Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: ssos (存在与虚无·戒酒戒网), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: acm/icpc2001上海赛区试题
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2001年11月21日12:20:45 星期三), 站内信件
Problem A
Gnome Tetravex
Input file:
Hart is engaged in playing an interesting game, Gnome Tetravex, these days.
In the game, at the beginning, the player is given n*n squares. Each square
is divided into four triangles marked four numbers (range from 0 to 9). In a
square, the triangles are the left triangle, the top triangle, the right tr
iangle and the bottom triangle. For example, Fig. 1 shows the initial state
of 2*2 squares.
Fig. 1 The initial state with 2*2 squares
The player is required to move the squares to the termination state. In the
termination state, any two adjoining squares should make the adjacent triang
le marked with the same number. Fig. 2 shows one of the termination states o
f the above example.
Fig. 2 One termination state of the above example
It seems the game is not so hard. But indeed, Hart is not accomplished in th
e game. He can finish the easiest game successfully. When facing with a more
complex game, he can find no way out.
One day, when Hart was playing a very complex game, he cried out, “The comp
uter is making a goose of me. It’s impossible to solve it.” To such a poor
player, the best way to help him is to tell him whether the game could be s
olved. If he is told the game is unsolvable, he needn’t waste so much time
on it.
The input file consists of several game cases. The first line of each game c
ase contains one integer n, 0 ≤ n ≤ 5, indicating the size of the game.
The following n*n lines describe the marking number of these triangles. Each
line consists of four integers, which in order represent the top triangle,
the right triangle, the bottom triangle and the left triangle of one square.
After the last game case, the integer 0 indicates the termination of the inp
ut data set.
You should make the decision whether the game case could be solved. For each
game case, print the game number, a colon, and a white space, then display
your judgment. If the game is solvable, print the string “Possible”. Other
wise, please print “Impossible” to indicate that there’s no way to solve
the problem.
Print a blank line between each game case.
Note: Any unwanted blank lines or white spaces are unacceptable.
Sample Input
5 9 1 4
4 4 5 6
6 8 5 4
0 4 4 3
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
Output for the Sample Input
Game 1: Possible
Game 2: Impossible
Problem B
Input file:
In World War II, Germany once used an electronic encryption machine called E
nigma, which played a decisive role in the initial victories of Nazi Germany
. It was proved to be one of the most reliable encryption systems in history
. However, it was the blind trust on the reliability of the machine that bro
ught about the doom of its user.
The structure of a one-rotor Enigma is shown as follows (the Enigma has only
six keys):
The key element of the Enigma is the rotor, as shown in the second figure, w
hich uses electronic circuits to transform plaintext (input from keyboard) i
nto cryptograph (output on screen). When one key on the keyboard is pressed,
the corresponding cryptograph is shown on screen. Then the rotor will autom
atically revolve a one-letter-step to a different position. The following fi
gures illustrate how the rotor works when letter “b” is pressed three succ
essively times:
When letter “b” is pressed for the first time, the signal goes through the
circuit and “A” is shown on screen. When the key is released, the rotor r
evolves one-letter-step to a different position that changes all the corresp
onding circuits so that each letter now has a different cryptograph. When le
tter “b” is pressed for the second time, the corresponding cryptograph is
“C”. So when letter “b” is pressed for the third time, the cryptograph i
s “E” according to the principle specified above.
Now the following figure shows the structure of a two-rotor Enigma.
The difference is that when a key is released, the second rotor won’t revol
ve a step until the first one has finished one circle and returns to the ori
ginal position. This is also the same in the case of three-rotor Enigma. Tha
t is: Only after the first rotor has finished one circle and return to the i
nitial status, the second rotor will revolve a step. And only after the seco
nd rotor has finish one circle, the third rotor will revolve a step.
However, how did the Allied Forces obtain the information encrypted by Enigm
a? A person named Hans-Thilo Schimdt was very essential. He acted as a spy a
nd provided the initial status of the three rotors in each Enigma to the All
ied Forces once a month. The Allied Forces thus got everything they wanted b
y deciphering the intercepted cryptograph using the information offered by t
he spy.
Now, please design a program to obtain the plaintexts using the information
offered by the Allied Forces.
The input file contains several test cases representing several three-rotor
Enigmas. The last test case in the input file is followed by a line containi
ng a number 0.
Each case begins with a line containing an integer m (1 ≤ m ≤ 26) which in
dicates the number of sequential letters each rotor has. The first letter wi
ll always be A. (for example, m = 6 tells each rotor has 6 keys from A to F)
. The following three lines describe the initial status of the three rotors
respectively. Each of them contains a string consisting of m capital charact
er. For instance, a rotor with the initial status “BADFEC” indicates that
the initial encrypt mechanism is to convert “abcdef” to “BADFEC”, that i
s, original letter “a” corresponding to cryptograph letter “B”, “b” to
“A”, “c” to “D”, “d” to “F”, “e” to “E” and “f” to “C”. T
he forth line of each case contains an integer n which tells the number of c
ryptographs generated by the above Enigma. Then the following n lines are th
e n cryptographs respectively, which consist of m capital characters each.
For each test case, the output should consist of two parts. The first line i
s the number of Enigma and a colon. The following lines are the plaintexts d
eciphered from the corresponding cryptographs. Each plaintext should be prin
ted in one line. Note: The characters in the plaintext should be converted t
o the corresponding lowercases before they are printed.
Insert a blank line between test cases.
Sample Input
Output for the Sample Input
Enigma 1:
Problem C
Input file:
Jerry, a middle school student, addicts himself to mathematical research. Ma
ybe the problems he has thought are really too easy to an expert. But as an
amateur, especially as a 15-year-old boy, he had done very well. He is so ro
lling in thinking the mathematical problem that he is easily to try to solve
every problem he met in a mathematical way. One day, he found a piece of pa
per on the desk. His younger sister, Mary, a four-year-old girl, had drawn s
ome lines. But those lines formed a special kind of concave polygon by accid
ent as Fig. 1 shows.
Fig. 1 The lines his sister had drawn
“Great!” he thought, “The polygon seems so regular. I had just learned ho
w to calculate the area of triangle, rectangle and circle. I’m sure I can f
ind out how to calculate the area of this figure.” And so he did. First of
all, he marked the vertexes in the polygon with their coordinates as Fig. 2
shows. And then he found the result--0.75 effortless.
Fig.2 The polygon with the coordinates of vertexes
Of course, he was not satisfied with the solution of such an easy problem. “
Mmm, if there’s a random polygon on the paper, then how can I calculate the
area?” he asked himself. Till then, he hadn’t found out the general rules
on calculating the area of a random polygon. He clearly knew that the answe
r to this question is out of his competence. So he asked you, an erudite exp
ert, to offer him help. The kind behavior would be highly appreciated by him
The input data consists of several figures. The first line of the input for
each figure contains a single integer n, the number of vertexes in the figur
e. (0≤n≤1000).
In the following n lines, each contain a pair of real numbers, which describ
es the coordinates of the vertexes, (xi, yi). The figure in each test case s
tarts from the first vertex to the second one, then from the second to the t
hird, …… and so on. At last, it closes from the nth vertex to the first on
The input ends with an empty figure (n = 0). And this figure not be processe
As shown below, the output of each figure should contain the figure number a
nd a colon followed by the area of the figure or the string “Impossible”.
If the figure is a polygon, compute its area (accurate to two fractional dig
its). According to the input vertexes, if they cannot form a polygon (that i
s, one line intersects with another which shouldn’t be adjoined with it, fo
r example, in a figure with four lines, the first line intersects with the t
hird one), just display “Impossible”, indicating the figure can’t be a po
lygon. If the amount of the vertexes is not enough to form a closed polygon,
the output message should be “Impossible” either.
Print a blank line between each test cases.
Sample Input
0 0
0 1
0.5 0.5
1 1
1 0
0 0
0 1
1 0
1 1
Output for the Sample Input
Figure 1: 0.75
Figure 2: Impossible
Problem D
Input file:
The NTA (Non-deterministic Tree Automata) is a kind of tree structure device
. The device is built in a set of operating rules. With these rules the devi
ce can produce several signals, which will form a signal system. In such a s
ystem, one signal is the starting signal, several signals are the acceptable
signals, and the others are the auxiliary ones. A pair of signals is said t
o be an acceptable pair if both two signals of the pair are acceptable.
The trees discussed here are all binary trees. Every non-leaf node has two s
uccessors. In any finite tree, each node has a signal-transmitting element.
When a signal arrives at one node, the signal meets the signal transmitting
substance, and triggers off signal reactions, which will produce several pai
rs of signals. Then the device selects a pair of signals non-deterministical
ly and sends them to its successors. The first signal in the signal pair is
sent to the left successive node and the second one is sent to the right suc
cessive node.
The whole operation for an NTA is as follows:
The device first sends the starting signal to the root node. According to th
e signal transmitting substance at the root node, the device selects a pair
of signals non-deterministically and sends the first to the left son and the
second to the right son. Each of the two signals then meets the signal tran
smitting substance at the corresponding node and produces another two signal
s. The course proceeds down until the signals arrive at the leaves.
If a signal reaches one leaf and the leaf can produce a pair of acceptable s
ignals, we say the leaf is “shakable”. A transmission of signals from the
root to leaves is said to be valid if all leaves are “shakable”. A tree st
ructure with signal transmitting substance is valid if there exists such a v
alid transmission. A tree is invalid if all the transmissions are invalid.
For simplicity, we denote the signal transmitting elements by consecutive lo
wercase letters “a”, “b”, “c”, etc.. The signals of an NTA are consecu
tive numbers 0,1,2, ..., and so on. The first signal 0 is always a starting
signal. Thus the signals for a 4-signal NTA are “0” “1” “2” and “3”.
Accepting signals are arranged at the end of the number sequence so that if
a 4-signal NTA has two accepting signals, the accepting signals are “2” a
nd “3”. The transition rules of signals are based on a transition table. F
or example, the following table describes a transition table with four signa
ls “0”, “1”, “2”, “3” and with three signal transmitting elements “
a”, “b” and “c”.
T a b c
0 (1,2) (2,1) (1,0)
1 (2,2) (0,2)、(1,0) (3,2)
2 (2,2) (2,3) (1,2)
3 (1,2) (2,1) (3,2)
In this transition table some reactions of signals on certain signal transmi
tting elements are deterministic, and others are non-deterministic. In the e
xample above, if signal “1” reaches the node with the transmitting element
“b”, the reaction is non-deterministic.
Now your task is to write a program to judge if a tree structure with certai
n signal transmitting substance is valid.
The input file contains several cases. Each case describes a sequence of NTA
descriptions and some initial tree configurations. The first line for each
case consists of three integers n, m and k. The integer n is the number of s
ignals, m indicates the number of accepting signals, and k is number of sign
al transmitting elements. The following n′k lines describe the transition t
able in row-major order. Each transition of a signal on signal transmitting
element is given on a separate line. On such line every two numbers represen
t a possible transition.
This is followed by the description of tree structures. For every tree struc
ture a number L is given on a separate line to indicate the level of the tre
e. The following L+1 lines containing a sequence of letters describe the tre
e structure. Each level is described in one line. There exist one space betw
een two successive letters. The 0-th level begins firstly. In the tree struc
ture, the empty nodes are marked by “*”. The tree structure with L=-1 term
inates the configurations of tree structures for that NTA, and this structur
e should not be judged.
The input is terminated by a description starting with n=0, m=0 and k=0. Thi
s description should not be processed.
Note: In each case, NTA will have at most l5 signals and 10 characters. The
level of each tree will be no more than 10.
For each NTA description, print the number of the NTA (NTAl, NTA2, etc.) fol
lowed by a colon. Then for each initial tree configuration of the NTA print
the word “Valid” or “Invalid”.
Print a blank line between NTA cases.
Sample Input
4 2 3
1 2
2 1
1 0
2 2
0 2 1 0
3 2
2 2
2 3
1 2
1 2
2 1
3 2
b c
a b c b
b a b a c a * *
a b
b c * *
0 0 0
Output for the Sample Input
Problem E
Input file:
Mr. Ronald is responsible for the administration of the mainframe in ACM (Ag
ent on Computing of Mathematics). The agent undertakes the mathematical comp
uting jobs from some companies, and gain the rewards after has fulfilled the
jobs on the mainframe. So the mainframe is very valuable to ACM. Mr. Ronald
is required to arrange the order of those jobs running on mainframe. Once a
job is to run, he examines the free resources for the job. If the resources
meet the job’s requirement, he assigns those resources to the job. Otherwi
se, the job will be suspended until there are enough resources.
Because of unfamiliar with the task at first, he turned everything upside do
wn. As time went by, he became competent on it. Moreover, he had concluded a
set of byelaw as following:
1. The mainframe has M CPUs and N memories can be assigned.
2. There exists a queue for the jobs waiting to be executed. You may assume
the queue is large enough to hold all the waiting jobs.
3. A job Ji which need Ai CPUs and Bi memories, reaches the queue on time Ti
. The job is required to be accomplished before time Ui. After successfully
completed, ACM may get Vi($) as the reward. If it finishes before the timeli
ne, the extra bonus is Wi($) per hour. If the job is late, the punishment is
Xi($) per hour. For example, we may assume that a job’s value is 10$, its
timeline is 8, and the punishment is 2$ per hour. If the job is completed at
time 10, ACM will get 10-(10-8)*2=6$.
4. When the job start executing, the required CPUs and memories are seized b
y this job, and couldn’t be assigned again for the other job to be executed
simultaneously. After completing the job, those resources will be released.
If the resources are enough, more jobs could be executed simultaneously.
5. For the sake of the share in the mainframe’s computing capability, each
job will be finished just in an hour from the start of executing. You may as
sume each job costs exactly one hour.
6. When there are no jobs to be executed, the mainframe will be idle until a
job arrives at the job queue.
7. If there are more than one jobs arrive at the queue, the more valuable jo
b will be executed first. You may assume the values of the jobs are always u
nequal (Vi≠Vj).
8. If the free CPUs or memories couldn’t satisfy the requirement of the job
, the job will be suspended for an hour without occupying any resources. An
hour later, the resources will be examined again for this job, regardless th
e other jobs in the queue. If the requirement unsatisfied again, it remains
suspended for the next hour, and other jobs in the queue will try to be assi
gned the resources. Otherwise the job will seize the required CPUs and memor
ies and start executing.
9. When more than one jobs are suspended, the earlier arrived will try to be
assigned first.
Using the byelaw, Mr. Ronald may deal with the routines very well. But now,
besides the routines, ACM ask him to compute the income according to the job
list. Given the timeline F, he has to calculate the jobs that had been exec
uted or should be executed. Of course, according to job Ji, if Ui>F and the
job hadn’t been executed, it shouldn’t been taken into account; but those
which had been executed or Ui<=F should been counted. If the job hadn’t bee
n executed, it will not bring ACM any value, which means only punishment to
the timeline should be calculated
Indeed, his programming ability is not good enough, and he does not like to
compute manually. So he is uneasy about it. Could you help him to solve this
The input contains several test cases, each of which describes the mainframe
’s resources and the job list. Each test case begins with a line containing
a single integer F, 0≤F≤10000, the time line. The following line consists
of three integers M, N and L (M, N, L≥0). M is the number of CPU in the ma
inframe, and N is the memory size. L represents the number of jobs in the jo
b list. There will be 10000 jobs at most.
The subsequent L lines in the test case describe the information of the jobs
. The data which describing job Ji consist of 7 integers Ai, Bi, Ti, Ui, Vi,
Wi, Xi. Ai and Bi indicate the requirements on CPU and memory (Ai, Bi≥0).
Ti and Ui indicate the job’s arriving time and the timeline (0≤Ti<Ui). Vi,
Wi, Xi are the reward, bonus and punishment of the job (Vi, Wi, Xi≥0).
The input file ends with an empty test case (F=0). And this case should not
be processed.
Your program must compute the total income of the mainframe according to the
job list. For each test case, print the case number, a colon, and a white s
pace, then the income.
Print a blank line after each test case.
Note: Don’t count the jobs which hadn’t been executed, and their timelines
are later than F.
Sample Input
4 256 3
1 16 2 3 10 5 6
2 128 2 4 30 10 5
2 128 2 4 20 10 5
Output for the Sample Input
Case 1: 74
Problem F
Great Equipment
Input file:
Once upon a time, there lived Catherine Ironfist, the Queen of Enroth. One d
ay, she received the news of her father’s death. So she sailed for Erathia
to attend her father’s funeral. Fearing the worst, she assembled a military
fleet as her escort. On reaching the coast of Erathia, Catherine found an a
llied wizard’s tower, devastated from battle and abandoned. There she learn
ed that a black-hearted knight poisoned her father using a goblet of wine, a
nd Erathia was falling to the enemies. And then, she mustered local armies,
and marched to Erathia’s castle, restoring lost land along the way.
During the battles, she found that the equipments for the soldiers were in u
rgent need. And she knew clearly that the best equipments were made by the b
attle dwarf’s workshop in the world. The workshop’s equipments were well k
nown for the firmness and top-quality. “Cloak of the Undead King”, “Armor
of the Damned”, “Angelic Helm” are the nonesuch ones. But unfortunately,
the workshop was seated at the Erathia’s castle, the territory under the e
nemy's control. So she sent a brave volunteer to come into the castle and as
ked for the workshop’s help.
“It’s our pleasure to help the righteous heroine.” Rion, the leader of th
e workshop sent the message to Catherine, “ We haven’t enough resources to
build the nonesuch equipments. So we’ll try to offer the ordinary equipmen
ts as more as possible. Still, those ones are much better the equipments mad
e by other workshops. But we have faced a difficult problem. The castle is i
n a state of siege. The guards prohibited the equipments to be carried away
from the castle. We have to ask for the trade caravans’ help. As you know,
each trade caravan’s capability of carrying equipments is limited. If they
had carried a little more, they would be detected by the guards, which would
lead them into the prison. So you have to arrange how to carry these equipm
The workshop would offer helms, armors and boots. These three ones had diffe
rent defend capabilities. Also, their weight and size were different from ea
ch other. What’s more, Rion had told Catherine that if armed with those thr
ee ones together, they would form a set of equipments, which might provide m
uch more defend capability. As far as the trade caravan was concerned, each
one had its special weight limitation and size limitation. Catherine had to
make the decision on how to arrange the transportation plan to provide her s
oldiers as more defend capabilities as possible. Could you help her to finis
h the plan?
The input describes several test cases. The first line of input for each tes
t case contains a single integer n, the number of trade caravans (0≤n≤100)
The following four lines describe the information of those equipments. The f
irst line contains three integers w1, s1 and d1, indicating the weight, size
and defend capabilities of the helm. The integers w2, s2 and d2 in the seco
nd line represent the weight, size and defend capabilities of the armor. Als
o, in the third line, w3, s3 and d3 are the weight, size and defend capabili
ties of the boot. The fourth line contains four integers c1, c2, c3 and d4.
Among those integers, c1, c2, c3 are the number of helms, armors and boots i
n a set of equipments, d4 is the capability of this set.
In the test case, following those data are n lines, describing the carrying
capabilities of the trade caravans. Each line contains two integers, xi and
yi, indicating the weight limit and size limit of a trade caravan.
The input is terminated by a description starting with n = 0. This descripti
on should not be processed.
Note: Because of the trade caravans’ carrying capabilities, you may assume
the quantities of the helms, armors and boots will not exceed 500 respective
Your program must compute the defend capability of the best carrying plan. T
hat is, after having performed the carrying plan, the defend capability of t
he equipments which have been carried away from the castle should be the lar
gest. For each test case in the input file, print the case number and a colo
n, and then the defend capability of those equipments.
Print a blank line between test cases.
Sample Input
1 1 3
5 6 10
2 1 2
1 1 1 50
1 1
5 6
2 1
Output for the Sample Input
Case 1: 50
Problem G
Input file:
Professor Maple teaches mathematics in a university. He have invented a func
tion for the purpose of obtaining the operands from an expression. The funct
ion named op(i,e) can be described as follows: The expression e may be divid
ed into sub-expression(s) by the operator, which has the lowest priority in
the expression. For example, the expression “a*b+b*c+c*d” should be divide
d into three sub-expressions “a*b”, “b*c” and “c*d”, because the opera
tor “+” has the lowest priority. The purpose of this function is to extrac
t the ith sub-expression as the result. So, in the example above, op(2,e)=b*
If we regard the sub-expression as the main expression, it might be divided
again and again. Obviously, the dividing process is recursive. As you see, t
he following example is much more complex:
Let p:=a^b*c+(d*c)^f*z+b
Professor Maple is so lazy that he would leave the work to computer rather t
han do it himself, when the expression is long and complicated. Of course, w
ithout your program, the computer won’t work out the result automatically.
The input file contains several test cases. The last test case in the input
file is followed by a line containing a symbol “*”, indicating the end of
the input data. Each test case consists of two parts. The first part describ
es the expression, while the second part contains several questions, which s
hould be calculated according to the expression.
The first line of each test case contains an expression consists of the expr
ession name, “:=” and the content of the expression. The expression name i
s a lowercase. And the content is composed by lowercases and operators “+”
, “(”, “)”, “*” and “^”. For example, here is a valid expression, p:
=a^b*c+(d*c)^f*z+b. Among those operators, “(” and “)” have the highest
priority. The operator “^” has a lower priority, and then “*”. The prior
ity of the operator “+” is the lowest.
The second line of each test case contains an integer n indicating n questio
ns based on the above expression. This is followed by n lines. Each of them
contains the description of one question, which consists of integers. For ex
ample, the question with three integers “2 1 1” describes the function op(
1,op(1,op(2,e))). To compute this function, we have to keep to the following
sequence: First, according to the first integer 2, divide the expression an
d extract the 2nd sub-expression. Then, according to the second integer 1, d
ivide the sub-expression and extract the 1st one. Finally, according to the
third integer 1, divide the outcome again, and extract the result.
For each test case, display the expression name and a colon on the first lin
e. Then display the result of each question on a line. The layout of the out
put is shown in the sample output.
You may assume that all expressions and functions are always valid.
Display a blank line between test cases.
Sample Input
2 1 1
2 2
3 1
1 2
1 2 1
Output for the Sample Input
Expression p:
Expression a:
Problem H
Fishing Net
Input file:
In a highly modernized fishing village, inhabitants there make a living on f
ishery. Their major tools, fishing nets, are produced and fixed by computer.
After catching fishes each time, together with plenty of fishes, they will
bring back the shabby fishing nets, which might be full of leaks. Then they
have to inspect those nets. If there exist large leaks, they have to repair
them before launching out again.
Obviously, the smaller the leaks in the fishing nets are, the more fishes th
ey will catch. So after coming back, those fishermen will input the informat
ion of the fishing nets into the computer to check whether the nets have lea
The checking principle is very simple: The computer regards each fishing net
as a simple graph constructed by nodes and edges. In the graph, if any circ
le whose length (the number of edges) is larger than 3 must has at least one
chord, the computer will output “Perfect” indicating that the fishnet has
no leaks. Otherwise, “Imperfect” will be displayed and the computer will
try to repair the net.
Note: A circle is a closed loop, which starts from one node, passes through
other distinct nodes and back to the starting node. A chord is an edge, whic
h connects two different nodes on the circle, but it does not belong to the
set of edges on the circle.
The input file contains several test cases representing different fishing ne
ts. The last test case in the input file is followed by a line containing 0
The first line of each test case contains two integers, n and m, indicating
the number of nodes and edges on the net respectively, 1≤n≤1000. It is fol
lowed by m lines accounting for the details of the edges. Each line consists
of two integers xi and yi, indicating there is an edge between node xi and
node yi.
For each test case, display its checking results. The word “Imperfect” sug
gests that the corresponding fishing net is leaking, while the word “Perfec
t” stands for a fishing net in good condition.
Follow the output for each net with a blank line.
Sample Input
4 4
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1
3 3
1 2
2 3
3 1
0 0
Output for the Sample Input
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