发信人: bigapple (红富士), 信区: NTM
标 题: (RT-Linux-4)The Future of RT-Linux
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Jun 21 09:13:02 2000) , 站内信件
The Future of RT-Linux
There is already a multiprocessor RT-Linux version. The services offered by RT
-Linux are intentionally minimal, it is not necessary to include functionality
not strictly needed in order to keep the system as predictable as possible. N
evertheless, the are several extensions already available that allow to work w
ith semaphores and to control RT-tasks from the Linux processes through /proc/
Few weeks ago began the creation of a manual-tutorial for RT-Linux.
Before the appearance of RT-Linux most engineers who wanted to use real-time s
ystem were forced to either use MS-DOS and build all the necessary drivers, or
buy a real-time O.S. (at very prohibitive prices). Now developers have a full
Operating System to develop real-time applications on the same system were th
ey are going to run. In fact, we can even have several real-time applications
running at the same time we are surfing the web without problems.
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香WWW bbs.hit.edu.cn. [FROM:]
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