发信人: hithere (行者), 信区: NTM
标 题: 一篇金属熔滴制造方面的硕士论文摘要(MIT)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Feb 17 18:22:06 2000), 转信
Modeling of Deposit Solidification in Droplet Based Manufacturing
Paul J. Acquaviva
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering
Clarkson University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May 1994
Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree of
at the
May 1995
The uniform droplet spray (UDS) forming process has been developed to enable
precise control of droplet thermal states and the resultant material micros
tructure of the deposit. By having a uniform droplet size throughout the spr
ay, all the droplets deposited onto a substrate will have the same thermal s
tate upon impact, allowing for precise control of the solidification process
within both the droplets and the deposit.
In this study, a one-dimensional, finite difference model was created to pre
dict the temperature and liquid fraction of the deposit during the UDS proce
ss. The model employs an explicit temperature-enthalpy method to incorporate
a variety of solidification assumptions. Experiments were conducted using S
n-15wt.%Pb binary alloy to validate the model. Temperatures were measured in
the deposit and acceptable agreement with the simulation was obtained.
Modeling has shown that the deposit thermal state is highly dependent on var
iations in spray conditions, which are predicted using droplet trajectory an
d droplet thermal models. Further modeling of the individual droplet splats
immediately after impact revealed that three phases of solidification exist:
droplet solidification; droplet splat solidification; and consolidated depo
sit solidification, each with significantly different cooling rates. By mani
pulating process parameters, the percentage of solidification within each of
these three stages can be shifted, resulting in changes in final microstruc
ture. By using the deposit thermal model, the relationship between process p
arameters and solidification behavior can be understood to obtain the desire
d microstructure and material properties.
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: hyhjjf.hit.edu.c]
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