Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: Lerry (life is waiting...), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: 数字设计——原理与实践(第三版 影印版)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年11月09日15:16:27 星期六), 站内信件
数字设计——原理与实践(第三版 影印版) ISBN 7-04-010042-8/TP.694 P971
Digital Design: Principles and Practices (Third Edition)
John F. Wakerly,2001.4出版,定价:49.50元
内容:1. 导论 2. 数制与编码 3. 数字电路 4. 组合逻辑设计原理 5. 组合逻辑设
计实践 6. 组合电路设计实例 7. 时序逻辑设计原理 8. 时序逻辑设计实践 9. 时序电
路设计示例 10. 内存、复杂可编程逻辑器件和现场可编程门阵列 11. 其他应用领域
Moore's Law, which observes that semiconductor technology advances expon
entially, has been valid for over three decades. Experts predict it will con
tinue to hold for at least one more. When integrated circuits were introduce
d, logic packages had a dozen or so transistors. Today, with exponential inc
reases in circuit density, microprocessor chips have passed the 10-million-t
ransistor mark. In less than another decade they will reach 100 million tran
sistors per chip.
To keep up with Moore's Law, design techniques have changed drastically.
Hand-crafted logic circuits were once the norm. Now designers generate circ
uits from high-level descriptions. Connections on printed-circuit boards hav
e been absorbed within chips. With programmable logic, on-chip logic functio
ns and connections can be updated within the user environment.
How does education keep up with Moore' s Law? What can we do to enable s
tudents to practice their skills today and adapt them tomorrow to new genera
tions of devices? This is the challenge John Wakerly faced when he began thi
s work.
His approach is multifaceted. It is grounded in basic principles of digi
tal design that do not change with technology, such as combinational logic,
sequential logic, and state machines. Wakerly weds these principles with too
ls and practical techniques that teach how to design for today's technology.
These include how to use the ABEL and VHDL design languages, how to structu
re designs with large building blocks, and how to implement designs with Pro
grammable logic devices. These techniques are essential for successful desig
The most difficult goal is to help the student adapt to the inevitable c
hanges to come. Wakerly does this by revealing what is happening underneath
the logic. For example, he gives transistor models of gates and uses them to
expose issues related to timing and noise. Gates may become faster and dens
er and may use different control voltages, but how to assure correct and rel
iable operation will be a continuing concern. We learn the characteristics,
constraints, and failure modes and how to design to them. We learn through e
xamples of alternate designs how to judge design quality and evaluate tradeo
ffs. As new technology emerges, we will be able to design to it.
Wakerly enhances the approach with presentation skills that are rare in
college texts. The reader will quickly appreciate the effective graphics, en
tertaining writing style, and instructive exercises.
Moore' s Law condemns textbooks in this field to short lives. Neverthele
ss, Wakerly' s text is a classic.
Harold S. Stone Princeton, New Jersey
This book is for everyone who wants to design and build real digital circuit
s. It is based on the idea that, in odder to do this, you have to grasp the
fundamentals, but at the same time you need to understand how things work in
the real world. Hence, the “principles and practices” theme.
The material in this book is appropriate for introductory courses on dig
ital logic design in electrical or computer engineering or computer science
curricula. Computer science students who are unfamiliar with basic electroni
cs concepts who just aren't interested in the electrical behavior of digital
devices may wish to skip Chapter 3; the rest of the book is written to be i
ndependent of this material as much as possible. On the other hand, anyone w
ith a basic electronics background who wants to get up to speed on digital e
lectronics can do so by reading Chapter 3. In addition, students with no ele
ctronics background can get the basics by reading Bruce M.Fleischer' s "Elec
trical Circuits Review," a freely reproducible 20-page electronics tutorial
available on this book's Web site, www.ddpp.corn.
Although this book's level is introductory, it contains much more materi
al than can be taught in a typical introductory course. Once I started writi
ng, I found that I had many important things to say that wouldn't fit into a
one-quarter course at Stanford or a 400-page book. Therefore, I have follow
ed my usual practice of including everything that I think is at least modera
tely important, and leaving it up to the instructor or reader to decide what
is most important in a Particular environment. To help these decisions alon
g, though, I've marked the headings of optional sections with an asterisk. I
n general, these sections can be skipped without any loss of continuity in t
he non-optional sections that follow.
Undoubtedly, some people will use this book in advanced courses and in l
aboratory courses. Advanced students will want to skip the basics and get ri
ght into the fun stuff. Once you know the basics, the most important and fun
stuff in this book is in the sections on hardware description languages ABE
L and VHDL, where you'll discover that your programming courses actually hel
ped prepare you to design hardware.
Another use of this book is as a self-study reference for a working digi
tal designer, who may be either of two kinds:
If you're just getting started as a working digital designer, and you to
ok a very "theoretical" logic design course in school, you should concentrat
e on Chapters 3, 5, 6, and 8-11 to get prepared for the real world. If y
ou're experienced, you may not need all of the "practices" material in this
book, but the principles in Chapters 2, 4, and 7 can help you organize your
thinking, and the discussions there of what's important and what's not might
relieve the guilt you feel for not having used a Karnaugh map in 10 years.
The examples in Chapters 6, 8, and 9 should give you additional insights int
o and appreciation for a variety of design methods. Finally, the ABEL and VH
DL language descriptions and examples sprinkled throughout Chapters 4 throug
h 9 may serve as your first organized introduction to HDL-based design.
All readers should make good use of the comprehensive index and of the margi
nal notes throughout the text that call attention to definitions and importa
nt topics. Maybe the highlighted topics in ibis section were more marginal t
han important, but I just wanted to show off my text formatting system.
Chapter Descriptions
What follows is a list of short descriptions of this book's eleven chapt
ers and appendix. This may remind you of the section in software guides, "Fo
r People Who Hate Reading Manuals." If you read this list, then maybe you do
n't have to read the rest of the book.
·Chapter 1 gives a few basic definitions and lays down the ground rules
for what we think is and is not important in this book.
·Chapter 2 is an introduction to binary number systems and codes. Reade
rs who are already familiar with binary number systems from a software cours
e should still read Sections 2.10--2.13 to get an idea of how binds codes ar
e used by hardware. Advanced students can get a nice introduction to error-d
etecting codes by reading Sections 2.14 and 2.15. The material in Section 2.
16.1 should be read by everyone; it is used in some design examples in Chapt
er 8.
·Chapter 3 describes "everything you ever wanted to know about" digital
circuit operation, placing primary emphasis on the external electrical char
acteristics of logic devices. The starting point is a basic electronics back
ground including voltage, current, and Ohm's law; readers unfamiliar with th
ese concepts may wish to consult the "Electrical Circuits Review" mentioned
earlier. This chapter may be omitted by readers who aren't interested in how
to make real circuits work, or who have the luxury of having someone else t
o do the dirty work.
·Chapter 4 teaches combinational logic design principles, including swi
tching algebra and combinational-circuit analysis, synthesis, and minimizati
on. Introductions to ABEL and VHDL appear at the end of this chapter.
·Chapter 5 begins with a discussion of digital-system documentation sta
ndards, Probably the most important practice for aspiring designers to start
practicing. Next, this chapter introduces programmable logic devices (PLDs)
, focusing on their capability to realize combinational logic functions. The
rest of the chapter describes commonly used combinational logic functions a
nd applications. For each function, it describes standard MSI building block
s, ABEL programs for PLD realizations, and VHDL models.
·Chapter 6 is a collection of larger combinational-circuit design examp
les. For each example, it shows how the design can be carried out with MSI b
uilding blocks (if appropriate), ABEL and PLDs, or VHDL that can be targeted
to a CPLD or FPGA.
· Chapter 7 teaches sequential logic design principles, starting with l
atches and flip-flops. The main emphasis in this chapter is on the analysis
and design of clocked synchronous state machines. However, for the brave and
daring, the chapter includes an introduction to fundamental-mode circuits a
nd the analysis and design of feedback sequential circuits. The chapter ends
with sections on ABEL and VHDL features that support sequential circuit des
ign. Chapter & is all about the practical design of sequential circuits. Lik
e Chapter 5 before it, this chapter focuses on commonly used functions and.
gives examples using MSI building blocks, ABEL and PLDs, and VHDL. Sections
8.8 and 8.9 discuss the inevitable impediments to the ideal of fully synchro
nous design and address the important problem of how to live synchronously i
n an asynchronous world.
·Chapter 9 is a collection of state-machine and larger sequential-circu
it design examples. Each example is carried out both using ABEL for a PLD an
d using VHDL that can be targeted to a CPLD or FPGA.
·Chapter 10 is an introduction to memory devices, CPLDs, and FPGAs. Mem
ory coverage includes read-only memory and static and dynamic read-write mem
ories from the points of view of both internal circuitry and functional beha
vior. The last two sections introduce CPLD and FPGA architecture.
·Chapter 11 discusses several miscellaneous real-world topics that are
of interest to digital designers. When I started writing what I thought woul
d be a 300-page book, I included this chapter in the outline to pad out the
"core" material to a more impressive length. Well, the book is obviously lon
g enough without it, but this material is useful just the same.
Most of the chapters contain references, drill problems, and exercises.
Drill problems are typically short-answer or turn-the-crank questions that c
an be answered directly based on the text material, while exercises may requ
ire a little more thinking. The drill problems in Chapter 3 are particularly
extensive and are designed to allow non-EE types to ease into this material
Xilinx Foundation Tools
Xilinx, Inc. (San Jose, CA 95124) has kindly allowed us to package their
Foundation Express digital-design tools on two CD-ROMs at the end of this b
ook (in most domestic and international printings). These tools are quite co
mprehensive, including an ABEL compiler, VHDL and Verilog language processor
s, a schematic drawing package, and a simulator. Much of the software in the
package is based on the popular Active-CAD? and Active-HDL? tools from Alde
c, Inc. The package also includes FPGA Express? software from Synopsys, whic
h allows ABEL, VHDL, and Verilog designs to be targeted to CPLDs and FPGAs;
popular Xilinx parts are supported by the included version.
The Foundation tools were very useful to me as an author. Using them, I
was able to write and test all of the example programs in the text. I trust
that the tools will be even more useful to the students who use the text. Th
ey will allow you to write and test your own hardware designs and download t
hem into Xilinx CPLDs and FPGAs in a lab environment. There are no artificia
l design-size limits, as long as your design fits into a single device. An e
xcellent lab-oriented manual for getting started with Xilinx devices and too
ls is David Van den Bout's The Practical Xilinx Designer' Version 1 .5 (Pren
tice Hall, 1999).
Even if you're not ready to do your own original designs, you can use th
e Foundation tools to try out and modify any of the examples in the text, si
nce the source code for all of them is available at the book's Web site, dis
cussed next.
Support materials for this book are available at the book's own dedicate
d Web site, www.ddpp.corn. A key resource for students is the set of source
listings for all of the example C, ABEL, and VHDL programs in the book. Also
available are ZIP'ed Foundation project directories, including not only ABE
L and VHDL source files but also schematics that are set up to use and simul
ate some of the example designs.
During the preparation of this edition, I was surprised and delighted to
see how much digital design reference material is available on the Web, esp
ecially from device manufacturers. The DDPP Web site contains a "living" ref
erences section with links to many useful sites that you can use as a jumpin
g-off point for your own independent study.
A couple of appendices from previous editions are available on the Web s
ite--"Electrical Circuits Review" by Bruce M. Fleischer and "IEEE Standard S
ymbols." Students taking lab courses may also appreciate the four pages of h
andy IC pinout guides, which appeared on the inside-cover pages of previous
One thing that students may or may not like is a collection of new exerc
ises that I expect to build up as I continue to teach digital design at Stan
ford and as I receive contributions from others.
For Instructors
The DDPP Web site has additional materials for instructors only. This pa
rt of the site is password protected; if you plan to use it, please allow up
to a week to obtain a login name and password via the procedure published t
The instructors' area contains files with all of the figures and tables
in the book. You can use these files to make presentation slides directly, o
r you can insert selected materials into your own customized presentations.
The site also contains answers to selected exercises--more than half of
the exercises in the book, equivalent to over 200 printed pages. There are a
lso several sample exams and solutions.
Another important resource for instructors is Xilinx' University Program
(kw.xilinx.corn/prograns/univ). The site offers a variety of product materi
als, course materials, and discounts on chips and boards that you can usein
digital-design lab courses.
How This Book Was Prepared
The text of the third edition of this book was converted from the origin
al second-edition TEX version into Adobe FrameMaker?. Figures from previous
editions were converted from Cricket Draw into Adobe 1llustrator? EPS files.
All of the writing, editing, drawing, and circuit designing was done on
a PC running Windows 95 or 98 with 384 Mbytes of memory, which, regrettably,
would still crash if too many programs or files were open at once. The good
news Is that this edition's use of standard programs and tools has allowed
me to provide readers and instructors with a large collection of useful mate
rials on the book's Web site, as described earlier.
Warning: This book may contain errors. The author assumes no liability f
or any damage--incidental, brain, or otherwise--caused by errors. There,
that should make the lawyers happy. Now, to make you happy, let me assure y
ou that a great deal of care has gone into the preparation of this manuscrip
t to make it as error free as possible. I am anxious to learn of the remaini
ng errors so that they may be fixed in future printings, editions, and spin-
offs. Therefore I will pay $5 to the first finder of each undiscovered error
be it technical, typographical, or otherwise. Please email your comments by
using the link on the Web site, or by writing to me at
Any reader can obtain an up-to-date list of discovered errors using the
link at the book's Web site. It will be a very short file transfer, I hope.
Many people helped make this book possible. Most of them helped with the
first and second editions and are acknowledged there. Preparation of the th
ird edition has been a lonelier task, but it was made easier by my colleague
s Mario Mazzola and Prem Jam at Cisco Systems. They and the company made it
possible for me to cut back my commitment at Cisco to less than half time fo
r the eight months that it took to prepare this edition.
For the ideas on the "principles" side of this book, I still owe great t
hanks to my teacher, research advisor, and friend Ed McCluskey. On the "prac
tices" side, my personal "Digital Designers Hall of Fame" includes (in chron
ological order)' Ed Davidson, Jim McClure, Courtenay Heater, Sam Wood, Curt
Widdoes, Prem Jam, Ted Tracy, Dave Raaum, Anvil Duggal, Des Young, and Tom E
The seed that got me started writing this book and many others was plant
ed in the early 70s by Harold Stone at Stanford. He put me to work reviewing
and indexing his books, and his computer organization books inspired me to
write my first software book. Now, I'd like to offer Harold my belated thank
s for getting me started, and I give him special thanks for helping to pad o
ut this edition by another two pages!
In the summer of 1997, during the early stages of this edition's plannin
g, friend and colleague Jean-Pierre Steger took a sabbatical from the Burgdo
rf School of Engineering near Bern, Switzerland to help me get jump-started
with VHDL, the Xilinx Foundation tools, and other topics. A number of other
people contributed review comments or other materials to this edition, inclu
ding Joan Birkner, Rebecca Farley, Don Gaubatz, John Gill, Linley Gwennap, J
esse Jenkins, and Jeff Purnell.
Xilinx, Inc. naturally deserves credit for providing the Foundation tool
s that are an important adjunct to this edition. On the people side, their o
riginal University Program leader Jason Feinsmith was very helpful, and thei
r recently appointed leader Patrick Kane has supported our efforts enthusias
Since the second edition was published, I have received many helpful com
ments from readers. In addition to suggesting or otherwise motivating many i
mprovements, readers have spotted dozens of typographical and technical erro
rs whose fixes are incorporated in this third edition.
My sponsoring editor at Prentice Hall, Tom Robbins, deserves great thank
s for his patience. He's the second editor to have been lured to Prentice Ha
ll in part by the (falsely attractive) prospect of working on a project with
me, only to find out upon his arrival that the project was very late. In To
m's case, though, I had known him since the early 80s when he first tried to
sign me up for a project with another publisher, and we'd been trying to fi
nd a way to work together ever since. We're finally there, starting the thir
d decade of our friendship. Tom contributed more than patience--among other
things, you have him to thank for getting you the free Xilinx software at th
e back of this book (most printings).
Production editor lrwin Zucker also deserves credit for providing a very
smooth interface with the production side of the house and for putting in l
ong hours to help me during the final "crunch" stage of the project. If not
for him, I would not be able to leave on a long-planned three-week family va
cation later this morning. (I'm told that if I hadn't finished in time, our
90-pound dog would have gone to Europe in my seat instead!) Robert Lentz als
o did a great job as a copy editor which I could live with:-).
Special thanks go to artist Robert McFadden, whose trippy cover painting
is hanging in my home along with several other of his far-out works. His pa
inting, which I commissioned and he completed well over a year ago, provided
me with the motivation to actually get the inside of the book done.
It seems line some disaster always strikes just as I am completing one o
f these Projects. For the first edition, it was the World-Series earthquake
of 1989. For the second edition, it was surgery four days before the book's
completion for a ruptured and very yucky-looking appendix. This time, I seem
ed to have dodged the bullet so far. Actually, I won't be completely done un
til I've finished the index, which I'll be preparing on my laptop as we ride
the rails through Europe over the next few weeks. Let's hope I don't forget
it on some train!
As always, I must thank my wife Kate for putting up with the late hours,
frustration, crabbiness, preoccupation, and phone calls from weird people t
hat incur when I'm engaged in a writing project like this. We hope you enjoy
starting this book as much as we enjoy finishing it! .
John F Wakerly
Mountain View, California
1.1 About Digital Design 1
1.2 Analog versus Digital 3
1.3 Digital Devices 6
1.4 Electronic Aspects of Digital Design 7
1.5 Software Aspects of Digital Design 9
1.6 Integrated Circuits 12
1.7 Programmable Logic Devices 15
1.8 Application-Specific ICs 16
1.9 Printed-Circuit Boards 18
1.10 Digital-Design Levels 18
1.11 The Name of the Game 22
1.12 Going Forward 23
Drill Problems 24
2.1 Positional Number Systems 26
2.2 Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers 27
2.3 Genera f Positional-Number-System Conversions 29
2.4 Addition and Subtraction of Nondecimal Numbers 32
2.5 Representation of Negative Numbers 34
2.5.1 Signed-Magnitude Representation
2.5.2 Complement Number Systems
2.5.3 Radix-Complement Representation
2.5.4 Two's-Complement Representation
2.5.5 Diminished Radix-Complement Representation
2.5.6 Ones' -Con1Plement Representation
2.5.7 Excess R6Presentations
2.6 Two's-Complement Addition and Subtraction 39
2.6.1 Addition Rules
2.6.2 A Graphical View
2.6.3 Overflow
2.6.4 Subtraction Rules
2.6.5 Two's-Complement and Unsigned Binary Numbers
2.7 Ones'-Complement Addition and Subtraction 44
2.8 Binary Multiplication 45
2.9 Binary Division 47
2.10 Binary Codes for Decimal Numbers 48
2.11 Gray Code 51
2.12 Character Codes 53
2.13 Codes for Actions, Conditions, and States 53
2.14 n-Cubes and Distance 57
2.15 Codes for Detecting and Correcting Errors 58
2.15.1 Error-Detecting Codes
2.15.2 Error-Correcting and Multiple-Error-Detecting Codes
2.15.3 Hamming Codes
2.15.4 CRC Codes
2.15.5 Two-Dimensional Codes
2.15.6 Checksum Codes
2.15.7 m-out-Of-n Codes
2.16 Codes for Serial Data Transmission and Storage 69
2.16.1 Parallel and Serial Data
2.16.2 Serial Line Codes
References 73
Drill Problems 74
Exercises 76
3.1 Logic Signals and Gates 80
3.2 Logic Families 84
3.3 CMOS Logic 86
3.3.1 CMOS Logic Levels
3.3.2 MOS Transistors
3.3.3 Basic CMOS Inverter Circuit
3.3.4 CMOS NAND and NOR Gates
3.3.5 Fan-in
3.3.6 Noninverting Gates
3.4 Electrical Behavior of CMOS Circuits 96
3.4.1 Overview
3.4.2 Data Sheets and Specifications
3.5 CMOS Steady-State Electrical Behavior 99
3.5.1 Logic Levels and Noise Margins
3.5.2 Circuit Behavior with Resistive Loads
3.5.3 Circuit Behavior with Nonideal inputs
3.5.4 Fanout
3.5.5 Effects of Loading
3.5.6 Unused Inputs
3.5.7 Current Spikes and Decoupling Capacitors
3.5.8 How' to Destroy a CMOS Device
3.6 CMOS Dynamic Electrical Behavior 113
3.6.1 Transition Time
3.6.2 Propagation Delay
3.6.3 Power Consumption
3.7 Other CMOS Input and Output Structures 123
3.7.1 Transmission Gates
3.7.2 Schmitt-Trigger Inputs
3.7.3 Three-State Outputs
3.7.4 Open-Drain Outputs
3.7.5 Driving LEDs
3.7.6 Multisource Buses
3.7.7 Wired Logic
3.7.8 Pull-Up Resistors
3.8 CMOS Logic Families 135
3.8.1 HC and HCT
3.8.2 VHC and VHCT
3.8.3 HC, HCT, VHC, and VHCT Electrical Characteristics
3.8.4 FCT and FCT-T
3.8.5 FCT-T Electrical Characteristics
3.9 Bipolar Logic 145
3.9.1 Diodes
3.9.2 Diode Logic
3.9.3 Bipolar junction Transistors
3.9.4 Transistor Logic Inverter
3.9.5 Schottky Transistors
3.10 Transistor-Transistor Logic 156
3.10.1 Basic TTL NAND Gate
3.10.2 Logic Levels and Noise Ma)'gins
3.10.3 Fanout
3.10.4 Unused inputs
3.10.5 Additional m Gate Types
3.11 TTL Families 166
3.11.1 Early TTL Families
3.11.2 Schottky m Families
3.11.3 Characteristics of m Families
3.11 .4 A TTL Data Sheet
3.12 CMQS/TTL Interfacing 170
3.13 Low-Voltage CMOS Logic and interfacing 171
3.13.1 3.3-VLV7TL and LVCMOS Logic
3.13.2 5-V Tolerant Inputs
3.13.3 5-V Tolerant Outputs
3.13.4 TTL/LITTL interfacing Summary
3.13.5 2.5-V and 1.8-V Logic
3.14 Emitter-Coupled Logic 175
3.14.1 Basic CML Circuit
3.14.2 ECL 10K/10H Families
3.14.3 ECL 100K Family
3.14.4 Positive ECL (PECL)
References 183
Drill Problems 184
Exercises 188
4.1 Switching Algebra 194
4.1.1 Axioms
4.1.2 Single-Variable Theorems
4.1.3 Two- and Three-Variable Theorems
4.1.4 n-Variable Theorems
4.1.5 Duality
4.1.6 Standard Representations of Logic Functions
4.2 Combinational-Circuit Analysis 209
4.3 Combinational-Circuit Synthesis 215
4.3.1 Circuit Descriptions and Designs
4.3.2 Circuit Manipulations
4.3.3 Combinational-Circuit Minimization
4.3.4 Karnaugh Maps
4.3.5 Minimizing Sums of Products
4.3.6 Simplifying Products of Sums
4.3.7 “Don’t-Care” Input Combinations
4.3.8 Multiple-Output Minimization
4.4 Programmed Minimization Method 236
4.4.1 Representation of Product Terms
4.4.2 Finding Prime Implicants by Combining Product Terms
4.4.3 Finding a Minimal Cover Using a Prime-Implicant Table
4.4.4 Other Minimization Methods
4.5 Timing Hazards 244
4.5.1 Static Hazards
4.5.2 Finding Static Hazards Using Maps
4.5.3 Dynamic Hazards
4.5.4 Designing Hazards-File Circuits
4.6 The ABEL Hardware Description Language 249
4.6.1 ABEL program Structure
4.6.2 ABEL Compiler Operation
4.6.3 WHEN Statements and Equation Blocks
4.6.4 Truth Tables
4.6.5 Ranges, Sets, and Relations
4.6.6 Don't-Care inputs
4.6.7 Test Vectors
4.7 The VHDL Hardware Description Language 264
4.7.1 Design Flow
4.7.2 Program Structure
4.7.3 Types and Constants
4.7.4 Functions and Procedures
4.7.5 Libraries and Packages
4.7.6 Structural Design Elements
4.7.7 Dataj7ow' Design Elements
4.7.8 Behavioral Design Elements
4.7.9 Tile Time Dimension and Simulation
4.7.10 Synthesis
References 298
Drill Problems 301
Exercises 304
5.1 Documentation Standards 312
5.1.1 Block Diagrams
5.1.2 Gate Symbols
5.1.3 Signal Names and Active Levels
5.1.4 Active Levels for Pins
5.1.5 Bubble-to-Bubble Logic Design.
5.1.6 Drawing Layout
5.1.7 Buses S.1.8 Additional Schematic information
5.2 Circuit Timing 330
5.2.1 Tinting Diagrams
5.2.2 Propagation Delay
5.2.3 Timing Specifications
5.2.4 Timing Analysis
5.2.5 Timing Analysis Tools
5.3 Combinational PLDs 337
5.3.1 Programmable Logic Arrays
5.3.2 Programmable Array Logic Devices
5.3.3 Generic Array Logic Devices
5.3.4 Bipolar PLD Circuits
5.3.5 CMOS PLD Circuits
5.3.6 Device programming and Testing
5.4 Decoders 351
5.4.1 Binary Decoders
5.4.2 Logic Symbols for Larger-Scale Elements
5.4.3 The 74x139 DualZ-to-4 Decoder
5.4.4 The 74x138 3-tO-8 Decoder
5.4.5 Cascading Binary Decoders
5.4.6 Decode it in ABEL and PLDs
5.4.7 Decoders in VHDL
5.4.8 Seven-Segment Decoders
5.5 Encoders 376
5.5.1 Priority Encoders
5.5.2 The 74x148 Priority Encoder
5.5.3 Encoders in ABEL and PLDs
5.5.4 Encoders in VHDL
5.6 Three-State Devices 385
5.6.1 Three-State Buffers
5.6.2 Standard SSI and MSI Three-State Buffers
5.6.3 Three-State Outputs in ABEL and PLDs
5.6.4 Three-State Outputs in VHDL
5.7 Multiplexers 398
5.7.1 Standard MSI Multiplexers
5.7.2 Expanding Multiplexers
5.7.3 Multiplexers, Demultiplexers, and Buses
5.7.4 Multiplexers in ABEL and PLDs
5.7.5 Multiplexers in VHDL
5.8 Exclusive-OR Gates and Parity Circuits 410
5.8.1 Exclusive-OR and Exclusive-NOR Gates
5.8.2 Parity Circuits
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