Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: Lerry (想不开·撞树), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: IOI'94 - Day 1 - Solution 2: The Castle
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年03月29日13:25:03 星期五), 站内信件
IOI'94 - Day 1 - Solution 2: The Castle
[ Problem Statement ] [ Test Data ]
Problem Analysis
A castle consists of at most 50 x 50 = 2500 modules. Therefore, the entire c
astle can be read from the input file and stored in program variables. Befor
e we decide on how to represent a castle inside the program, let us look at
the tasks to be accomplished.
Given a castle, we are requested to determine the number of rooms, the area
of a largest room (I write `a largest room' instead of `the largest room' be
cause there can be several rooms of maximum area), and a wall such that its
removal yields a room that is as large as possible. We now rephrase this mor
e precisely.
Two neighboring modules are said to be connected when there is no wall betwe
en them. A room is a maximal set of connected modules. The area of a room is
the number of modules it contains. Let us define the potential of an interi
or wall as the area of the room created by removing that wall. The third ite
m to be determined is a wall with maximum potential (a best wall).
A castle has at most 2500 rooms, and the maximum room area is also at most 2
500 (in fact, it is at most 2499, because there are at least two rooms accor
ding to the problem statement). There are (at most, but I would expect exact
ly) 4*50=200 exterior walls and at most (4*50*50 - 4*50) / 2 = 4900 interior
A well-known algorithm for determining rooms is based on painting the module
s, using a different color for each room. Starting with color number 0 in th
e north west module of the castle paint it and all modules connected to it (
in one or more steps). Continue with an unpainted module, using paint number
1. Repeat this until all modules have been painted.
For this approach it is necessary to traverse the (unpainted) modules of the
castle, and from each module to find the modules connected to it. Once all
rooms have been painted, there are several ways to determine the room areas,
the maximum area, and a best wall.
The castle has M rows and N columns, with 1 <= M <= 50 and 1 <= N <= 50. We
number the rows of the castle from north to south starting at 1, and the col
umns from west to east also starting at 1. The module in row r and column c
is denoted by Map[r, c]. For each module we record its walls, by listing for
each direction (west, north, east, south) whether there is a wall. The orde
r of the directions is inspired by the encoding of walls in the input file.
For each module we also maintain its room (color) number. This is captured i
n the following Pascal declarations.
MaxM = 50 ;
MaxN = 50 ;
Row = 1..MaxM ;
Column = 1..MaxN ;
Direction = (west, north, east, south) ;
Module = record
wall: array [Direction] of boolean ;
nr: integer ; { room number, -1 if unknown }
end { Module } ;
M: Row ;
N: Column ;
Map: array [Row, Column] of Module ;
In the record Module we could also have chosen to declare
wall: set of Direction ;
Which of the two declarations is to be preferred, depends on the operations
that will be done on `wall'. For this problem it would not matter much, but
initializing the array of booleans is slightly simpler.
Reading (and displaying) a castle
The following procedures reads a castle map from the input file `inp'. Its b
ody follows directly from the structure of the input file. The number w that
specifies the walls of a module is decoded by repeatedly inspecting and tak
ing off the least significant bit with `odd(w)' and `w div 2'.
procedure ReadInput ;
{ read M, N, and Map ; initialize room numbers to -1 }
var r: Row ; c: Column ; w: integer ; d: Direction ;
readln(inp, M, N) ;
if Test then writeln('Number of rows is ', M:1, ', number of columns ', N:
1) ;
for r := 1 to M do begin
for c := 1 to N do with Map[r, c] do begin
read(inp, w) ; { w encodes the walls of module Map[r, c] }
for d := west to south do begin
wall[d] := odd(w) ;
w := w div 2
end { for d } ;
nr := -1
end { for c with Map } ;
end { for r } ;
if Test then writeln('Input read') ;
end { ReadInput } ;
When developing a program, it is good practice to produce some test output a
long the way to help verify that things work all right. For instance, after
reading the castle, you can write it to the screen in a format that is easie
r to interpret than the encoded wall numbers. Here is a procedure to do so.
procedure WriteCastle ;
{ write Map to output }
var r: Row ; c: Column ;
for c := 1 to N do with Map[1, c] do
if wall[north] then write(' _') else write(' ') ;
writeln ;
for r := 1 to M do begin
for c := 1 to N do with Map[r, c] do begin
if (c = 1) then if wall[west] then write('|') else write(' ') ;
if wall[south] then write('_') else write(' ') ;
if wall[east] then write('|') else write(' ')
end { for c with Map } ;
end { for r }
end { WriteCastle } ;
WriteCastle presents the map of the example in the problem statement as foll
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
|_ |_ | _ |
| |_ |_| |_| |
| _ _| |_| | |
|_|_ _ _ _ _|_|
Determining the (number of) rooms
Procedure PaintMap will traverse the modules row by row (north to south), an
d within a row from west to east. Whenever it encounters an unpainted module
, procedure PaintRoom is invoked to paint the module and all modules connect
ed to it with the next color. We use the room number as color. PaintRoom is
most easily implemented by a recursive procedure:
RoomNumber = 0..MaxM*MaxN ;
rooms: RoomNumber ; { number of rooms completely painted }
procedure PaintMap ;
{ paint the map }
procedure PaintRoom(r: Row; c: Column) ;
{ if Map[r, c] is unpainted then paint it and all modules connected to i
t }
with Map[r, c] do
if nr = -1 then begin
nr := rooms ;
if not wall[west] then PaintRoom(r, c-1) ;
if not wall[north] then PaintRoom(r-1, c) ;
if not wall[east] then PaintRoom(r, c+1) ;
if not wall[south] then PaintRoom(r+1, c)
end { if }
end { PaintRoom } ;
var r: Row ; c: Column ;
rooms := 0 ;
for r := 1 to M do
for c := 1 to N do
if Map[r, c].nr = -1 then begin
PaintRoom(r, c) ;
rooms := succ(rooms)
end { if }
end { PaintMap } ;
(NOTE: succ(v) is a Standard Pascal notation for the successor of v. For int
eger v we have succ(v)=v+1. I happen to like succ.) For every unpainted modu
le, PaintRoom is called once; it then colors that module and makes at most f
our more calls to PaintRoom. Thus, altogether at most 2500*(1+4) = 12,500 ca
lls to PaintRoom are made. This should be feasible within the time limit. (W
hat are the precise minimum and maximum number of calls to PaintRoom for a 5
0 x 50 castle?)
For testing purposes it is convenient to write a color map of the castle. Th
is is done by procedure WriteColors:
procedure WriteColors ;
{ write Map colors to output }
var r: Row ; c: Column ;
for r := 1 to M do begin
for c := 1 to N do write(Map[r, c].nr:2) ;
end { for r }
end { WriteColors } ;
After calling PaintMap, WriteColors presents the map of the example in the p
roblem statement as follows:
0 0 1 1 2 2 2
0 0 0 1 2 3 2
0 0 0 4 2 4 2
0 4 4 4 4 4 2
Determining the room areas
While rooms are painted, their area can be computed, and the maximum can be
maintained as well. There is no need to store all areas computed. However, f
or the next task it is convenient to have a table that gives the area of eac
h room:
area: array[RoomNumber] of integer ; { area[n] is area of room nr. n }
maxarea: integer ; { maximum room area }
Instead of modifying the procedure PaintRoom to compute the area as well (yo
u run the risk of introducing errors; see Program 2 below), we write a separ
ate procedure MeasureRooms that computes the areas of all rooms, and also th
e maximum area.
procedure MeasureRooms ;
var r: Row ; c: Column ; n: RoomNumber ;
for n := 0 to pred(rooms) do area[n] := 0 ;
for r := 1 to M do
for c := 1 to N do
inc(area[Map[r, c].nr]) ;
maxarea := 0 ;
for n := 0 to pred(rooms) do
if area[n] > maxarea then maxarea := area[n]
end { MeasureRooms } ;
(NOTE: pred(v) is a Standard Pascal notation for the predecessor of v. For i
nteger v we have pred(v)=v-1. inc(v) is a Turbo Pascal notation for v:=succ(
v). It avoids duplicate determination of v's identity (address), which is us
eful here.)
Determining a wall with maximum potential
Recall that the potential of an interior wall is the area of the room create
d by removing that wall. For each interior wall we can easily compute its po
tential. Observe that this area is not necessarily the sum of the areas of t
he rooms on either side of the wall. (I made this mistake in my first progra
m.) It could be that the same room appears on both sides of a wall, that is,
the wall lies inside a single room. In that case its removal does not creat
e a larger room. The following procedure BestWall considers all interior wal
ls and determines a wall with maximum potential.
bestrow: Row ; bestcol: Column ; bestdir: Direction ;
procedure BestWall ;
var r: Row ; c: Column ; maxp: integer ;
procedure Update(k1, k2: RoomNumber; d: Direction) ;
var p: integer ;
if k1 = k2 then p := area[k1] else p := area[k1] + area[k2] ;
if p > maxp then begin
maxp := p ; bestrow := r ; bestcol := c ; bestdir := d
end { if }
end { Update } ;
maxp := 0 ;
for r := 1 to M do
for c := 1 to N do with Map[r, c] do begin
if (r >< M) and wall[south] then Update(nr, Map[r+1, c].nr, south) ;
if (c >< N) and wall[east] then Update(nr, Map[r, c+1].nr, east) ;
end { for c with Map }
end { BestWall } ;
Note that the if-statements inside the nested for-loops cannot be eliminated
by changing the upper bounds of the for-loops in the following way:
for r := 1 to pred(M) do
for c := 1 to pred(N) do ...
because this way possibly some interior walls (namely south walls of the eas
t-most modules and east walls of the south-most modules) are forgotten! Test
3 would catch this error; the erroneous output would be:
1 1 S
One may wonder whether the maximum potential can be determined more efficien
tly. Inspecting all interior walls may seem overkill. However, the amount of
work involved in procedure BestWall is on the same order as reading the inp
ut file and determining the rooms and their areas. Of course, it would suffi
ce to inspect just neighboring rooms (and not all the module walls in betwee
n them). But it is difficult to collect and store this information more effi
ciently. Note that a wall of maximum potential not necessarily involves a ro
om of maximum area!
Program 1 is the complete program. Program 2 is a variant where we compute t
he room areas while painting.
Variants of this problem
It is challenging to solve this problem with different constraints. For inst
ance, what about a castle that is so big that it cannot be completely stored
in program variables? Say the east-west dimension of the castle is at most
1000 modules and the north-south dimension at most 10,000 modules. If this i
s helpful, you may also assume that there are no more than 100 rooms.
Modify the program to find all rooms of maximum area and all walls with maxi
mum potential indicating which room pairs are involved. Check whether any of
the provided test input files is such that none of the walls with maximum p
otential involve a room of maximum area.
When judging programs for this problem, it is necessary to produce test inpu
t. Write a program that given a map of the castle (as produced by WriteCastl
e) generates an input file that encodes the walls with numbers.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM: 天外飞仙]
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