频率扫描天线 Frequency-scanned antenna
625 扫频本地振荡器 Frequency-scanned local oscillator
626 频率扫描雷达 Frequency-scanned radar
627 菲涅尔区 Fresnel region
628 菲涅尔区方向图 Fresnel region pattern
629 摩擦起伏 Friction fluctuation
630 主模 Fundamental mode
631 引信干扰 Fuse jamming
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香 bbs.hit.edu.cn·[FROM: riee.hit.edu.cn]
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