Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: Lerry (life is waiting...), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: 系统分析与设计方法(第五版 影印版)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年11月09日14:57:44 星期六), 站内信件
系统分析与设计方法(第五版 影印版)ISBN 7-04-010045-2/TP.697 P724
System Analysis and Design Methods (Fifth Edition)
Jeffrey L.Whitten, Lonnie D. Bentley and Kevin C. Dittman,2001.4出版,定
内容:1. 系统分析与设计概述(系统游戏的参与者,信息系统构架块,信息系统开
发,项目管理) 2. 系统分析方法(系统分析,需求分析,数据模型与分析,过程建模
,可行性分析与系统处理) 3. 系统设计方法(系统设计,应用程序体系结构与建模,
数据库设计,输出设计与原型,输入设计与原型,用户界面设计) 4. 系统分析与设计
的提高(系统构建与实现,系统操作与支持)5. 高级的分析与设计方法 模块A 面向对
象的分析与建模 模块B 面向对象的设计与建模
More than ever, today's students are "consumer-oriented," due in part to
the changing world economy that promotes quality, competition, and professi
onal currency. They expect to way from a course with more than a grade and a
promise that they'll someday appreciate what they've learned. They want to
"practice" the applications of concepts. As with the previous editions of th
is book , we wrote it to: (1)balance the coverage of concepts, tools, techni
ques, and their application, (2)provide the most examples of system is and d
esign deliverables available in any book, and (3)balance the coverage of cla
ssical methods (such as structured analysis and information engineering) and
emerging methods (e.g., object-oriented analysis and rapid application deve
lopment). Additionally, we wrote the textbook to serve the reader as a post-
course, professional reference for best current practices.
Consistent with the first four edition, we have written the book using a
lively, conversational tone. Our experience suggests that the more traditio
nal, academic tone detracts from student interest. The "talk with you—not a
t you" style seems to work well with a wider variety of student. We hope tha
t our style does not offend or patronize any specific audience. We apologize
if it does.
Systems Analysis and Design Methods, fifth edition, is intended to suppo
rt one or more practical courses in information systems development. These c
ourses are normally taught at the sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate lev
el. They are taught in vocational trade schools, junior colleges are taught
to both information systems and business majors.
We recommend that students should have taken a computer and information
systems-literacy course. While not required or assumed, a programming course
can significantly enhance the learning experience provided by this text boo
Systems Analysis and Design Methods, fifth edition, is divided into five
parts. Past experience indicates that instructors can omit and resequence c
hapters as they feel in important to their audience. Every effort has been m
ade to decouple chapters from one another as much as possible to assist in r
esequencin the material—even to the extent of reintroducing selected concep
ts and terminology.
Part One, The Context of Systems Analysis and Design, presents the infor
mation systems development introduce the student to systems analysts, other
project team members(including users and management), information systems bu
ilding blocks(based on the Zachman framework),a contemporary systems develop
ment life cycle, and project management. Part One can be covered relatively
quickly. Some adopters may prefer to omit project management, or delay it un
til the end of the book.
Part Two, Systems Analysis Methods, covers the front-end life cycle acti
vities, tools, and techniques for analyzing business problems, specifying bu
siness requirements for an information system, and proposing a business and
system solution. Cover age includes requirement gathering data modeling with
entity-relationship diagrams, process modeling with data flow diagrams, req
uirements specification in a data dictionary, and solution identification an
d the system proposal.
Part Three, Systems Design Methods, covers the middle life cycle activit
ies, tools, and techniques. It includes coverage of both general and detaile
d design with a particular emphasis on application architecture, rapid devel
opment and prototyping, external design (outputs, inputs, and interfaces), a
nd internal design.
Part Four, Beyond Systems Analysis and Design, is a capstone unit that p
laces systems analysis and design into perspective by surveying the back-end
life cycle activities. Specifically, chapters examine system implementation
, support, maintenance, and reengineering.
Part Five, Advanced Analysis and Design Methods, teaches object oriented
analysis and design methods using the Unified Modeling Language. The two mo
dules could be integrated into the analysis and design units respectively, o
mitted altogether, or introduced at the end of the course (or at the beginni
ng of an advanced course).
In this edition, we continue to react to changes and expected changes
in the information technology domain. Our industry faced many exciting prob
lems including Year 2000(Y2K) compatibility and the single European currency
(called the euro). And there are even more opportunities as client/server c
omputing meets the Internet, intranets, and extranets for eletronic business
and commerce applications. Finally, we see exciting systems analysis and de
sign challenges with Enterprise Resource Planning(ERP)applications(such as S
AP),systems integration, and business process redesign(BPR).
We believe that we have preserved the features adopters liked in the pre
vious editions. And in the spirit of continuous improvement we have made the
following changes:
·The information system development, systems analysis, systems design,
and systems implementation chapters have been structurally simplified.
·At the request of adopters, the cross-life cycle modules(e.g., project
management, interpersonal skills, fact finding and JAD, and feasibility ana
lysis) have been updated and integrated into the mainstream chapters of the
·The use of automated tools (such ax CASE and RAD)for systems analysis,
design, and construction is once again reinforced throughout the book. Some
of the tools demonstrated in the fifth edition include Visio Professional S
ystem Architect 2001,Project 2000,and Visual Basic.
·The fifth edition continues the pedagogical use of full-color applied
to an adaptation of Zachman's Framework for Information Systems Architecture
. The Information Systems Architecture matrix uses these colors to introduce
recurring concepts. System models then reinforce those concepts with a cons
istent use of the same colors.
·The matrix frameword based on Zachman's Framework for Information Syst
ems Architecture continues to organize the subject's conceptual foundations.
The fifth edition framework has been updated (and simplified!) to reflect c
ontemporary technologies and methods. The framework has been visually integr
ated into both the textbook's system development methodology and the beginni
ng of every chapter as a chapter map, showing which aspects of the framework
are relevant to that chapter.
·The SoundStage Entertainment Club chapter-opening case study has been
enhanced and updated to reflect the advent of Web-centric applications of th
e Internet, intranets and extranets.
Specific chapter and module enhancements include.
·Chapter 1,the modern systems analyst, has been renamed to players in t
he systems game to reflect a new emphasis on systems analysis and design as
a "team sport." Consistent with the textbook's title and subject, the system
s analyst is still emphasized; however, the framework is introduced to help
student better appreciate the roles the management, user, and technical comm
·The revampde matrix framwork that will be user to organize the rest of
the text is introduce Chapter 2.
·The impact of contemporary techniques(such as model-driven development
, rapid application development , and commercial off-the-shelf software inte
gration) and automated tools(such as CASE and ADEs) is introduced in the inf
ormation systems development chapter (Chapter 3)
·Immediately after the information systems development chapter, project
management is introduced in Chapter 4. This chapter has been significantly
updated to focus on the activities of project management while retaining (an
d improving) the demonstration of Microsoft Project. The Capability Maturity
Model (CMM) drives our coverage of project management.
·The systems analysis chapter (Chapter 5) includes new material on the
subject of business process analysis and redesign. All information systems m
ust be integrated into the business processes of organization. This is espec
ially true when software applications are procured instead of be built in-ho
·The former fact-finding techniques and joint application development m
odules have been merged into a single requirements discovery chapter (Chapte
r 6) that is now part of the systems analysis unit.
·Based on encouragement from several adopters, we return normalization
to the data modeling chapter(Chapter 7).
·By popular demand, we provide a complete set of leveled data flow diag
rams in the process modeling chapter (Chapter 8) ( perceived as a strength i
n the first three editions).Coverage of bottom-up (Yourdon modern structured
analysis) approach is clarified from the fourth edition.
·The network modeling chapter was deleted since its modeling paradigm h
as not come into mainstream practice; however, distribution analysis coverag
e been fully integrated into the data and process modeling material, Chapter
s 7 and 8.
·The analysis-to-design transition coverage is improved by combining fe
asibility analysis (formerly a module) with coverage of preparing a physical
/technical system proposal in Chapter 9.
·The systems design overview chapter (Chapter 10) offers improved cover
age of commercial off-the-shelf software (COTS) as an alternative to designi
ng and developing an in-house solution. This "route" introduces issues of bo
th procurement and system integration. This changes the rule of engagement f
or system design.
·The application architecture chapter (Chapter 11) has been updated to
reflect the latest in client/server, Web, and other information technologies
applicable to information systems. Physical data flow diagrams are used thr
oughout the chaper to demonstrate modern architectures.
·The database design chapter (Chapter 12) has been simplified and updat
ed to include coverage of data distribution analysis.
·The output, input, and graphical user interface design chapters(Chapte
rs 13,14,and 15have been further updated to reflect design considerations fo
r both client/server("fat client")and Web-based("thin client") applications.
·The system construction and implementation chapter(Chapter 16) provide
s improved emphasis on system testing, conversion, and user training for dis
tributed information systems.
·The systems operation and support chapter(Chapter 17)has been updated
to reflect contemporary maintenance and reengineering issues.
·Also at the request of adopters and reviewers, the object-oriented ana
lysis and design chapters have been relocated to the end of the book as Modu
les A and B. Many adopters told us that they omit this advanced material or
cover it at the end of the course for transition to an advanced course. The
modules have been significantly updated to reflect the official emergence of
the Unified Modeling language(UML) which evolved form the collaboration of
three OOA experts: Grady Booch, Ivar Jacobson("use case"),and James Rumbaugh
("object modeling technique" or OMT).
It has always been our intent to provide our adopters with a complete co
urse, not just a textbook. We are especially excited about this edition's co
mprehensive support, software bundles, and other resources for both the stud
ent and instrutou. Most have been developed in parallel with this edition. T
he supplements for the fifth edition of Systems Analysis and Design Methods
include the following components.
For the Instructor
Instructor's Resource CD-ROM.
A presentation manager shell allows you to organize and customize the fo
llowing components to the needs of your course.
·Instructor's Guide with Electronic Transparencies and PowerPoint. This
instructor's guide includes course planning materials, templates, and trans
parencies, templates, and answers to end-of-chapter problems, exercises, and
The transparency repository on the CD-ROM includes many more slides than
could be offered in a traditional printed book. All slides are in Microsoft
's PowerPoint format (complete with instructor notes that provide teaching g
uidelines and tips). Instructors can(1) pick-and-choose those slides they wi
sh to use,(2)customize slides to their own preferences, and (3)add new slide
s. Slides can (a) be organized into electronic presentation, or (b) printed
as transparencies or transparency masters
The slides are also provided in Adobe Acrobat format for non PowerPoint
·Test Bank/Computerized Test Bank. A test bank and Brownstone Diploma t
est generation software for online of traditional testing contain questions
in the following formats: true/false, multiple choice, sentence completion,
and matching. The answers are crossreferenced to the page numbers in the tex
·Projects and Cases Solutions. Suggested solutions and supporting mater
ial for the optional projects and cases are provided.
Website and Online Learning Center.
With the previous edition, we provided, the first comprehensive website
for adopters of a systems and design textbook. The new website at www.mhhe.c
om/whitten (URL is also on front cover of the text) provides a password-prot
ected instructor section for downloading the latest supple mental resources
and updates, as well as an Online Learning Center with additional lecture no
tes, material on chapters not found in the text, and solutions to extra proj
ects and cases. Instructors can also contact the authors from this location.
For the Student
Website and Online Learning Center.
The student side of the website contains downloadable templates in Visio
, System Architect, and Microsoft Word, Excel, and Project, as well as links
to interesting and relevant information regarding systems work. The student
Online Learning Center includes additional material such as supplemental ch
apters and modules, projects and cases, and self-assessment quizzes for each
Projects and Cases to Accompany Systems Analysis and Design Methods.
This casebook, available with this edition as an optional CD-ROM or on t
he student Online Learning Center, has been updated to include new semester
project case studies that can be completed in conjunction with the textbook.
A build your own project model is retained for those instructors and studen
ts who want to maximize value by leveraging students' past and current work
experience, or for ,use with a live-client project.
System Architect 2001Student Edition
In an exclusive agreement between Irwin/McGraw-Hill and Popkin Software
& Systems, a student System Architect 2001is al able on CD-ROM as a packagin
g option with the text SA 2001 all of the diagrams covered textbook and incl
udes instructions and tutorials on the CD.
Visible Analyst Workbench S Edition.
In cooperation with Visible Systems, Irwin/McGraw-Hill offers Visible An
alyst Workbench as a second CASE tool packaging option with the text. Visibl
e Analyst has recently been updated to support 32-bit technology and incorpo
rates the UML methodology.
Jeffrey L. Whitten
Lonnie D. Bentley
Kevin C. Dittman
PART ONE The Context of Systems Analysis sign
1 Players in the Systems Game
2 Information Systems Building Blocks
3 Information Systems development
4 Project Management
PART TWO Systems Analysis Methods
5 Systems Analysis
6 Requirements Discovery
7 Data Modeling and Analysis
8 Process Modeling
9 Feasibility Analysis and the tem Proposal
PART THREE Systems Design Methods
10 Systems Design
11 Application Architecture and Modeling
12 Database Design
13 Output Design and Prototyping
14 Input Design and Prototyping
15 User Interface Design
PART FOUR Beyond Systems Analysis and Design
16 Systems Construction and Implementation
17 Systems Operations and Support
PART FIVE Advanced Analysis and Design Method
A Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling
B Object-Oriented Design and Modeling
PART ONE The Context of Systems Analysis sign
Chapter 1 Players in the Systems Game
How to Use the Demonstration
Why study systems Analysis and Design Methods?
Information Workers
The Modern Systems Analyst
Modern Business Trends and Implications
Preparing for a Career as a Analyst
The Next Generation
Where Do You Go form Here?
CHAPTER 2 Information System Building Blocks
The Product—Information Systems
A Framework for Information Systems Architecture
DATA Building Blocks
Process Building Blocks
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 3 Information Systems Development
The Process of Systems
A Systems Development Methodology
Project Identification
Alternative Routes and Methods
Automated Tools and Technology
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 4 Project Management
What Is Project Management?
The Project Management Life Cycle
Where Do You Go from
PART TWO Systems Analysis Methods
CHAPTER 5 Systems Analysis
What Is Systems Analysis?
Systems Analysis Approaches
The Preliminary Investigation Phase
The Problem Analysis Phase
The Requirements Analysis Phase
The Decision Analysis Phase
The Next Genceration of Systems Analysis
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 6 Requirements Discove
An Introduction to Requirements Discovery
The Process of Requirements Discovery
Requirements Discovery Methods
Documenting Requirement Methods
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 7 Modeling and Analysis
An Introduction to Systems Modeling
System Concepts for Data Modeling
The Process of Logical Data
How to Construct Data Models
Analyzing the Data Model
Mapping data Requirements to Locations
Where Do You G from Here?
CHAPTER 8 Process Modeling
An Introduction to Systems Modeling
System Concepts for Process Modeling
The Process of Logical Process Modeling
How to Construct Process Models
Synchronizing of System Models
The Next Generation
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 9 Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal
Feasibility Analysis and the System Proposal
Four Tests for Feasibility
Cost-Benefit Analysis Techniques
Feasibility Analysis of Candidate Systems
The System Proposal
CHAPTER 10 System Design
What Is Systems Design?
Systems Design Approaches
Systems Design for In-house
Development—The "Build" Solution
Systems Design for Integration Commercial Software—The "Buy" Solution
Where Do you Go from Here?
CHAPTER 11 Application Architecture and Modeling
Application Architecture
Physical Data Flow Diagrams
Information Technology Architecture
Application Architecture Strategies for Systems Design
Modeling the Application Architecture of an Information System
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 12 Database Design
Conventional Files Versus the Database
Database Concepts for the Systems Analyst
Prerequisite for Database Design—Normalization
Conventional File Design
Modern Database Design
The Next Generation of Database Design
Where Do You Go from H
CHAPTER 13 Output Design and Prototyping
Output Design Concepts and Guidelines
How to Design and Prototype Outputs
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 14 Input Design and Prototyping
Input Design Concepts and Guidelines
GUI Controls for Input Design
How to Design and Prototype Input
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 15 User Interface Design
User Interface Design
Concepts and Guidelines
User Interface Technology
Graphical User Interface
Styles and Considerations
How to Design and Prototype a User Interface
Where Do You Go from Here?
PART FOUR Beyond System Analysis and Design
CHAPTER 16 System Construction and Implementation
What is Systems Construction and Implementation
The Contruction Phase
The Implementation Phase
Where Do You Go from Here?
CHAPTER 17 Systems Operations and Support
The Context of Systems Operation and Support
System Maintenance
System Recovery
Technical Support
System Obsollecence
System Enhancement
Where Do You from Here?
PART FIVE Advanced Analysis and Design Methods
Module A Object-Oriented Analysis amd Modeling
An Introduction to Object Modeling
System Concepts for Object Modeling
The UML Diagrams
The Process of Object Modeling
Where Do You Go from Here?
MODULE B Object-Oriented Design and Modeling
An Introduction to Object Oriented Design
The Process of Object-Oriented Design
Additional UML Design an Implementation Diagrams
Where Do You Go from Here?
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