发信人: bigapple (红富士), 信区: NTM
标 题: NT for Soft Real-time Control(Introduction)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Jul 25 10:55:51 2000) , 转信
Why We Chose the Microsoft® Windows NT Operating System?
Rockwell Automation was faced with a critical decision regarding our operating
system strategy for open PC-architecture-based soft control. Various alterna
tives existed in the marketplace including:
 Real-time operating systems (iRMX™, QNX®, OS-9®)
 DOS extenders (ControlWare™, PharLap TNT™, etc.)
 Extenders of the Windows NT operating system (Radisys INtime™
, VenturCom™ RTX™, Imagination Systems Hyperkernel™)
 Standard operating systems (Windows 95®, Windows NT, IBM&
#8482; OS/2®, SCO® UNIX®).
Various alternatives had strategic advantages such as:
 Downward scalability
 Real-time performance
 Technology access
 Development productivity
 Third-party compatibility
 Market acceptance
Very early on, market factors drove us to a Win32-based solution. Based on c
ustomer feedback, the Microsoft Windows platform was the only operating system
with sufficient software vendor support to be truly thought of as open. To o
ur customers, “open” meant that end-users had choices from multiple software
vendors. The overwhelming momentum of Microsoft Windows in the automation sof
tware market has made it the clear choice for open applications. Another key
aspect customers mentioned repeatedly was that software from multiple vendors
had to be able to coexist on the platform in a well-behaved manner. The goal
of open control became critical to our decision making.
This paper summarizes the reasons we chose the standard version of the Window
s NT operating system as our primary soft control platform. It also provides
the results of our investigations into the performance and appropriateness of
using the Windows NT operating system for control applications. Surprisingly
enough, selecting to use the standard Windows NT operating system has become s
omewhat controversial, in light of the recent product positioning statements b
eing made by our competitors. As soft control emerges in the marketplace, a g
reat deal of information has been spread regarding the performance, design, an
d reliability of the Windows NT operating system in an attempt to drive end-us
ers to the conclusion that the Windows NT operating system is totally inapprop
riate for soft control applications.
Though much of the information has some basis in fact, it doesn’t have the p
roper context, leading end-users to erroneous conclusions. Furthermore, equiv
alent scrutiny of the proposed alternatives to using the Windows NT operating
system is lacking. This paper attempts to provide an understanding of the per
formance results of the Windows NT operating system and provides a discussion
of key concern areas in the proposed alternative real-time extension technolog
ies. Based on our testing and understanding of the Windows NT operating syste
m and of alternative real-time extension technologies and further based on our
experience with plant floor control requirements, Rockwell Automation has cho
sen an unmodified Windows NT operating system to provide users with all of the
benefits of a truly open syst
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香WWW bbs.hit.edu.cn. [FROM:]
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