Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: lofe ()感激生活(), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: Fin--comp2.asm
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sun Sep 3 16:03:28 2000), 转信
; Copyright 1991 by Jussi Puttonen, Timo Raita and Jukka Teuhola
; Written by Jussi Puttonen, 19.4.1991 at University of Turku, Finland
; Algorithms suggested by Timo Raita and Jukka Teuhola
InFile equ 0
OutFile equ 1
ReadBufferSize equ 16384
WriteBufferSize equ 16384
stack segment stack 'stack'
db 1024 dup (?)
stack ends
data segment para public 'data'
FailString db 'COMP failed.', 10,13, '$'
ReadBuffer db ReadBufferSize dup (?)
ReadBufferEnd label byte
ReadSize dw ?
WriteBuffer db WriteBufferSize dup (?)
WriteBufferEnd label byte
ExtraWriteBuffer db 10 dup (?)
data ends
table segment para public 'data'
db 8000h dup (' ')
db 8000h dup (' ')
table ends
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code, ds:data, es:table
; FlushBuffer must be called at the end of the program
WriteBlock: push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah, 40h
mov bx, OutFile
mov cx, WriteBufferSize
lea dx, WriteBuffer
int 21h
; take care of the ExtraWriteBuffer
mov cx, di
mov di, offset WriteBuffer
sub cx, offset WriteBufferEnd
je ExtraHandled
mov bx, offset WriteBufferEnd
ExtraCopyLoop: mov al, ds:[bx]
mov ds:[di], al
inc bx
inc di
loop ExtraCopyLoop
ExtraHandled: pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
FlushBuffer proc
mov ah, 40h
mov bx, OutFile
mov cx, di
lea dx, WriteBuffer
sub cx, dx
int 21h
FlushBuffer endp
; register use:
; bx address
; si pointer to ReadBuffer
; di pointer to WriteBuffer
; dl Bits
; bp SavedWriteLoc
jmp ProcessLastBytes
Start: cld
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov ax, table
mov es, ax
mov bx, 0
mov di, offset WriteBuffer
ReadBlockLoop: mov dx, offset ReadBuffer
mov si, dx ; to be used in ProcessBlockLoop
push bx
mov bx, InFile
mov ah, 3Fh
mov cx, ReadBufferSize
int 21h
jnc ReadSuccess
jmp fail
ReadSuccess: pop bx
mov ReadSize, ax
mov cl, 3
shr ax, cl
je jProcessLastBytes
mov cx, ax
ProcessByte macro SourceReg,BitVal
local over
cmp SourceReg, es:[bx]
je over
or dl, BitVal
mov es:[bx], SourceReg
mov ds:[di], SourceReg
inc di
over: mov bh, bl
mov bl, SourceReg
mov bp, di
inc di
xor dl, dl
ProcessByte al, 80h
ProcessByte ah, 40h
ProcessByte al, 20h
ProcessByte ah, 10h
ProcessByte al, 08h
ProcessByte ah, 04h
ProcessByte al, 02h
ProcessByte ah, 01h
mov ds:[bp], dl
cmp di, offset WriteBufferEnd
jb NoWriteBlock
call WriteBlock
NoWriteBlock: loop jProcessBlockLoop
jmp jNext1
jmp ProcessBlockLoop
jNext1: mov ax, ReadSize
cmp ax, ReadBufferSize
jne ProcessLastBytes
jmp ReadBlockLoop
mov cx, ReadSize
and cx, 7
je Finish
mov bp, di
inc di
LastByteLoop: lodsb
shl dl, 1
cmp al, es:[bx]
je over
inc dl
mov es:[bx], al
mov ds:[di], al
inc di
over: mov bh, bl
mov bl, al
loop LastByteLoop
mov cx, 8
sub cx, ReadSize
and cx, 7
je NoShift
ShiftLoop: shl dl, 1
inc dl
loop ShiftLoop
NoShift: mov ds:[bp], dl
Finish: call FlushBuffer
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
fail: mov dx, offset FailString
mov ah, 9
int 21h
mov ax, 4c01h
int 21h
code ends
end Start
┌─ ─┐
Every problem has a solution.
└─ ─┘
※ 修改:.haojs 于 Sep 3 16:01:00 修改本文.[FROM:]
※ 转寄:.武汉白云黄鹤站[FROM:]
☆ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香[FROM: haojs.bbs@bbs.whnet.]
※ 修改:·lofe 於 09月03日16:07:46 修改本文·[FROM:]
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