Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: lofe ()感激生活(), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: Comp -- comp-2.c
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sun Sep 3 08:32:26 2000), 转信
* Listing 10 -- comp-2.c
* This module is the driver program for a variable order
* finite context compression program. The maximum order is
* determined by command line option. This particular version
* also monitors compression ratios, and flushes the model whenever
* the local (last 256 symbols) compression ratio hits 90% or higher.
* To build this program:
* Turbo C: tcc -w -mc comp-2.c model-2.c bitio.c coder.c
* QuickC: qcl /AC /W3 comp-2.c model-2.c bitio.c coder.c
* Zortech: ztc -mc comp-2.c model-2.c bitio.c coder.c
* *NIX: cc -o comp-2 comp-2.c model-2.c bitio.c coder.c
* Command line options:
* -f text_file_name [defaults to test.inp]
* -c compressed_file_name [defaults to test.cmp]
* -o order [defaults to 3 for model-2]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "coder.h"
#include "model.h"
#include "bitio.h"
* The file pointers are used throughout this module.
FILE *text_file;
FILE *compressed_file;
* Declarations for local procedures.
void initialize_options( int argc, char **argv );
int check_compression( void );
void print_compression( void );
* The main procedure is similar to the main found in COMP-1.C.
* It has to initialize the coder, the bit oriented I/O, the
* standard I/O, and the model. It then sits in a loop reading
* input symbols and encoding them. One difference is that every
* 256 symbols a compression check is performed. If the compression
* ratio exceeds 90%, a flush character is encoded. This flushes
* the encoding model, and will cause the decoder to flush its model
* when the file is being expanded. The second difference is that
* each symbol is repeatedly encoded until a succesfull encoding
* occurs. When trying to encode a character in a particular order,
* the model may have to transmit an ESCAPE character. If this
* is the case, the character has to be retransmitted using a lower
* order. This process repeats until a succesful match is found of
* the symbol in a particular context. Usually this means going down
* no further than the order -1 model. However, the FLUSH and DONE
* symbols do drop back to the order -2 model. Note also that by
* all rights, add_character_to_model() and update_model() logically
* should be combined into a single routine.
void main( int argc, char **argv )
int c;
int escaped;
int flush = 0;
long int text_count = 0;
initialize_options( --argc, ++argv );
for ( ; ; )
if ( ( ++text_count & 0x0ff ) == 0 )
flush = check_compression();
if ( !flush )
c = getc( text_file );
c = FLUSH;
if ( c == EOF )
c = DONE;
do {
escaped = convert_int_to_symbol( c, &s );
encode_symbol( compressed_file, &s );
} while ( escaped );
if ( c == DONE )
if ( c == FLUSH )
flush = 0;
update_model( c );
add_character_to_model( c );
flush_arithmetic_encoder( compressed_file );
fputc( '\n', stderr );
exit( 0 );
* This routine checks for command line options, and opens the
* input and output files. The only other command line option
* besides the input and output file names is the order of the model,
* which defaults to 3.
void initialize_options( int argc, char **argv )
char text_file_name[ 81 ];
char compressed_file_name[ 81 ];
strcpy( compressed_file_name, "test.cmp" );
strcpy( text_file_name, "test.inp" );
while ( argc-- > 0 )
if ( strcmp( *argv, "-f" ) == 0 )
strcpy( text_file_name, *++argv );
else if ( strcmp( *argv, "-c" ) == 0 )
strcpy( compressed_file_name, *++argv );
else if ( strcmp( *argv, "-o" ) == 0 )
max_order = atoi( *++argv );
fprintf( stderr, "\nUsage: COMP-2 [-o order] " );
fprintf( stderr, "[-f text file] [-c compressed file]\n" );
exit( -1 );
text_file = fopen( text_file_name, "rb" );
compressed_file = fopen( "test.cmp", "wb" );
if ( text_file == NULL || compressed_file == NULL )
printf( "Had trouble opening one of the files!\n" );
exit( -1 );
setvbuf( text_file, NULL, _IOFBF, 4096 );
setbuf( stdout, NULL );
printf( "Compressing %s to %s, order %d.\n",
max_order );
* This routine is called to print the current compression ratio.
* It prints out the number of input bytes, the number of output bytes,
* and the bits per byte compression ratio. This is done both as a
* pacifier and as a seat-of-the-pants diagnostice. A better version
* of this routine would also print the local compression ratio.
void print_compression()
long total_input_bytes;
long total_output_bytes;
total_input_bytes = ftell( text_file );
total_output_bytes = bit_ftell_output( compressed_file );
if ( total_output_bytes == 0 )
total_output_bytes = 1;
fprintf( stderr,"%ld/%ld, %2.3f\r",
8.0 * total_output_bytes / total_input_bytes );
* This routine is called once every 256 input symbols. Its job is to
* check to see if the compression ratio hits or exceeds 90%. If the
* output size is 90% of the input size, it means not much compression
* is taking place, so we probably ought to flush the statistics in the
* model to allow for more current statistics to have greater impactic.
* This heuristic approach does seem to have some effect.
int check_compression()
static long local_input_marker = 0L;
static long local_output_marker = 0L;
long total_input_bytes;
long total_output_bytes;
int local_ratio;
total_input_bytes = ftell( text_file ) - local_input_marker;
total_output_bytes = bit_ftell_output( compressed_file );
total_output_bytes -= local_output_marker;
if ( total_output_bytes == 0 )
total_output_bytes = 1;
local_ratio = (int)( ( total_output_bytes * 100 ) / total_input_bytes
local_input_marker = ftell( text_file );
local_output_marker = bit_ftell_output( compressed_file );
if ( local_ratio > 90 && flushing_enabled )
fprintf( stderr, "Flushing... \r" );
return( 1 );
return( 0 );
Every problem has a solution.
※ 修改:.haojs 于 Sep 3 08:30:01 修改本文.[FROM:]
※ 转寄:.武汉白云黄鹤站[FROM:]
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM: haojs.bbs@bbs.whnet.]
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