Database 版 (精华区)
发信人: wodeji (西西), 信区: Database
标 题: [转载] Oracle 的开发工具Develop 2000 (一)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Fri Aug 7 18:38:27 1998), 站内信件
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About Oracle Forms
Oracle Forms is a powerful application-development tool for building client-server database
applications that are portable to a variety of GUI and character mode platforms.
Oracle Forms is part of Developer/2000, a comprehensive set of application development
tools that supports the complete application development life-cycle.
Applications built with Oracle Forms and the other Developer/2000 tools are completely
scalable, and are suitable for deployment at every level of your enterprise, from decision
support applications for small workgroups, to mission-critical, transaction-intensive projects
that must support hundreds of users.
Oracle Forms and the other Developer/2000 tools are optimized to take complete advantage
of the powerful features in the Oracle7 Server, Oracle's leading database management
Oracle Forms Components
When you build applications with Oracle Forms, you use three components:
o Oracle Forms Designer
o Oracle Forms Generate
o Oracle Forms Runform
The Designer is an application development environment where you work with three types of
Oracle Forms modules--forms, menus, and libraries. The Designer includes a set of visual
tools that allow you to create objects, set their properties, and write code for your
The Generate component is used to generate application files to create executable runfiles
for runtime deployment. Generating a form module compiles all of its code objects and
creates an .FMX runfile.
The Runform component is the runtime engine that form operators use to run a finished
Oracle Forms application.
Oracle Forms Modules
Oracle Forms applications include three types of modules:
You can integrate form, menu, and library modules as needed to build a complete
application. For example, you can create an application menu by defining a menu module
and then attaching it to one or more forms. Similarly, you can attach library modules to other
modules. Triggers and procedures that you write in those modules can then call procedures
in the attached library.
An Oracle Forms application can also incorporate modules from other Developer/2000 tools,
such as Oracle Reports and Oracle Graphics. For example, a button on a form can invoke a
report built with Oracle Reports. Or a chart display generated by Oracle Graphics can be
embedded in a form. This modular approach affords maximum flexibility when designing and
developing new applications, and for maintaining and enhancing existing ones.
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