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标 题: (Embedded RT-Linux Part2)Working with Flash Memory
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Embedded RT-Linux
Part 2: Working with Flash Memory
by Ingo Cyliax
Once you decide that Linux might be the right OS for your embedded application
, where do you go next? Ingo has the answers as he reduces the Linux kernel an
d even shows how to boot it from flash memory or floppy disk.
Then I introduced Linux last month, I covered the initial development of Linux
as a conventional operating system for desktop and server systems. But, becau
se Linux tries to satisfy the needs of many, it tends to be very modular and f
Therefore, it can also to be pressed into service as an embedded OS for many 3
2-bit processors. With such possibilities at hand, I wanted to explain how to
embed Linux.
For many embedded applications, we want a small streamlined OS. Desktop and se
rver installations typically include relatively large memory configurations si
nce you don’t usually know what applications and programs you might end up ru
nning on it.
Today’s feature-laden desktop applications tend to be bloated for the amount
of work they do. As we’re frequently told, memory is cheap.
Well, although memory might be cheap, in the embedded-systems world, every dol
lar spent on memory and other frivolous resources comes out of the profit marg
in. Our goal: make systems as lean and mean as possible, without investing a l
ot of effort. A compromise is sought between systems that are general purpose
and those that are totally customized to one application.
So, rather than excessively customizing or writing something from scratch, let
’s look at how to embed Linux without too much fuss.
Most Linux distributions deliver a Linux kernel that is configured to be as ge
neral purpose as necessary and yet still support as many different devices as
possible. That’s fine for most desktop applications because there’s memory a
nd disk space to burn.
However, to embed Linux, the size of the kernel should be reduced as much as p
ossible. There are two techniques for accomplishing this task—customize the k
ernel and compress the kernel image.
It is possible to configure only the modules and device drivers necessary for
your applications. Linux lets you do this by running the kernel configuration
Photos 1a and 1b show screenshots of the graphical interface to this configura
tion script. You simply decide which modules you want included in a kernel bui
ld and save the configuration.
For many configuration options and device drivers, you can choose to select mo
dule support. This way, you can place the compiled code that implements the op
tion or device driver into a loadable object module that is stored on the disk
By putting the driver in modules, you can reduce the run-time memory requireme
nts of the kernel. When you need a certain feature, the module is loaded into
the kernel space and initialized. Once you’re done with the feature, the modu
le is unloaded and memory is reclaimed.
The kernel module loader can be used explicitly to load kernel modules via com
mands to load, unload, and list the modules currently loaded. As well, Linux h
as a dynamic kernel loader, which simply loads required modules as soon as the
kernel needs them. You can use whichever method suits your application.
The downside of using modules is maintainability. Because kernel modules have
to be stored on the disk, you have to make sure they’re on the disk when they
are needed. And, because many modules are needed, it’s often more difficult
to track their interdependency and version than if all the modules are statica
lly loaded into a single kernel image.
Once you configure the kernel and the necessary modules for your application,
you need to compile the kernel. Yes, full sources for the kernel and many modu
les and device drivers are provided in Linux.
To compile the kernel once it is configured, use the make utility. Usually, th
e command make vmlinux will compile and link everything that you need. But, if
you have modules that are required by the kernel, you also need to compile th
e modules in a separate step using the command make modules.
Once everything is made, you end up with a kernel image file. Next, compress t
he kernel so it takes up less space. First use the command make zImage. Compre
ssing the kernel is done with gzip, a compression tool and algorithms develope
d by the GNU project.
Now, let’s look at how to get Linux on a boot device. In normal Linux desktop
installation, the kernel and application programs are stored and booted from
a hard disk.
This situation is possible either in a dedicated Linux installation where Linu
x is the only OS on the disk or in multiboot configurations where Linux is one
of the OSs that can be booted.
In the multiboot environment, a boot loader prompts for the OS to load. Choice
s can include booting DOS, Windows 95, Windows NT, and others besides Linux.
Installation of Linux to a hard disk is the normal procedure and since it’s c
overed by the documentation that comes with most Linux distributions, I won’t
discuss it here. However, I do want to tell you how to deal with booting Linu
x in an embedded environment, where you may boot Linux from flash memory or fl
oppy disk.
To boot Linux, you have to load the Linux kernel that you have built into memo
ry and start running it. Typically, you do this by using a boot loader like Li
Lo (LinuxLoader).
LiLo has evolved to be very flexible and configurable. It is installed in the
boot block of a boot disk.
When LiLo boots, it consults a table to find out what images are available for
booting. These images can be Linux kernel images, DOS or Windows boot partiti
ons, and other Intel-based operating systems, such as OS/2 or QNX, which use t
he normal boot block method of booting.
Linux must be running to install and configure the LiLo boot loader. We can bu
ild a configuration LiLo file, which tells LiLo how to construct the table and
how to label each boot entry. A typical configuration file is shown in Listin
g 1.
The configuration file contains some general information about which drive to
install the boot loader onto and where to put the table on the disk. To instal
l the loader, run lilo. Of course, anytime you muck around with the boot block
s of a disk drive, it’s always wise to backup the contents of the drive first
You can also use LiLo for a Linux boot floppy. To do this, use a desktop syste
m, which serves as the development system.
Insert the floppy and install a Linux file system. Assuming the floppy is form
atted, a Linux file system is installed with the mkfs command in Linux. Once t
he file is made, the floppy is mounted and a /boot directory that contains the
Linux kernel is installed.
The /boot directory also contains the LiLo table image. Of course, for a boot
floppy, you only have one boot option—to boot Linux. The config file featured
in Listing 1 is what I’d use to configure LiLo for a floppy.
Now, if the floppy is booted in your embedded system, the system BIOS loads th
e LiLo boot loader, which consults its table of boot options. On the console,
LiLo prompts for an image name to boot and it will timeout and boot the defaul
t image if the user does not enter anything.
That’s configurable, of course, and LiLo can boot the image directly without
a prompt if you want. However, providing the prompt lets a user enter options
and flags for the kernel and can be used to debug things or change the locatio
n of Linux’s root partition.
Once LiLo determines which image to boot, it loads the image into memory and t
ransfers control to it. If no options are specified, the Linux kernel uses wha
tever file system it was booted from as the root file system. That’s importan
t because the kernel has to find the device entries for the console and any ot
her device to be used.
The kernel then executes /linuxrc or /sbin/init, depending on whether the file
is running from RAM disk. I’ll get back to that later on. If the system can’
t find /sbin/init, it starts up the shell, the command-line interpreter for Li
Although LiLo is flexible and complex, it requires a Linux file system to find
its tables and access the Linux file system. This can be a problem.
Because Linux bypasses the BIOS to access devices like the floppy disk and har
d disk, it can’t access devices like a flash-memory based disk unless they lo
ok like one of the more traditional devices. So, installation of LiLo on a fla
sh-memory-based file system is almost impossible.
Of course, if you use an ATA-compatible flash disk like the one from SanDisk s
hown in Photo 2, this is no problem. To the system, the disk will look like a
fast IDE drive, and any OS (including Linux) that knows how to access an IDE d
rive will be able to deal with it.
Photo 2—These flash-based disk modules are used in many digital cameras. Adap
ters for PCMCIA and PC/104 also exist for SanDisk modules.
Use the same technique here as when you generated the boot floppy. SanDisk fla
sh disks are popular in high-end digital cameras, and PCMCIA adapters are avai
lable at many places carrying such cameras. A Linux boot disk can be built wit
h a SanDisk on any notebook that runs Linux and has a PCMCIA adapter.
My embedded system also needs a SanDisk interface either via a PCMCIA or PC/10
4 adapter or through a Motorola NLX 55 Pentium-based SBC with an embedded SanD
isk interface.
If you have flash-based memory already on the embedded-system board but don’t
want to use an ATA flash card or SanDisk, you can try a Linux boot method tha
t doesn’t require a Linux-based file system.
Here, use another Linux boot loader—the DOS utility loadlin.exe. This boot lo
ader is simply a DOS program that loads a Linux kernel from a DOS file system.
With loadlin, you simply copy loadlin.exe and the kernel image zImage, or what
ever you want to call it, onto a boot disk similar to flash memory. You can th
en place loadlin zImage into your autoexec.bat file, and you’re all set.
With this method, you need DOS installed in your system, which requires a DOS
license. Or, you can use FreeDOS (see the excellent series on FreeDOS by Pat V
illani [INK 95–96]). Also, many flash-based embedded-system controllers come with a version of DOS installed.
There’s one catch when booting Linux via the DOS boot method. To use devices,
the Linux kernel still needs some sort of Linux-based file system to load the
initial program from as well as to map device entries.
Well, the Linux developers considered this problem right from the early days o
f Linux, and that’s why Linux supports using RAM disks as the root disks. You
can use RAM disks with either LiLo or loadlin. Linux even supports using comp
ressed RAM disk images, which take up the least amount of space on the boot me
So, how do you build a RAM disk image for Linux to use as a root file system?
You have to go back to your development system and use the sequence of steps i
n Listing 2.
Just create an empty file, initialize it as a Linux file system, and populate
it with device entries, the shell /bin/sh, and a test program. In this case, I
used hello, which is just a standard "Hello World" program featured in most C
books. Also, I placed a startup file .profile, which instructs the shell to e
xecute my program.
Once everything is loaded, unmount and unmap the file and compress it into a c
ompressed RAM disk image using the program gzip. This program is also used to
compress the Linux kernel image. Once you have a compressed RAM disk image, si
mply copy this to the boot device along with the kernel image, the autoexec.ba
t file, and the loadlin.exe utility.
Voil? Figure 1 shows what you need on a simple DOS-based boot disk that will w
ork from flash memory. Listing 3 shows the autoexec.bat file for this setup. T
he only difference is that I decided to use vmlinuz instead of zImage for the
kernel image. The name change is purely cosmetic.
Earlier, I mentioned that when the Linux kernel boots up, it looks for a progr
am in either /linuxrc or /sbin/init. If the root device specified as a boot op
tion is equal to the RAM disk, as in my example, the kernel uses /sbin/init.
But, if the root device is different than /dev/ram, and you are specifying a R
AM disk with initrd, the Linux kernel looks for and executes /linuxrc. If this
program exits, the kernel unmounts the RAM disk and mounts whatever root devi
ce has been specified. If Linux can’t find /sbin/init or /linuxrc, it execute
s /bin/sh in the hopes that some intelligent operator will tell it what to do
You might wonder about this strange behavior. The reason: so root partitions c
an be mounted from devices not loaded into the kernel.
Booting from the network is one example of such behavior. /linuxrc can then be
a shell script that initializes the network, allowing the kernel to mount the
required root volume from the network. In my case, Linux ends up executing /b
in/sh, which invokes its startup script in /.profile, but it’s always good to
know that other options exist.
Even though I created a 1-MB RAM disk image, I’m only using about 25% of the
file system for this example. Also, the boot disk I built uses less than 700 K
B. So, it should be possible to build some pretty neat applications and still
have them fit in a flash disk of 1–2 MB.
Although my example didn’t use any of these, it’s possible to use kernel-lev
el modules and dynamic libraries in embedded applications and run them from th
e RAM disk.
Whether or not you want to depends on your application. For the smallest apps,
you’ll probably end up building a custom kernel that has only the minimum of
what you need statically built in. Also, your application will be statically
linked. If you’re using a conventional disk, you can think about reducing the
run-time memory requirements by possibly using dynamically loaded libraries o
r kernel modules.
In this article, I’ve shown you that, although Linux is traditionally a deskt
op and server OS with many bells and whistles, it’s entirely possible to buil
d tiny embedded applications using Linux.
The examples I gave here are all possible with the RedHat distribution, which
includes both the LiLo and loadlin loader. In fact, you can boot Linux right o
ff their CD-ROM using loadlin.
Linux has the advantages of being almost freely available and familiar to quit
e a few people. I also included some resources of where to find Linux support.
Of course, only you can decide if Linux is suitable for your applications.
Ingo Cyliax has been writing for INK for two years on topics such as embedded
systems, FPGA design, and robotics. He is a research engineer at Derivation Sy
stems Inc., a San Diego–based formal synthesis company, where he works on formal-method design tools for high-assurance systems and develops embedded-system products. Before joining DSI, Ingo worked for over 12 years as a system and research engineer for several universities and as an independent consultant. You may reach him at cyl
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