Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: Lerry (想不开·撞树), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: IOI'94 - Day 1 - Solution 1: The Triangle
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年03月29日13:24:22 星期五), 站内信件
IOI'94 - Day 1 - Solution 1: The Triangle
[ Problem Statement ] [ Test Data ]
Problem Analysis
Let us introduce some notation to formalize the problem. The triangle consis
ts of N rows with 1 < N <= 100. We number the rows of the triangle from top
to bottom starting at 1, and the positions in each row from left to right al
so starting at 1. The number appearing in row r at position p is denoted by
T[r, p] where 1 <= r <= N and 1 <= p <= r. There are 1+2+...+N = N*(N+1)/2 n
umbers in the triangle. This amounts to 5050 numbers in the largest possible
triangle (N=100). The numbers are in the range from 0 to 99.
A route starts with T[1, 1]. For r < N, a route may step from T[r, p] to eit
her T[r+1, p] or T[r+1, p+1]. It ends in some T[N, p] with 1 <= p <= N. Thus
, a route visits N numbers in N-1 steps. At each step in a route there are t
wo possible ways to go. Hence, there are 2^(N-1) routes in the triangle. The
largest possible triangle (N=100) has 2^99 routes. This is a huge number cl
ose to 10^30. The smallest value for a route sum is zero, and the largest va
lue is N*99, which is less than 10,000.
Our first design decision concerns the input data. Two approaches are possib
Read all input data at the beginning of the program and store it internally
for later use.
Process the input data while reading it, without ever storing all of it toge
Because the amount of input data is not so large (at most 5050 small numbers
), it is easy to store all of it in program variables. Unfortunately, Pascal
has no triangular arrays. It is, however, not a problem to introduce a squa
re array of 100 x 100 numbers, and use only the lower-left triangle. Here ar
e the Pascal declarations:
MaxN = 100 ;
index = 1..MaxN ;
number = 0..99 ;
N: index ; { number of rows }
T: array [index, index] of number ;
{ T[r, p] is the number in row r at position p }
(The triangle can be made into a rectangle by folding it, but this complicat
es the program unnecessarily.) Our first three programs start by reading all
input data. In the fourth program we illustrate the other approach.
For N=1 the problem is easy because there is only one route. In that case th
e maximum route sum equals T[1, 1]. For N>1, two types of routes can be dist
inguished: one half of the routes turns left on the first step from the top,
the other half goes to the right. Each route sum equals T[1, 1] plus the su
m over the route continuing from T[2, 1] when turning left, or from T[2, 2]
when turning right. Therefore, the maximum route sum equals T[1, 1] plus the
maximum of the sums over routes starting either in T[2, 1] or in T[2, 2]. D
etermining the maximum sum for routes starting in T[2, p] is the same proble
m for a smaller triangle.
Program 1
It is now easy to write a recursive function, say MaxRS, that computes the m
aximum route sum from an arbitrary position in the triangle:
function MaxRS(r, p: index): integer ;
{ return maximum sum over all down routes starting in T[r, p] }
if r = N then MaxRS := T[r, p]
else MaxRS := T[r, p] + Max(MaxRS(r+1, p), MaxRS(r+1, p+1))
end { MaxRS } ;
The invocation MaxRS(1, 1) then solves the problem. This solution is present
ed in Program 1. However, this program passes the first three or four tests
only. For a triangle with 60 rows (test 5) the number of routes is simply to
o large (more than 10^17) to be investigated in 30 seconds. You can eliminat
e the separate function Max (for computing the maximum of two numbers) by wr
iting it out into the body of function MaxRS, but that will not help (enough
This problem was included precisely because it is tempting to use recursion.
The `plain' recursive solution was intended to fail (on some of the tests).
Program 2
There is a standard technique to speed up such a recursive program, known by
such names as dynamic programming, tabulation, memorization, and memoing. W
henever the function MaxRS is called with actual parameters r and p for the
first time, the result is computed and memorized in a table, say as MRS[r, p
]. For every subsequent invocation of MaxRS with these same parameters r and
p, the result is not recomputed, but simply retrieved from the table as MRS
[r, p].
We introduce a table MRS that is initialized at -1 to indicate that the resu
lts are not yet known (note that all route sums are at least 0). The functio
n MaxRS can be modified as follows:
function MaxRS(r, p: index): integer ;
{ return maximum sum over all down routes starting in T[r, p] }
if MRS[r, p] = -1 then
if r = N then MRS[r, p] := T[r, p]
else MRS[r, p] := T[r, p] + Max(MaxRS(r+1, p), MaxRS(r+1, p+1)) ;
MaxRS := MRS[r, p]
end { MaxRS } ;
This idea is incorporated in Program 2. It is still a simple program and now
it is also fast enough, because not all routes are followed completely. A d
isadvantage of this solution is that it requires additional storage for the
table. In fact, Program 2 uses at least twice the amount of data memory comp
ared to Program 1 (such a trade-off between speed and memory usage is a comm
on dilemma). You can squeeze the table into the upper-right triangle of the
square array, but that would complicate the program needlessly.
Program 3
When program 2 is analysed a bit further, it becomes clear that table MRS is
filled in a particular order. Assuming that in the call Max(E, F), expressi
on E is, for instance, always evaluated before F, the recursion pattern turn
s out to be very regular. Filling starts at the lower-left corner and contin
ues from the bottom in diagonals slanting upward to the left. For five rows
the order is:
10 14
6 9 13
3 5 8 12
1 2 4 7 11
It is now a small step to come up with a program that fills table MRS in a n
on-recursive way. Furthermore, this can be done in a more convenient order,
say row by row from the bottom. That is, for five rows in the order:
13 14
10 11 12
6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5
The following procedure computes MRS non-recursively (also called iterativel
procedure ComputeAnswer ;
{ m := the maximum route sum }
var r, p: index ;
for r := N downto 1 do
for p := 1 to r do
if r = N then MRS[r, p] := T[r, p]
else MRS[r, p] := T[r, p] + Max(MRS[r+1, p], MRS[r+1, p+1]) ;
m := MRS[1, 1]
end { ComputeAnswer } ;
(Of course, you can eliminate the if-statement by introducing a separate p-l
oop for r=N, but the program is fast enough as it is and better to understan
d this way.) Observe that each number T[r, p] is now inspected exactly once.
Therefore, we do not need a separate table for storing MRS if we put MRS[r,
p] at T[r, p]. The type of T must be adjusted because the input T-values ar
e numbers in the range 0..99, but MRS-values possibly not. This idea is work
ed out in Program 3.
Program 4
In Program 3, all input data must still be read and stored before the actual
computation starts, because MRS is computed from bottom to top. Routes in t
he triangle can, however, also be considered from bottom to top by flipping
the direction. If we take that point of view, then we can say that
a route starts somewhere on the base at T[N, p] for 1 <= p <= N;
it steps upward either left or right (on the boundary there is no choice), t
hat is, from T[r, p], with 1 < r <= N and 1 <= p <= r, it may step to T[r-1,
p-1] if 1 < p, and to T[r-1, p] if p < r;
it always terminates at T[1, 1].
We now redefine MRS[r, p] as the maximum sum over all up-routes starting in
T[r, p]. The final answer is then obtained as the maximum value among MRS[N,
p] with 1 <= p <= N. The following recurrent relationships hold for MRS:
MRS[1, 1] = T[1, 1]
MRS[r, 1] = T[r, 1] + MRS[r-1, 1] if 1 < r
MRS[r, p] = T[r, p] + Max(MRS[r-1, p-1], MRS[r-1, p]) if 1 < r and 1 < p < r
MRS[r, r] = T[r, r] + MRS[r-1, r-1] if 1 < r
The case distinction can be avoided by defining MRS[r, p] = 0 for r < 1 or p
< 1 or p > r. We then simply have
MRS[r, p] = T[r, p] + Max(MRS[r-1, p-1], MRS[r-1, p])
MRS can be computed iteratively from top to bottom. Therefore it is not even
necessary to store all input values. Only one row of MRS needs to be stored
. From this row and an input row the next row of MRS is computed (this compu
tation is a little tricky). The final answer is the maximum of the last row
computed. Program 4 implements this approach.
Variants of this problem
Here are some variations on this problem. Instead of just producing the maxi
mum route sum, produce a path that attains this maximum, for instance, as a
sequence of L's and R's, for left and right turns respectively.
Given a triangle with numbers, compute how many routes take on the maximum r
oute sum. Similarly, compute the mean path sum.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM: 天外飞仙]
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