Database 版 (精华区)
发信人: wodeji (西西), 信区: Database
标 题: [转载] Oracle 的开发工具 Developer 2000(七)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Fri Aug 7 18:39:10 1998), 站内信件
【 以下文字转载自 cndatabase 讨论区 】
【 原文由 所发表 】
Starting the Oracle Forms Designer
Note: This section assumes the ORACLE database and Oracle Forms have been installed on
your system. Installation procedures are platform-specific; refer to the Oracle Forms
documentation for your operating system.
To start the Oracle Forms Designer:
1. Double-click on the Designer icon. Or, enter the following command at the system
f45des [module] [userid/password] [parameters]
Note: On Motif, use f45desm for the executable name.
2. If you do not specify a module to be opened at startup, Oracle Forms opens a new
form module for you automatically. To open an existing module instead, select File->Open.
When you start the Oracle Forms Designer from the command line you can specify the
following optional command line parameters as keyword=value pairs. Do not put spaces
before or after the =.
You can enter the special parameters module and userid using either positional or keyword
notation. Using positional notation allows you to leave out the keywords, but the parameters
must be entered in the required order:
f45des [module] [userid] [optional parameters]
For example,
f45des accounts scott/tiger module_access=database
With keyword notation, you can enter parameters in any order:
f45des module=accounts module_access=database userid=scott/tiger
When you open a module in the file system, the file extension (.FMB, .MMB, .LIB) of the
module is optional:
f45des accounts.fmb scott/tiger
f45des accounts scott/tiger
The userid parameter can specify a connect string for logging on to ORACLE:
f45des accounts scott/tiger@t:bigcorp:SALES
When the module you want to open is not in the same directory as the f45DES executable,
you can specify a full path to the module:
f45des c:\my_apps\accounts scott/tiger
※ 来源:·饮水思源站·[FROM:]
※ 转载:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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