Algorithm 版 (精华区)
发信人: Lerry (life is waiting...), 信区: Algorithm
标 题: 软件工程——理论与实践(第二版 影印版)
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (2002年11月09日15:19:02 星期六), 站内信件
软件工程——理论与实践(第二版 影印版)ISBN 7-04-010099-1/TP.710 P679
Software Engineering: Theory and Practice (Second Edition)
Shari Lawrence Pfleeger,2001.6出版,定价:37.00元
本书作者Shari L.Pfleeger女士是一家提供软件工程和技术咨询公司的总裁。她经常在
内容:1. 为什么需要软件工程 2. 过程和生命周期建模 3. 项目计划和管理 4. 需
求获取 5. 系统设计 6. 面向对象技术 7. 编写程序 8. 程序测试 9. 系统测试 10. 系
统提交 11. 系统维护 12. 产品、过程和资源评估 13. 预测、产品、过程和资源的改进
和改善 14. 软件工程的未来
The title of this book, Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineeri
ng with UML and Java,is somewhat surprising. After all, there is virtually u
nanimous agreement that the object-oriented paradigm is superior to the clas
sical (structured) paradigm. It would seem obvious that an up-to-date softwa
re engineering textbook should describe only the object-oriented paradigm, a
nd treat the classical paradigm at best as a historical footnote.
That is not the case. Despite the widespread enthusiasm for the object-o
riented paradigm and the rapidly accumulating evidence of its superiority ov
er the classical paradigm, it is nevertheless essential to include material
on the classical paradigm. There are three reasons for this. First, it is im
possible to appreciate why object-oriented technology is superior to classic
al technology without fully understanding the classical approach and how it
differs from the object-oriented approach.
The second reason why both the classical and object-oriented paradigms a
re included is that technology transfer is a slow process. The vast majority
of software organizations have not yet adopted the object-oriented paradigm
. It is therefore likely that many of the students who use this book will be
employed by organizations that still use classical software engineering tec
hniques. Furthermore, even if an organization is now using the object-orient
ed approach for developing new software, existing software still has to be m
aintained, and this legacy software is not object-oriented. Thus, excluding
classical material would not be fair to the students who use this text.
A third reason for including both paradigms is that a student who is emp
loyed at an organization that is considering the transition to object-orient
ed technology will be able to advise that organization regarding both the st
rengths and the weaknesses of the new paradigm. Thus, as in the previous edi
tion, the classical and object-oriented approaches are compared, contrasted,
and analyzed.
The Fourth Edition differs from the Third Edition in two ways. First, ma
ny new topics are introduced in this edition. Second, the material has been
rearranged to support both one- and two-semester software engineering curric
ula; this is described in the next section.
With regard to new topics, Unified Modeling Language (UML) permeates thi
s edition; this is reflected in the title of the book. In addition to utiliz
ing UML for object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design, UML has als
o been used wherever there are diagrams depicting objects and their interrel
ationships. UML has become a de facto software engineering standard and this
is reflected in the Fourth Edition.
Another new topic is design patterns. This material is part of a new cha
pter on reuse, portability, and interoperability. Other reuse topics in this
chapter include software architecture and frameworks. Underlying all the re
use material is the importance of object reuse. The portability sections inc
lude on material on Java. With regard to interoperability, there are section
s on topics like OLE, COM, ActiveX, and CORBA.
There is also a new chapter on planning and estimating, especially for t
he object-oriented paradigm. The chapter therefore includes new material on
feature points and COCOMO 11. The synchronize-and-stabilize life-cycle m
odel used by Microsoft has been included in this edition. The associated tea
m organization method is also described.
As in the previous edition, particular attention is also paid to object-
oriented life-cycle models, object-oriented analysis, object-oriented design
, management implications of the object-oriented paradigm, and to the testin
g and maintenance of object-oriented software. Metrics for objects are also
included. In addition, there are many briefer references to objects, a parag
raph or even just a sentence in length. The reason is that the object-orient
ed paradigm is not just concerned with how the various phases are performed,
but rather permeates the way we think about software engineering. Object te
chnology pervades this book.
The software process is still the concept that underlies the book as a w
hole. In order to control the process, we have to be able to measure what is
happening to the project. Accordingly, the emphasis on metrics is retained.
With regard to process improvement, material on SPICE has been added to the
sections on the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and ISO 9000.
Another topic that still is stressed is CASE. I also continue to emphasi
ze the importance of maintenance and the need for complete and correct docum
entation at all times.
The software process is essentially language-independent and this is aga
in reflected in the Fourth Edition. The few code examples are in Java. Howev
er, care has been taken to make this material accessible to readers with lit
tle or no knowledge of Java by providing explanations of constructs that are
specific to Java.
With regard to prerequisites, it is assumed that the reader is familiar
with one high-level programming language such as Pascal, C, C++, Ada, BASIC,
COBOL, FORTRAN, or Java. In addition, the reader is expected to have taken
a course in data structures.
The Third Edition of this book was written for a one-semester, project-b
ased software engineering course. The book accordingly consisted of two part
s. Part 2 covered the life cycle, phase by phase; the aim was to provide the
students with the knowledge and skills needed for the Term Project. Part 1
contained theoretical material needed to understand Part 2. For example, Par
t 1 introduced the reader to CASE, metrics, and testing because each chapter
of Part 2 contained a section on CASE tools for that phase, a section on me
trics for that phase, and a section on testing during that phase. Pad 1 was
kept short to enable the instructor to start Part 2 relatively early in the
semester In this way, the class could begin developing the Term Project as s
oon as possible. The need to keep Part 1 brief meant that I had to include t
opics like reuse, portability, and team organization in Part 2. Thus, while
the students were working on their term projects, they learned additional th
eoretical material.
However, there is a new trend in software engineering curricula. More an
d more computer science departments are realizing that the overwhelming prep
onderance of their graduates find employment as software engineers. As a res
ult, many colleges and universities have introduced a two-semester (or two-q
uarter) software engineering sequence. The first course is largely theoretic
al (but there is almost always a small project of some sort). The second cou
rse is a major team-based term project, usually a capstone project. When the
Term Project is carried out in the second semester, there is no need for th
e instructor to rush to start Part 2.
In order to cater to both the one- and two-semester course sequences, I
have rearranged the material of the previous edition and added to it. Part I
now includes two more chapters, but the material of those two chapters is n
ot a prerequisite for Part 2. First, Chapter 7 is entitled "Reusability, Por
tability, and Interoperability." The theme of this chapter is the need to de
velop reusable portable software that can run on a distributed heterogeneous
architecture such as client-served
Second, some instructors who adopted the Third Edition have told me that
they were uncomfortable with a separate planning and estimating phase betwe
en the specification phase and the design phase. They agreed that accurate e
stimates of cost and duration are not possible until the specifications are
complete (although sometimes we are required to produce estimates earlier in
the life cycle). However, they felt that these planning and estimating acti
vities did not merit a complete phase, particularly because they comprise on
ly about I percent of the total software life cycle. Accordingly, I have dro
pped the separate planning phase and incorporated these activities at the en
d of the specifications phase. The various planning activities that are perf
ormed are described in Chapter 8, entitled "Planning and Estimating." This m
aterial, too, may be delayed in order to start Part 2. In addition to these
two chapters, certain sections of other chapters (such as Section 2. 12) may
also be deferred and taught in parallel with Part 2. All material 'that can
be postponed in this way is marked with
Thus, an instructor who is teaching a one-semester (or one-quarter) sequ
ence using the Fourth Edi tion covers most of Chapters I through 6, and then
starts Part 2 (Chapters 9 through 15). Chapters 7 and & can then be taught
in parallel with Part 2. When teaching the two-semester sequence, the chapte
rs of the book are taught in order; the class is now fully prepared for the
semester-long team-based Term Project.
In order to ensure that the key software engineering techniques of Part
2 are truly understood, each is presented twice. First, whenever a technique
is introit is illustrated by means of the elevator problem. The elevator pr
oblem is the correct size for the reader to be able to see the technique app
lied to a complete problem, and it has enough subtleties to highlight both t
he strengths and of the technique being taught. Then, at the end of each cha
pter there is a new continuing major Case Study. A detailed solution to the
Case Study is presented. The solution to each phase of the Case Study is gen
erally too large to appear in the chapter itself. Instead, only key points o
f the solution are presented in the chapter, and the complete material appea
rs at the end of the book (Appendices C through I). The rapid prototype and
detailed Java implementation are available via the World-Wide Web at www.mhh
As in the previous edition, there are four types of problems. First, at
the end of each chapter there are a number of exercises intended to highligh
t key points. These exercises are self-contained; the technical information
for all of the exercises can be found in this book.
Second, there is a major Term Project. It is designed to be solved by st
udents working in teams of three, the smallest number of team members that c
annot confer over a standard telephone. The Term Project comprises 15 separa
te components, each tied to the relevant chapter. For example, design is the
topic of Chapter 12, so in that chapter the component of the Term Project i
s concerned with designing the software for the project. By breaking a large
project into smaller well-defined pieces, the instructor can monitor the pr
ogress of the class more closely. The structure of the Term Project is such
that instructors may freely apply the 15 components to any other project the
y choose.
Because this book is written for use by graduate students as well as upp
erclass undergraduates, the third type of' problem is based on research pape
rs in the software engineering literature. In each chapter an important pape
r has been chosen; wherever possible, a paper related to object-oriented sof
tware engineering has been selected. The student is asked to read the paper
and to answer a question relating to its contents. Of course, the instructor
is free to assign any other research paper; the "For Further Reading" secti
on at the end of each chapter includes a wide variety of relevant papers.
The fourth type of problem relates to the Case Study. This type of probl
em was introduced in the Third Edition in response to instructors who told m
e that they believe their students learn more by modifying an existing produ
ct than by developing a product from scratch. Many senior software engineers
in the industry agreed with that viewpoint. Accordingly, each chapter in wh
ich the Case Study is presented has at least three problems that require the
student to modify the Case Study in some way. For example, in one chapter t
he student is asked to redesign the Case Study using a different design tech
nique than the one used for the Case Study. In another chapter, the student
is asked what the effect would have been of performing the steps of the obje
ct-oriented analysis in a different order. To make it easy to modify the sou
rce code of the Case Study, it is readily available as described at the end
of the previous section.
TheInstructor's Solution Manual, available from McGraw-Hill, contains de
tailed solutions to all the exercises, as well as to the Term Project. In ad
dition, the instructor k Solution Manual contains transparency masters for a
ll the figures in this book. The transparency masters can also be downloaded
I am indebted to those who reviewed this edition, including:
Thaddeus R. Crews, Jr., Western Kentucky University
Eduardo B. Fernandez, Florida Atlantic University
Michael Godfrey, Corned University.
Thomas B. Horton, Florida Atlantic University
Gall Kaiser, Columbia University
Laxmikant V Kale, University of Illinois
Chung Lee, California State Polytechnic University at Pomona
Susan Mengel, Texas Tech University
David S. Rosenblum, University of California at lrvine
Shmuel Rotenstreich, George Washington University
Wendel Scarbrough, Azusa Pacific University
Gerald B. Sheble, Iowa State
I am particularly grateful to two of the reviewers. Thad Crews made many
creative pedagogic suggestions. As a consequence, it is easier to teach fro
m thin book and to learn from it. Laxmikant Kale pointed out a number of wea
knesses. I am grateful to him for his meticulous reading of the entire manus
I should like to thank three individuals who have also made contribution
s to earlier books. First, Jeff Gray has once again made numerous insightful
suggestions. In particular, I am grateful for his many ideas regarding Chap
ter 7. Also, he is once again a coauthor of theInstructor’s Solution Manual
. Second, my son David has made a number of helpful contributions to the boo
k and is also a coauthor of the instructor k Solution Manual. Third, I thank
Saveen Reddy for drawing my attention to the quotation from Marcus Aurelius
that appears in the last Just in Case You Wanted to Know box.
With regard to my publishers, McGraw-Hill, I am especially grateful to e
xecutive editor Betsy Jones, sponsoring editor Brad Kosirog, senior project
manager Jean Lou Hess, and project manager Paula Buschman.
Finally' as always, I thank my family for their continual support. When
I stared writing books, my limited free time had to be shared between my fam
ily add my current book project. Now that my children are assisting with my
books, acting has become a family activity. For the seventh time, it is my p
rivilege to: dedicate this book to my wife, Sharon, and my children, David a
nd Lauren, with love
Stephen R. Schach
Preface vii
PART 1 Introduction to the Software Life Cycle 1
CHAPTR 1 Scope of Software Engineering 3
CHAPTR 2 The Software Process 30
CHAPTR 3 Software Life-Cycle Models 64
CHAPTR 4 Teams and the Tools of Their Trade 90
CHAPTR 5 Testing 134
CHAPTR 6 Introduction to Objects 171
CHAPTR 7 Reusability, Portability, And Interoperability 217
CHAPTR 8 Planning and Estimating 262
PART 2 The Phases of the Software Life Cycle 299
CHAPTR 9 Requirements Phase 301
CHAPTR 10 Specification Phase 329
CHAPTR 11 Object-Oriented Analysis Phase 376
CHAPTR 12 Design Phase 403
CHAPTR 13 Implementation Phase 437
CHAPTR 14 Implementation and Integration Phase 479
CHAPTR 15 Maintenance Phase 502
APPENDIX A Air Gourmet 523
APPENDIX B Software Engineering Resources 526
APPENDIX C Osbert Oglesby Case Study:Rapid Prototype 529
APPENDIX D Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Structured Systems Analysis 530
APPENDIX E Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Object-Oriented Analysis 534
APPENDIX F Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Software Project Management Plan 535
APPENDIX G Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Design 540
APPENDIX H Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Black-Box Test Cases 559
APPENDIX I Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Complete Source Code 563
Bibliography 564
Author index 597
Subject index 603
Preface vii
PART 1 Introduction to the Software Life Cycle 1
CHAPTER 1Scope of Software Engineering 3
1.1 Historical Aspects 5
1.2 Economic Aspects 7
1.3 Maintenance Aspects 8
1.4 Specification and Design Aspects 12
1.5 Team Programming Aspects 15
1.6 The Object-Oriented Paradigm 16
1.7 Terminology 21
Chapter Review 23
For Further Reading 24
Problems 25
References 26
CHAPTER 2 The Software Process 30
2.1 Client, Developer, and User 32
2.2 Requirements Phase 33
2.2.1 Requirements Phase Testing 34
2.3 Specification Phase 35
2.3.1 Specification Phase Testing 37
2.4 Design Phase 37
2.4.1 Design Phase Testing 39
2.5 Implementation Phase 39
2.5.1 Implementation Phase Testing 39
2.6 Integration Phase 40
2.6.1 Integration n Phase Testing 40
2.7 Maintenance Phase 41
2.7.1 Maintenance Phase Testing 41
2.8 Retirement 42
2.9 Problems with Software Production: Essence and Accidents 43
2.9.1 Complexity 44
2.9.2 Conformity 46
2.9.3 Changeability 47
2.9.4 Invisibility 48
2.9.5 No Silver Bullet? 49
2.10 Improving the Software Process 50
2.11 Capability Maturity Models 50
2.12 ISO 9000 54
2.13 SPICE 55
2.14 Costs and Benefits of Software Process improvement 56
Chapter Review 57
For Further Reading 58
Problems 59
References 60
CHAPTER 3 Software Life-Cycle Models 64
3.1 Build-and-Fix Model 64
3.2 Waterfall Model 65
3.2.1 Analysis of the Waterfall Model 68
3.3 Rapid Prototyping Model 70
3.3.1 Integrating tile Waterfall and Rapid Prototyping Models 72
3.4 Incremental Model 72
3.4.1 Analysis of the Incremental Model 74
3.5 Synchronize-and-Stabilize Model 77
3.6 Spiral Model 77
3.6.1 Analysis of tile Spiral Model 82
3.7 Object-Oriented Life-Cycle Models 83
3.8 Comparison of Life-Cycle Models 84
Chapter Review 86
For Further Reading 86
Problems 87
References 88
CHAPTER 4 Teams and the Tools of Their Trade 90
4.1 Team Organization 90
4.2 Democratic Team Approach 92
4.2.1 Analysis of the Democratic Team Approach 93
4.3 Classical Chief Programmer Team Approach 94
4.3.1 The New York hoes Project 96
4.3.2 Impracticality of the Classical Chief Programmer Team Approach 96
4.4 Beyond Chief Programmer and Democratic Teams 97
4.5 Synchronize-and-Stabilize Teams 101
4.6 Stepwise Refinement 102
4.6.1 Stepwise Refinement Example 103
4.7 Cost—Benefit Analysis 109
4.8 Software Metrics 110
4.9 CASE 112
4.10 Taxonomy of CASE 113
4.11 Scope of CASE 114
4.12 Software Versions 119
4.12.1 Revisions 119
4.12.2 Variations 120
4.13 Configuration Control 120
4.13.1 Configuration Control during Product Maintenance 123
4.13.2 Baselines 124
4.13.3 Configuration Control during Product Development 124
4.14 Build Tools 125
4.15 Productivity Gains with CASE Technology 126
Chapter Review 128
For Further Reading 128
Problems 129
References 131
CHAPTER 5 Testing 134
5.1 Quality Issues 135
5.1.1 Software Quality Assurance 135
5.1.2 Managerial independence 136
5.2 Nonexecution-Based Testing 137
5.2.1 Walkthroughs 137
5.2.2 Managing Walkthroughs 138
5.2.3 Inspections 139
5.2.4 Comparison of inspections and Walkthroughs 141
5.2.5 Strengths and Weaknesses of Reviews 142
5.2.6 Metrics for inspections 142
5.3 Execution-Based Testing 143
5.4 What Should Be Tested? 143
5.4.1 Utility 144
5.4.2 Reliability 145
5.4.3 Robustness 145
5.4.4 Performance 146
5.4.5 Correctness 146
5.5 Testing versus Correctness Proofs 148
5.5.1 Example of a Correctness Proof 148
5.5.2 Correctness Proof Case Study 152
5.5.3 Correctness Proofs and Software Engineering 154
5.6 Who Should Perform Execution-Based Testing? 157
5.7 Testing Distributed Software 158
5.8 Testing Real-Time Software 160
5.9 When Testing Stops 162
Chapter Review 163
For Further Reading 163
Problems 165
References 166
CHAPTER 6 Introduction to Objects 171
6.1 What is a Module? 171
6.2 Cohesion 175
6.2.1 Coincidental Cohesion 175
6.2.2 Logical Cohesion 176
6.2.3 Temporal Cohesion 178
6.2.4 Procedural Cohesion 178
6.2.5 Communicational Cohesion 178
6.2.6 Informational Cohesion 179
6.2.7 Functional Cohesion 180
6.2.8 Cohesion Example 180
6.3 Coupling 181
6.3.1 Content Coupling 182
6.3.2 Common Coupling 182
6.3.3 Control Coupling 184
6.3.4 Stamp Coupling 185
6.3.5 Data Coupling 186
6.3.6 Coupling Example 186
6.3.7 The Importance of Coupling 188
6.4 Data Encapsulation 189
6.4.1 Data Encapsulation and Product Development 192
6.4.2 Data Encapsulation and Product Maintenance 194
6.5 Abstract Data Types 198
6.6 Information Hiding 201
6.7 Objects 203
6.8 Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Dynamic Binding 207
6.9 Cohesion and Coupling of Objects 209
Chapter Review 210
For Further Reading 210
Problems 211
References 213
CHAPTER 7 Reusability' Portability, and interoperability 217
7.1 Reuse Concepts 217
7.2 Impediments to Reuse 219
7.3 Reuse Case Studies 220
7.7.3 Numerical Software Incompatibilities 239
7.7.4 Compiler Incompatibilities 239
7.8 Why Portability? 245
7.9 Techniques for Achieving Portability 246
7.9.1 Portable System Software 246
7.9.2 Portable Application Software 247
7.9.3 Portable Data 248
7.10 Interoperability 249
7.10.1 OLE, COM, and ActiveX 250
7.10.2 CORBA 251
7.10.3 Comparing OLE/COM and CORBA 251
7.11 Future Trends in interoperability 252
Chapter Review 252
For Further Reading 253
Problems 254
References 256
CHAPTER 8 Planning and Estimating 262
8.1 Planning and the Software Process 2
8.2 Estimating Duration and Cost 264
8.2.1 Metrics for the Size of a Product 265
8.2.2 Techniques of Cost Estimation 270
8.2.3 Intermediate COCOMO 273
8.2.4 COCOMOII 276
8.2.5 Tracking Duration and Cost Estimates 277
8.3 Components of a Software Project Management Plan 278
8.4 Software Project Management Plan Framework 280
8.5 IEEE Software Project Management Plan 281
8.6 Planning of Testing 284
8.7 Planning of Object-Oriented Projects 285
8.8 Training Requirements 286
8.9 Documentation Standards 287
8.10 CASE Tools for Planning and Estimating 288
8.11 Testing the Software Project Management Plan 291
Chapter Review 291
For Further Reading 291
Problems 293
References 294
PART 2 The Phases of the Software Lire Cycle 299
CHAPTER 9 Requirements Phase 301
9.1 Requirements Analysis Techniques 302
9.2 Rapid Prototyping 303
9.3 Human Factors 305
9.4 Rapid Prototyping as a Specification Technique 307
9.5 Reusing the Rapid Prototype 309
9.6 Other Uses of Rapid Prototyping 311
9.7 Management Implications of the Rapid Prototyping Model 312
9.8 Experiences with Rapid Prototyping 313
9.9 Joint Application Design (JAD) 315
9.10 Comparison of Requirements Analysis Techniques 315
9.11 Testing during the Requirements Phase 316
9.12 CASE Tools foe the Requirements Phase 316
9.13 Metrics for the Requirements Phase 318
9.14 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Requirements Phase 318
9.15 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Rapid Prototype 321
9.16 Object-Oriented Requirements? 324
Chapter Review 324
For Further Reading 325
Problems 326
References 327
CHAPTER 10 Specification Phase 329
10.1 The Specification Document 329
10.2 Informal Specifications 331
10.2.1 Case Study: Text Processing 332
10.3 Structured Systems Analysis 333
10.3.1 Sally's Software Shop 333
10.4 Other Semiformal Techniques 341
10.5 Entity-Relationship Modeling 342
10.6 Finite State Machines 344
10.6.1 Elevator Problem: Finite State Machines 346
10.7 Petri Nets 351
10.7.1 Elevator Problem: Petri Nets 355
10.8 Z 357
10.8.1 Elevator Problem: Z 358
10.8.2 Analysis of Z 360
10.9 Other Formal Techniques 362
10.10 Comparison of Specification Techniques 363
10.11 Testing during the Specification Phase 364
10.12 CASE Tools for the Specification Phase 365
10.13 Metrics for the Specification Phase 366
10.14 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Structured Systems Analysis 366
10.15 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Software Project Management Plan 367
Chapter Review 367
For Further Reading 368
Problems 369
References 372
CHAPTER 11 Object-Oriented Analysis Phase 376
11.1 Object-Oriented versus Structured Paradigm 376
11.2 Object-Oriented Analysis 378
11.3 Elevator Problems Object-Oriented Analysis 380
11.4 Use-Case Modeling i381
11.5 Class Modeling 382
11.5.1 Noun Extraction 382
11.5.2 CRC Cards 385
11.6 Dynamic Modeling 387
11.7 Testing during the Object-Oriented Analysis Phase 388
1l.8 CASE Tools for the Object-Oriented Analysis Phase 391
11.9 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Object-Oriented Analysis 393
l1.10 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Software Project Management Plan 398
Chapter Review 399
For Further Reading 399
Problems 400
References 401
CHAPTER 12 Design Phase 403
12.1 Design and Abstraction 403
12.2 Action-Oriented Design 404
12.3 Data Flow Analysis 405
12.3.1 Data Flow Analysis Example 406
12.3.2 Extensions 411
12.4 Transaction Analysis 411
12.5 Data-Oriented Design 413
12.6 Object-Oriented Design 414
12.7 Elevator Problem: Object-Oriented Design 414
12.8 Formal Techniques for Detailed Design 420
12.9 Real-Time Design Techniques 422
12.10 Testing during the Design Phase 423
12.11 CASE Tools for the Design Phase 424
12.12 Metrics for the Design Phase 425
12.13 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Object-Oriented Design 426
Chapter Review 431
For Further Reading 431
Problems 432
References 433
CHAPTER 13 Implementation Phase 437
13.1 Choice of Programming Language 437
13.2 Fourth Generation Languages 440
13.3 Good Programming Practice 443
13.4 Coding Standards 449
13.5 Module Reuse 450
13.6 Module Test Case Selection 451
13.6.1 Testing to Specifications versus Testing to Code 451
13.6.2 Feasibility of Testing to Specifications 451
13.6.3 Feasibility of Testing to Code 452
13.7 Black-Box Module-Testing Techniques 455
13.7.1 Equivalence Testing and Boundary Value Analysis 455
13.7.2 Functional Testing 456
13.8 Glass-Box Module-Testing Techniques 457
13.8.1 Structural Testing: Statement, Branch, and Path Coverage 458
13.8.2 Complexity Metrics 459
13.9 Code Walkthroughs and Inspections 462
13.10 Comparison of Module-Testing Techniques 462
13.11 Cleanroom 463
13.12 Potential Problems When Testing Objects 464
13.13 Management Aspects of Module Testing 467
13.14 When to Rewrite Rather than Debug a Module 467
13.15 CASE Tools for the Implementation Phase 469
13.16 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Black-Box Test Cases 469
Chapter Review 471
For Further Reading 471
Problems 472
References 474
CHAPTER 14 Implementation and Integration Phase 479
14.1 Implementation and integration 479
14.1.1 Top-Down Implementation and integration 480
14.1.2 Bottom-Up Implementation and integration 482
14.1.3 Sandwich Implementation and Integration 483
14.1.4 Implementation and integration of object-Oriented Products 485
14.1.5 Management Issues during the Implementation and Integration Phase
14.2 Testing during the Implementation and integration Phase 486
14.3 Integration Testing of Graphical User interfaces 486
14.4 Product Testing 487
14.5 Acceptance Testing 488
14.6 CASE Tools for the implementation and Integration Phase 489
14.7 CASE Tools for the Complete Software Process 490
14.8 Integrated Environments 490
14.8.1 Process integration 490
14.8.2 Tool integration 491
14.8.3 Other Forms of integration 494
14.9 Environments for Business Applications 494
14.10 Public Tool infrastructures 495
14.11 Potential Problems with Environments 495
14.12 Metrics for the Implementation and integration Phase 496
14.13 Osbert Oglesby Case Study: Implementation and Integration Phase 497
Chapter Review 498
For Further Reading 498
Problems 499
References 500
CHAPTER 15 Maintenance Phase 502
15.1 Why Maintenance is Necessary 502
15.2 What is Required of Maintenance Programmers 503
15.3 Maintenance Case Study 505
15.4 Management of Maintenance 507
15.4.1 Fault Reports 507
15.4.2 Authorizing Changes to the Product 5
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