发信人: bigapple (红富士), 信区: NTM
标 题: (RT-Linux-3)Real Time Linux
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Jun 21 09:11:39 2000) , 站内信件
Real Time Linux
RT-Linux was developed in the Department of Computer Science of the Institute
for Mining and Technology of New Mexico by Victor Yodaiken and Michael Baraban
ov. It is part of the work submitted by Michael to complete his Master in Comp
uter Science. The last version available is 0.6. For the moment it is only ava
ilable for INTEL architecture.
RT-Linux solves the problem in a radically different way. Instead of modifying
the kernel of Linux to make it predictable, what it does is to build directly
over the processor (i386) a small kernel -- independent of the Linux kernel -
- with a scheduler. The Linux kernel runs on top of this kernel sharing the pr
ocessor with other RT-tasks. Linux then shares the CPU with other tasks, more
precisely Linux is the background task, and runs only when no other RT-tasks a
re running.
I imagine many readers will be confused by now, perhaps many thought that the
O.S. is all-mighty and it is not possible to play with it.
It will be even more surprising to know the fact that it is possible to instal
l and remove the time scheduler dynamically, because it is compiled as a modul
The Linux kernel code (like any other O.S.) usually disables the interrupts as
a means for synchronization or to implement critical sections. If while Linux
disables the interrupts there is a clock interrupt, this remains blocked and
consequently there is a loss of temporal precision. RT-Linux implements an ele
gant solution: all calls to cli, sti, and iret (assembler calls that modify th
e state of the interrupts) are repaced by S_CLI, S_STI and S_IRET that emulate
them, this way Linux never can disable the interrupts.
The default scheduler that comes with RT-Linux is a preemptive, fixed priority
scheduler and considers the Linux task as the task with the lowest priority.
If the real-time tasks consume all the processor time, then the Linux task wil
l not received time from the CPU and it may give the impression that the syste
m is halted.
With RT-Linux we not only have a real time system but also a classic O.S. We c
an surf the web at the same time we are sampling and controlling a physical sy
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