Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: Lerry (想不开·撞树), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: IOI'94 - Day 2 - Solution 3: The Circle
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年03月29日13:27:26 星期五), 站内信件
IOI'94 - Day 2 - Solution 3: The Circle
[ Problem Statement ] [ Test Data ]
Problem Analysis
Let me start by introducing some terminology, given a circular arrangement o
f numbers. Number p (not necessarily appearing in the circular arrangement)
is said to be creatable, when there is a segment of one or more adjacent num
bers in the circular arrangement with sum p. The tail of number m is defined
as the number t, t >= m, such that all numbers from m to t are creatable an
d number t+1 is not creatable (if m is not creatable then its tail is define
d as m-1).
We can now reformulate the problem as follows. Given are numbers n, m, and k
with 1 <= n <= 6 and 1 <= m,k <= 20. The objective is to find all circular
arrangements of n numbers, each number being at least k, such that the tail
of m is as large as possible. It is also required to output that tail. In fa
ct, the problem statement prescribes the output more precisely: the first li
ne contains the maximum tail, the following lines present the circular arran
gements (one per line), such that they start with their smallest number.
Observe that creatable numbers are at least k. Thus, for m < k the tail of m
is m-1, because m itself is not creatable. For k <= m the maximum tail is a
t least m+n-1, because of the circular arrangement consisting of the n numbe
rs m, m+1, ..., m+n-1 in arbitrary order. Since in the output these arrangem
ents should all start with the smallest number---that is, with m---there are
(n-1)! such arrangements. These arrangements and also their tail are called
trivial. The trivial tail is a lower bound on the maximum tail (provided th
at m >= k).
N.B. The number (n-1)! of trivial arrangements is not an upper bound on the
number of arrangements to be output. In fact, it turns out that the input n,
m,k = 5,10,5 has 32 arrangements for the maximum tail of 14.
From now on we assume k <= m (the Competition Rules explicitly state that al
l test data will have solutions; this also implies that 1 is a lower bound o
n the number of arrangements to be output). Furthermore, when we speak of th
e tail, we mean the tail of m.
The cases n = 1, 2, 3 are special, because every non-empty subset of the num
bers appears as a segment of adjacent numbers in the circle. The case n=1 is
uninteresting: the maximum tail is m obtained by the unique arrangement m.
The cases n = 2, 3 can also be solved ``by hand'', but they are tricky! For
instance, for n=2 and m > 1 there is the arrangement m, m+1 yielding the max
imum tail m+1 (observe that m+2 is not creatable since 2m+1 > m+2). But if k
=1 then there is also the arrangement m, 1 yielding tail m+1. If m=1, then t
he arrangement 1, 2 yields the maximum tail m+2 = 3.
We have already given the lower bound m+n-1 on the maximum tail. We can also
give an upper bound. The maximum tail is at most the sum of all numbers in
the circle. This upper bound is not very instructive. Observe that for 1 <=
p < n, there are n segments of p adjacent numbers, Furthermore, there is a s
ingle segment of n adjacent numbers (consisting of all numbers in the circle
). Thus, in total there are (n-1)*n+1 segment sums. In the best case every s
uch segment creates a different number. This means that the maximum tail is
at most m+(n-1)*n.
Systematic investigation of arrangements
Let us introduce some constants, types, and variables:
Max_n = 6;
Max_m = 20;
Max_k = 20;
Circle = array [1..Max_n] of integer; { intended: array [1..n] of integer
n: 1..Max_n; { input value }
m: 1..Max_m; { input value }
k: 1..Max_k; { input value }
Reading the input is easy. After that we will go through all possible arrang
ements once and store the best arrangements so far.
BestCount: integer; { # best arrangements so far }
BestArr: array [1..1000] of Circle;
{ BestArr[1..BestCount] = best arrangements so far }
BestTail: integer; { maximum tail found so far }
It is not clear at this point what upper bound to choose for the array BestA
rr with best arrangements so far. We have just picked 1000. If there is enou
gh time, then we could first go through the possible arrangements to find ou
t what the maximum tail is and in a second phase go through the arrangements
again to filter out the ones that have this maximum tail (possibly exploiti
ng knowledge about the maximum tail). That would avoid storing an unknown nu
mber of intermediate results. Yet another solution is presented later.
The final output is produced by procedure WriteOutput:
procedure WriteOutput;
var i, j: integer;
writeln(out, BestTail:1) ;
for i := 1 to BestCount do begin
for j := 1 to n do write(out, ' ', BestArr[i][j]:2) ;
end { for i } ;
if Test then writeln('Max tail = ', BestTail:1, '; # arr. = ', BestCount:1
end { WriteOutput } ;
We will use the following global variables for constructing and checking arr
Arr: Circle; { Arr[1..n] is the circular arrangement }
Tail: integer; { tail of Arr[1..n] }
Given an arrangement of n numbers, procedure ComputeTail determines the tail
of m. The idea is to compute the sums of all segments of adjacent numbers i
n the circular arrangement Arr. This generates the set of creatable numbers,
from which the tail is readily derived.
procedure ComputeTail;
{ post: Tail = tail of m for circular arrangement Arr[1..n] }
a, b, s, u: integer ;
Creatable: array[1..51] of boolean ; { Creatable[i] = i is creatable }
u := 1 + m + (n-1)*n ; { 1 + upper bound on maximum tail }
for a := 1 to u do Creatable[a] := false ;
for a := 1 to n do begin
s := 0 ; { s = sum of Arr[a..b] }
for b := a to n do begin
s := s + Arr[b] ;
if s <= u then Creatable[s] := true
end { for b } ;
for b := 1 to a-2 do begin
s := s + Arr[b] ;
if s <= u then Creatable[s] := true
end { for b }
end { for a } ;
Tail := m ; { linear search for smallest uncreatable number }
while Creatable[Tail] do inc(Tail) ;
end { ComputeTail } ;
There are a few things to be pointed out about ComputeTail. Because of our c
hoice for u we know that at least one of the numbers from m to u is not crea
table. In the for-loops, a is the first sector of the segments considered. T
he first b-loop considers segments that start at sector a and that do not cy
cle beyond sector n. The second b-loop cycles around to sector 1 and beyond.
Here we need not go further than a-2 because the segment consisting of all
numbers was already coverd by the first loop for a = 1 (strictly speaking it
has not first sector).
For each arrangement constructed, the variables t, BestArr, BestTail are upd
ated by procedure CheckArrangemant:
procedure CheckArrangement;
ComputeTail ;
if Tail > BestTail then begin { improved arrangement }
BestCount := 1 ; BestArr[BestCount] := Arr ; BestTail := Tail
end { then }
else if Tail = BestTail then begin { another arrangement with same tail }
inc(BestCount) ; BestArr[BestCount] := Arr
end { then }
end { CheckArrangement } ;
We would like to write n nested for-loops to go through all possible arrange
ments. This is a little difficult since n is a variable. It can be accomplis
hed by a recursive procedure. We have named it FillRemainder. The outermost
loop is a special case treated below.
procedure FillRemainder(i: integer);
{ Fill remaining sectors Arr[i..n] in all possible ways }
{ pre: i > 1 }
var j, u: integer;
if i > n then { all sectors filled, check whether arrangement is useful }
else begin { fill sector i in all possible ways }
if Trace then begin
for j := 1 to pred(i) do write(Arr[j]:3) ;
end { if } ;
u := m+(n-1)*n ; { naive upper bound on numbers to try }
for j := Arr[1] to u do begin { N.B. Arr[1] is smallest number }
Arr[i] := j ;
end { for j }
end { then }
end { FillRemainder } ;
The for-loop tries all possible numbers j at sector i. Since sector 1 contai
ns the smallest number, j can start at Arr[1]. the upper bound for j is less
straightforward. We have picked m+(n-1)*n because this is the upper bound o
n the maximum tail. It does not make sense to include larger numbers. It sho
uld be noted that this upper bound is rather rough, and may cause the invest
igation of too many arrangements.
Procedure FillRemainder is called by procedure ComputeAnswer that also provi
des the outermost for-loop:
procedure ComputeAnswer;
{ pre: k <= m }
var j: integer;
BestCount := 0 ; BestTail := m+n-1 ;
for j := k to m do begin
Arr[1] := j ; { N.B. this is the smallest number in the circle }
FillRemainder(2) ;
end { for j }
end { ComputeAnswer } ;
The only numbers to try in sector 1 are from k to m, since smaller numbers a
re not allowed by definition, and with larger numbers m would not even be cr
eatable. Note that for the best arrangements we need not necessarily have Ar
r[1] = m. An example is provided by the fourth test case (see input-4.txt an
d output-4.txt).
All of this is put together into Program 1. This program solves test cases 1
, 2, and 4 within the time limit; for the others that is doubtful.
Another remark about Program 1 is that if BestTail would be initialized to 0
instead of m+n-1, then the input combination n,m,k = 5,17,5 would cause an
overflow of the list of (intermediate) best arrangements: the program would
have to skip 1261 arrangements with tail 20, before finding the first arrang
ement with (maximum) tail 21 (of which there are only 24). It is hard to giv
e an upper bound of the number of (intermediate) best arrangements. In the n
ext program we will just start writing the best arrangements to the output f
ile, and overwrite it if we find an improvement.
Program 2
What improvements can we make to speed up Program 1? Why is it too slow? The
re are two things that come to mind. The first is that too many arrangements
are checked. A reason for this could be that the upper bound u for j in pro
cedure FillRemainder is unnecessarily large. The second is that when determi
ning the tails of arrangements a lot of computations are duplicated. Observe
that two arrangements that differ only in one sector share about half of th
eir creatable numbers.
It is difficult to improve the speed by avoiding duplicate computations when
determining tails of arrangements. The main reason for this is that (n-1)*n
/2 + 1 of the (n-1)*n+1 segment sums can only be computed when the last sect
or has been filled in. For n=6 there are 31 segment sums to be computed, of
which 16 involve on the last sector.
At the expensive of some overhead we can determine a tighter upper bound, th
ough this is a bit complicated. Let us take the case n,m,k = 5,3,1 as an exa
mple. Consider a state where the first three sectors have been filled as fol
i | 1 2 3 4 5
Arr[i] | 3 5 7
The call FillRemainder(4) will try numbers at Arr[4] starting from 3 up to s
ome upper bound. In Program 1 this upper bound is 23. In fact, Program 1 wil
l check 708,578 arrangements (and for each arrangement the tail of m is dete
The three sectors that have been filled in already determine 6 segment sums.
Here is a table indicating the creatable numbers:
Creatable | 3 5 7 8 12 15
not (yet) Creatable | 4 6 9 10 11 13 14 16
Filling in sector 4 with number j implies that the 11 (!) segment sums invol
ving Arr[4] will be at least j. In total there are 21 segment sums, so there
are only 21-11-6=4 segment sums that involve Arr[5] and not Arr[4].
Assume we try j >= 12 then all 11 segment sums involving Arr[4] will at leas
t 12, and the 4 remaining segment sums involving Arr[5] can then at best cre
ate the number 4, 6, 9, and 10. This would leave 11 uncreatable, yielding a
tail of at most 10. Apparently, a good upper bound for j is 11 (quite a bit
less than 23).
More in general, a better upper bound is obtained by determining which numbe
rs are already creatable, and by calculating the number q of segment sums th
at involve Arr[i+1..n] and not Arr[i]. The segment sums involving Arr[i] are
all at least Arr[i], and there will be at most q smaller segment sums creat
ed from Arr[i+1..n]. The (q+1)th number that is not yet creatable is a suita
ble upper bound for Arr[i] because beyond that point the tail can no longer
Here is procedure ComputeUpperBound that computes the improved upper bound:
procedure ComputeUpperBound(i: integer; var ub: integer);
{ post: ub = upper bound for Arr[i] based on Arr[1..i-1] }
a, b, s, u: integer ;
Creatable: array[1..51] of boolean ; { Creatable[p] = p is creatable }
u := 1 + m + (n-1)*n ; { 1 + upper bound on maximum tail }
for a := 1 to u do Creatable[a] := false ;
for a := 1 to pred(i) do begin
s := 0 ; { s = sum of Arr[a..b] }
for b := a to pred(i) do begin
s := s + Arr[b] ;
if s <= u then Creatable[s] := true
end { for b } ;
a := n - i ; { a = # unfilled sectors besides Arr[i] }
a := n*a - (a*succ(a)) div 2 + 1 ;
{ a = 1 + # segment sums involving Arr[i+1..n] and not Arr[i] }
ub := m ;
while a <> 0 do begin
while Creatable[ub] do inc(ub) ;
inc(ub) ; dec(a)
end { while }
end { ComputeUpperBound } ;
This is incorporated into a Program 2. For the case n,m,k = 5,3,1 now only 1
5,173 arrangements are checked. The case n,m,k = 6,1,1 drops from 28,629,151
arrangements checked by Program 1 to 156,072 by Program 2.
Variants of this problem
What if sectors may be used more than once? We still require that they are a
djacent. For example, for n=4, we could have a segment involving the 5 secto
rs 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 (sector 2 being used twice).
Given n,m,k find the tail of m with the most arrangements. Each arrangement
yields a tail of m. We are now interested in maximimizing the number of arra
ngements that yield the same tail (instead of maximizing the tail).
Find all triples n,m,k such that for the maximum tail of m there is at least
one arrangement whose smallest number is less than m.
Find all triples n,m,k such that their maximum tails have a maximum number o
f arrangements. I noticed that n,m,k = 6,19,6 has maximum tail 24 for which
there are 150 arrangements. Can you find triples with more arrangements for
their maximum tail?
To help you on your way, the file all.txt lists for each case its maximum ta
il and the number of corresponding arrangements.
※ 来源:·哈工大紫丁香·[FROM: 天外飞仙]
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