Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: lofe ()感激生活(), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: Fin--fin.c
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sun Sep 3 16:03:15 2000), 转信
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// table with predictions
char pcTable[32768U];
// macro to calculate index in pctable from previous 2 characters
#define INDEX(p1,p2) (((unsigned)(unsigned char)p1<<7)^(unsigned char)p2)
void Compress (FILE *pfIn, FILE *pfOut){
int c; // character
int i; // loop counter
char p1=0, p2=0; // previous 2 characters
char buf[8]; // keeps characters temporarily
int ctr=0; // number of characters in mask
int bctr=0; // position in buf
unsigned char mask=0; // mask to mark successful predictions
memset (pcTable, 32, 32768U); // space (ASCII 32) is the most used char
c = fgetc (pfIn);
while (c!=EOF){
// try to predict the next character
if (pcTable[INDEX(p1,p2)]==(char)c){
// correct prediction, mark bit for correct prediction
mask = mask ^ (1<<ctr);
} else {
// wrong prediction, but next time ...
// buf keeps character temporarily in buffer
buf[bctr++] = (char)c;
// test if mask is full (8 characters read)
if (++ctr==8){
// write mask
fputc ((char)mask, pfOut);
// write kept characters
for (i=0;i<bctr;i++)
fputc (buf[i], pfOut);
// reset variables
// shift characters
p1 = p2; p2 = (char)c;
c = fgetc (pfIn);
// EOF, but there might be some left for output
if (ctr){
// write mask
fputc ((char)mask, pfOut);
// write kept characters
for (i=0;i<bctr;i++)
fputc (buf[i], pfOut);
void Decompress (FILE *pfin, FILE *pfout){
int ci,co; // characters (in and out)
char p1=0, p2=0; // previous 2 characters
int ctr=8; // number of characters processed for this mask
unsigned char mask=0; // mask to mark successful predictions
memset (pcTable, 32, 32768U); // space (ASCII 32) is the most used char
ci = fgetc (pfin);
while (ci!=EOF){
// get mask (for 8 characters)
mask = (unsigned char)(char)ci;
// for each bit in the mask
for (ctr=0; ctr<8; ctr++){
if (mask & (1<<ctr)){
// predicted character
co = pcTable[INDEX(p1,p2)];
} else {
// not predicted character
co = fgetc (pfin);
if (co==EOF) return; // decompression completed !
pcTable[INDEX(p1,p2)] = (char)co;
fputc (co, pfout);
p1 = p2; p2 = co;
ci = fgetc (pfin);
/* test program by compressing and decompressing a file */
void main (){
FILE *a = fopen ("in","rb");
FILE *b = fopen ("out","wb");
Compress (a,b);
fclose (a);
fclose (b);
a = fopen ("out","rb");
b = fopen ("rin","wb");
Decompress (a, b);
fclose (a);
fclose (b);
┌─ ─┐
Every problem has a solution.
└─ ─┘
※ 修改:.haojs 于 Sep 3 16:00:47 修改本文.[FROM:]
※ 转寄:.武汉白云黄鹤站[FROM:]
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM: haojs.bbs@bbs.whnet.]
※ 修改:·lofe 於 09月03日16:07:46 修改本文·[FROM:]
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