Tsinghua 版 (精华区)
发信人: Landau (Dau), 信区: Tsinghua
标 题: Schedule
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Tue Jun 16 03:29:26 1998), 转信
【 以下文字转载自 Landau 的信箱 】
【 原文由 Landau 所发表 】
【 在 Landau (Dau) 的大作中提到: 】
: 标 题: 一个研究生的一天
: 发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Thu May 14 03:55:21 1998)
: 学人预备队即将转正,好奇心切,定要知道自己将要有的感情感受。下面贴
: 一篇一个美国研究生的日记,可作参考。(我记得在哪里曾看到过,如果
: 在这个版出现过,请原谅我的重贴。)
: A grad-student emotion check-list
: =====================================
: 6:30am Wakeup and lie awake in Bed
: 6:31 Realize you spent $18 on last night's dinner, means no eating out
: for the next 6 weeks
: 6:32 Hit snooze button. Go back to sleep.
: 7:00 Wake up suddenly with heart in mouth when you realize you didn't hit
: the snooze button--you turned it off.
: 7:01 fall asleep again.
: 7:44 Wake up with heart in mouth again.
: 7:45 Ready to go to school, will shave tommorrow, will eat early brunch at
: (Denny's/Penny's/Lenny's/Dinko's whatever cafeteria).
: 8:03 Arrive at school
: Realize your foreign officemate arrived earlier today
: must have got more work done
: 8:04 Pass by Advisor's office, chat with Secretary to find out if he is
: coming in today. He is, darn.
: Need to start work on the draft due this afternoon.
: 8:15 Read electronic mail
: 8:20 Delete mail from students taking CMPSC201 regarding questions
: about the class.
: Hate your TA job.
: Depression: too much work to do today
: 9:00 For jumpstart: go to Pepsi machine.
: 9:05 Kick Pepsi machine; promise yourself to call up the company
: and ask for your money back.
: Wonder why they would beleive you.
: 9:33 Start printing out loads of stuff that may be vaguely related to
: your work.
: 9:41 Early morning stupefaction.
: Mutter racist comments to yourself about your officemate.
: 9:43 Curse your officemate in a low tone he would not comprehend.
: Feel good about him not grasping English well.
: 9:58 Finger everyone in the department and most people half way
: around the world (using the "finger" command, of course)
: 10:19 Feel sleepy, should not have stayed late playing tetris last night.
: 10:31 momentary panic attack!!!!!!!!!!!!
: 10:43 edit .plan file. write a shell program to edit .plan more easily
: 10:59 Drop in at advisor's office and borrow something you dont need
: & and kinda make him aware you are working hard on your project.
: 11:05 perverted daydreams
: 11:11 read electronic news
: mid-morning yawn time
: 11:34 Start typing junk at a very high key-in rate to pretend
: you are working hard as your advisor passes by from outside.
: 11:35 Press the BackSpace key for one and a half minute until all
: the garbage you typed in is erased.
: Realize that you can type more than 256 characters per half minute
: 11:41 Flirt with the new girl in the department
: 11:45 Print out some slides for afternoon's draft + presentation
: 11:47 Print them again, you forgot to change the date from last
: presentation
: 11:49 Print another copy in case this one gets lost
: 11:51 Completely forget about sueing the coffee-machine company
: 12:15 Hunger pangs:
: 12:20 BigMac/Fries time
: Drink a not-so-cold generic can of cola from your desk.
: Ch-Ching, you just saved 35 cents by buying bulk cola.
: 1:00 Group Meeting with advisor
: 1:14 sudden awareness of one's shallowness
: resentment towards foriegn officemate for sucking up to your advisor
: Get reminded by your advisor that you need to do some more work
: for your literature survey.
: 1:51 Advisor hands you the reddened copy of your draft for corrections
: 1:51:02 The 49 second urge to murder advisor begins!!
: 1:51:52 Realize that he controls your assistantship/grade/
: graduation possiblity/graduation date/all job opportunities/
: and the rest of your life.
: 1:52:53 Thank him
: 1:52:54 Thank yourself for not saying something stupid to your advisor.
: 1:53:00 splitting headache #1
: 1:59 Check electronic mail, don't reply though, you are too busy to do that
: 2:06 More generic cola
: 2:17 Oh No, it is my turn to cook tonite :-(
: 2:30 Sit through the class you were told to sit through
: 2:39 Look outside the window make unrealistic plans to quit
: this degree program and take up a job.
: Wonder why blonde girls are so pretty.
: 2:48 More perverted day-dreams.
: Close the office door and open a few .gif files.
: sharpen pencil
: 3:06 worry about never graduating
: time to write a letter--NOT! no time for that.
: rearrange desk
: call up bank; see if you have any money
: fear of losing aid next Fall
: Read latex manuals to figure out how to put &$%&% in %$^% format
: 3:43 watch the clock
: make plans to do a all-nighter tonite
: Vow to watch only 2 TV programs
: 4:58 Notice Advisor leave
: 4:58:01 Sudden sense of freedom
: Go home for quick, short dinner break.
: 9:00pm Come into the office
: 9:01pm The hard working grad student you are, you have to come to the
: office late at night to "get the work done"
: 9:03 Check electronic mail
: Decide it would be a good time to attack those ftp sites
: since network wont be loaded
: Run into "since network wont be loaded" traffic and get the
: pictures into your machine.
: Compress all unwanted research/class directories to make space.
: Back up all your pictures
: 10:11 Admire pictures
: Begin work; Realize you need references
: Realize its too late today to go to the library
: Sudden feeling of having wasted the day
: 10:49 Sudden feeling of possibly having to waste the night
: Decide to turn in early and come back very early tommorrow morning
: Decide to play a Tetris on the system to put yourself in a good mood.
: 11:15 Play game after game after game to improve your score and
: get on the scoreboard.
: Realize that your officemate is still at number 6, two notches
: above you on the scoreboard.
: 12:20 Play until you beat your officemate into the 7th place.
: A sense of achievment!! Yes, today was not wasted!!
: Return home to find your roommate watching David Letterman reruns
: on NBC. Tell him about the "hard working grad student day you had"
: Discuss philosophy with roommate
: 1:09 Think about becoming a philosopher and dining with 4 others
: (The Dining Philosophers problem, hee hee :-) (Comp Sci joke)
: Argue with him about politics, why people prefer Japanese
: cars and whether it is better to set the heat to "hot" or "cold"
: to defrost the windshields faster.
: 1:49 Realize neither of you have bought milk today
: Get reminded of the "too much milk problem"
: 2:04 Forget about getting up early. Turn the phone ringer off
: and go to sleep.
Beware, he bites!
L. D. Landau(1908-1968)
tomorrow on Mars.
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: phy5.hit.edu.cn]
※ 转载:.紫 丁 香 bbs.hit.edu.cn.[FROM: phy5.hit.edu.cn]
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