发信人: bigapple (红富士), 信区: NTM
标 题: NT for Soft Real-time Control(Conclusions)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Tue Jul 25 11:22:35 2000) , 转信
Restatement of Why We Chose the Windows NT Operating System
Rockwell Automation was faced with a critical decision regarding our operatin
g system strategy for open PC-architecture-based soft control. Market forces
made it clear that Windows compatibility was key to the success of soft contro
l, and the Windows NT operating system was clearly preferable for mission-crit
ical applications. Even after targeting Windows NT-compatible systems, variou
s alternatives existed in the marketplace including the standard Windows NT op
erating system and several extender technologies (Radisys INtime, VenturCom RT
X, Imagination Systems Hyperkernel, etc.).
This detailed research of the capabilities of the Windows NT operating syste
m, and the capabilities and risks of the extension technologies, we chose the
standard Windows NT operating system as our primary soft control platform. Th
e performance of the Windows NT operating system on fast Pentium processors a
nd symmetrical multiprocessing systems was found to more than adequate for a w
ide variety of soft control applications. The design and mission of the Windo
ws NT operating system were also found to be highly compatible with the goals
of soft control.
Support by the Windows NT operating system of RAID mirrored disk arrays and p
arallel disk arrays was found to be an excellent fit for control applications.
In addition, key new technologies from Microsoft, including OnNow, Zero Admi
nistration Windows, Wolfpack clustering, enhanced plug and play, and support o
f removal and insertion under power and dynamic driver loading for Universal S
erial Bus, IEEE 1394 FireWire and PCMCIA devices, will provide many exciting n
ew capabilities in the near future.
Though real-time extension technologies offered hope of improved performance
over that of the Windows NT operating system, we felt that:
刋 Real-time extension technologies were not required and precluded true open control.
刋 The technologies were immature.
刋 They increased system complexity.
刋 They raised long-term risks in terms of hardware compatibility, support, and access to future technologies.
刋 Where improved performance was required, the extension technologies held little benefit over PCI bus mastering control coprocessor boards or dedicated controllers, both of which introduced none of the inherent risks associated with modifying, blocking, and pre-empting the Windows NT operating
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香WWW bbs.hit.edu.cn. [FROM:]
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