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发信人: rhine (风雨无阻), 信区: Database
标 题: Oracle DBA Guide, V8, part 12
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标 题: Oracle DBA Guide, V8, part 12
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Hi, required by several friends, I am posting the
Oracle Database Administrator's Guide version 8
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Managing Tables
This chapter describes the various aspects of managing tables, and includes
the following topics:
Guidelines for Managing Tables
Creating Tables
Altering Tables
Altering Tables
Manually Allocating Storage for a Table
Dropping Tables
Index-Organized Tables
Before attempting tasks described in this chapter, familiarize yourself with
the concepts in Chapter 10, Guidelines for Managing Schema Objects.
Guidelines for Managing Tables
This section describes guidelines to follow when managing tables, and includ
es the following topics:
Design Tables Before Creating Them
Specify How Data Block Space Is to Be Used
Specify Transaction Entry Parameters
Specify the Location of Each Table
Parallelize Table Creation
Consider Creating UNRECOVERABLE Tables
Estimate Table Size and Set Storage Parameters
Plan for Large Tables
Table Restrictions
Use these guidelines to make managing tables as easy as possible.
Design Tables Before Creating Them
Usually, the application developer is responsible for designing the elements
of an application, including the tables. Database administrators are respon
sible for setting storage parameters and defining clusters for tables, based
on information from the application developer about how the application wor
ks and the types of data expected.
Working with your application developer, carefully plan each table so that t
he following occurs:
Tables are normalized.
Each column is of the proper datatype.
Columns that allow nulls are defined last, to conserve storage space.
Tables are clustered whenever appropriate, to conserve storage space and opt
imize performance of SQL statements.
Specify How Data Block Space Is to Be Used
By specifying the PCTFREE and PCTUSED parameters during the creation of each
table, you can affect the efficiency of space utilization and amount of spa
ce reserved for updates to the current data in the data blocks of a table's
data segment.
See Also: For information about specifying PCTFREE and PCTUSED, see "Managin
g Space in Data Blocks".
Specify Transaction Entry Parameters
By specifying the INITRANS and MAXTRANS parameters during the creation of ea
ch table, you can affect how much space is initially and can ever be allocat
ed for transaction entries in the data blocks of a table's data segment.
See Also: For information about specifying INITRANS and MAXTRANS, see "Setti
ng Storage Parameters".
ng Storage Parameters".
Specify the Location of Each Table
If you have the proper privileges and tablespace quota, you can create a new
table in any tablespace that is currently online. Therefore, you should spe
cify the TABLESPACE option in a CREATE TABLE statement to identify the table
space that will store the new table.
If you do not specify a tablespace in a CREATE TABLE statement, the table is
created in your default tablespace.
When specifying the tablespace to contain a new table, make sure that you un
derstand implications of your selection. By properly specifying a tablespace
during the creation of each table, you can:
increase the performance of the database system
decrease the time needed for database administration
The following examples show how incorrect storage locations of schema object
s can affect a database:
If users' objects are created in the SYSTEM tablespace, the performance of O
racle can be reduced, since both data dictionary objects and user objects mu
st contend for the same datafiles.
If an application's associated tables are arbitrarily stored in various tabl
espaces, the time necessary to complete administrative operations (such as b
ackup and recovery) for that application's data can be increased.
See Also: For information about specifying tablespaces, see "Assigning Table
space Quotas to Users".
Parallelize Table Creation
If you have the parallel query option installed, you can parallelize the cre
ation of tables created with a subquery in the CREATE TABLE command. Because
multiple processes work together to create the table, performance of the ta
ble creation can improve.
See Also: For more information about the parallel query option and parallel
table creation, see the Oracle8 Tuning guide.
For information about the CREATE TABLE command, see the Oracle8 SQL Referenc
Consider Creating UNRECOVERABLE Tables
When you create an unrecoverable table, the table cannot be recovered from a
rchived logs (because the needed redo log records are not generated for the
unrecoverable table creation). Thus, if you cannot afford to lose the table,
you should take a backup after the table is created. In some situations, su
ch as for tables that are created for temporary use, this precaution may not
be necessary.
You can create an unrecoverable table by specifying UNRECOVERABLE when you c
reate a table with a subquery in the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement. Howev
er, rows inserted afterwards are recoverable. In fact, after the statement i
s completed, all future statements are fully recoverable.
Creating an unrecoverable table has the following benefits:
Space is saved in the redo log files.
Space is saved in the redo log files.
The time it takes to create the table is decreased.
Performance improves for parallel creation of large tables.
In general, the relative performance improvement is greater for larger unrec
overable tables than for smaller tables. Creating small unrecoverable tables
has little affect on the time it takes to create a table. However, for larg
er tables the performance improvement can be significant, especially when yo
u are also parallelizing the table creation.
Estimate Table Size and Set Storage Parameters
Estimating the sizes of tables before creating them is useful for the follow
ing reasons:
You can use the combined estimated size of tables, along with estimates for
indexes, rollback segments, and redo log files, to determine the amount of d
isk space that is required to hold an intended database. From these estimate
s, you can make correct hardware purchases and other decisions.
You can use the estimated size of an individual table to better manage the d
isk space that the table will use. When a table is created, you can set appr
opriate storage parameters and improve I/O performance of applications that
use the table.
For example, assume that you estimate the maximum size of a table before cre
ating it. If you then set the storage parameters when you create the table,
fewer extents will be allocated for the table's data segment, and all of the
table's data will be stored in a relatively contiguous section of disk spac
e. This decreases the time necessary for disk I/O operations involving this
Appendix A contains equations that help estimate the size of tables. Whether
or not you estimate table size before creation, you can explicitly set stor
age parameters when creating each non-clustered table. (Clustered tables aut
omatically use the storage parameters of the cluster.) Any storage parameter
that you do not explicitly set when creating or subsequently altering a tab
le automatically uses the corresponding default storage parameter set for th
e tablespace in which the table resides.
If you explicitly set the storage parameters for the extents of a table's da
ta segment, try to store the table's data in a small number of large extents
rather than a large number of small extents.
Plan for Large Tables
There are no limits on the physical size of tables and extents. You can spec
ify the keyword UNLIMITED for MAXEXTENTS, thereby simplifying your planning
for large objects, reducing wasted space and fragmentation, and improving sp
ace reuse. However, keep in mind that while Oracle allows an unlimited numbe
r of extents, when the number of extents in a table grows very large, you ma
y see an impact on performance when performing any operation requiring that
You cannot alter data dictionary tables to have MAXEXTENTS greater than the
allowed block maximum.
If you have such tables in your database, consider the following recommendat
Separate the Table from Its Indexes Place indexes in separate tablespaces fr
om other objects, and on separate disks if possible. If you ever need to dro
p and re-create an index on a very large table (such as when disabling and e
nabling a constraint, or re-creating the table), indexes isolated into separ
ate tablespaces can often find contiguous space more easily than those in ta
blespaces that contain other objects.
Allocate Sufficient Temporary Space If applications that access the data in
a very large table perform large sorts, ensure that enough space is availabl
e for large temporary segments and that users have access to this space (tem
porary segments always use the default STORAGE settings for their tablespace
Table Restrictions
Before creating tables, make sure you are aware of the following restriction
Tables containing new object types cannot be imported into a pre-Oracle8 dat
You cannot move types and extent tables to a different schema when the origi
nal data still exists in the database.
You cannot merge an exported table into a pre-existing table having the same
name in a different schema.
Creating Tables
To create a new table in your schema, you must have the CREATE TABLE system
privilege. To create a table in another user's schema, you must have the CRE
ATE ANY TABLE system privilege. Additionally, the owner of the table must ha
ve a quota for the tablespace that contains the table, or the UNLIMITED TABL
ESPACE system privilege.
Create tables using the SQL command CREATE TABLE. When user SCOTT issues the
following statement, he creates a non-clustered table named EMP in his sche
ma and stores it in the USERS tablespace:
ename VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL,
job VARCHAR2(10),
mgr NUMBER(5),
hiredate DATE DEFAULT (sysdate),
sal NUMBER(7,2),
comm NUMBER(7,2),
comm NUMBER(7,2),
Notice that integrity constraints are defined on several columns of the tabl
e and that several storage settings are explicitly specified for the table.
See Also: For more information about system privileges, see Chapter 21, Mana
ging User Privileges and Roles. For more information about tablespace quotas
, see Chapter 20, Managing Users and Resources.
Altering Tables
To alter a table, the table must be contained in your schema, or you must ha
ve either the ALTER object privilege for the table or the ALTER ANY TABLE sy
stem privilege.
A table in an Oracle database can be altered for the following reasons:
to add one or more new columns to the table
to add one or more integrity constraints to a table
to modify an existing column's definition (datatype, length, default value,
and NOT NULL integrity constraint)
to modify data block space usage parameters (PCTFREE, PCTUSED)
to modify transaction entry settings (INITRANS, MAXTRANS)
to modify storage parameters (NEXT, PCTINCREASE)
to enable or disable integrity constraints or triggers associated with the t
to drop integrity constraints associated with the table
You can increase the length of an existing column. However, you cannot decre
ase it unless there are no rows in the table. Furthermore, if you are modify
ing a table to increase the length of a column of datatype CHAR, realize tha
t this may be a time consuming operation and may require substantial additio
nal storage, especially if the table contains many rows. This is because the
CHAR value in each row must be blank-padded to satisfy the new column lengt
When altering the data block space usage parameters (PCTFREE and PCTUSED) of
a table, note that new settings apply to all data blocks used by the table,
including blocks already allocated and subsequently allocated for the table
. However, the blocks already allocated for the table are not immediately re
organized when space usage parameters are altered, but as necessary after th
e change.
When altering the transaction entry settings (INITRANS, MAXTRANS) of a table
, note that a new setting for INITRANS only applies to data blocks subsequen
, note that a new setting for INITRANS only applies to data blocks subsequen
tly allocated for the table, while a new setting for MAXTRANS applies to all
blocks (already and subsequently allocated blocks) of a table.
The storage parameters INITIAL and MINEXTENTS cannot be altered. All new set
tings for the other storage parameters (for example, NEXT, PCTINCREASE) affe
ct only extents subsequently allocated for the table. The size of the next e
xtent allocated is determined by the current values of NEXT and PCTINCREASE,
and is not based on previous values of these parameters.
You can alter a table using the SQL command ALTER TABLE. The following state
ment alters the EMP table:
Before altering a table, familiarize yourself with the consequences of doing
If a new column is added to a table, the column is initially null. You can a
dd a column with a NOT NULL constraint to a table only if the table does not
contain any rows.
If a view or PL/SQL program unit depends on a base table, the alteration of
the base table may affect the dependent object.
See Also: See "Managing Object Dependencies" for information about how Oracl
e manages dependencies.
Manually Allocating Storage for a Table
Oracle dynamically allocates additional extents for the data segment of a ta
ble, as required. However, you might want to allocate an additional extent f
or a table explicitly. For example, when using the Oracle Parallel Server, a
n extent of a table can be allocated explicitly for a specific instance.
A new extent can be allocated for a table using the SQL command ALTER TABLE
with the ALLOCATE EXTENT option.
See Also: For information about the ALLOCATE EXTENT option, see Oracle8 Para
llel Server Concepts and Administration.
Dropping Tables
To drop a table, the table must be contained in your schema or you must have
the DROP ANY TABLE system privilege.
To drop a table that is no longer needed, use the SQL command DROP TABLE. Th
e following statement drops the EMP table:
If the table to be dropped contains any primary or unique keys referenced by
foreign keys of other tables and you intend to drop the FOREIGN KEY constra
ints of the child tables, include the CASCADE option in the DROP TABLE comma
lude the CASCADE option in the DROP TABLE comma
nd, as shown below:
Before dropping a table, familiarize yourself with the consequences of doing
Dropping a table removes the table definition from the data dictionary. All
rows of the table are no longer accessible.
All indexes and triggers associated with a table are dropped.
All views and PL/SQL program units dependent on a dropped table remain, yet
become invalid (not usable). See "Managing Object Dependencies" for informat
ion about how Oracle manages such dependencies.
All synonyms for a dropped table remain, but return an error when used.
All extents allocated for a non-clustered table that is dropped are returned
to the free space of the tablespace and can be used by any other object req
uiring new extents or new objects. All rows corresponding to a clustered tab
le are deleted from the blocks of the cluster.
Index-Organized Tables
This section describes aspects of managing index-organized tables, and inclu
-organized tables, and inclu
des the following topics:
What Are Index-Organized Tables?
Creating Index-Organized Tables
Maintaining Index-Organized Tables
Converting Index-Organized Tables to Regular Tables
What Are Index-Organized Tables?
Index-organized tables are tables with data rows grouped according to the pr
imary key. This clustering is achieved using a B*tree index. B*tree indexes
are special types of index trees that differ from regular table B-tree index
es in that they store both the primary key and non-key columns. The attribut
es of index-organized tables are stored entirely within the physical data st
ructures for the index. Put another way, index-organized tables are logical
constructs for defining and accessing index content using SQL statements.
Why Use Index-Organized Tables?
Index-organized tables provide faster key-based access to table data for que
ries involving exact match and range searches. Changes to the table data (su
ch as adding new rows, updating rows, or deleting rows) result only in updat
ing the index structure (because there is no separate table storage area).
Also, storage requirements are reduced because key columns are not duplicate
d in the table and index. The remaining non-key columns are stored in the in
dex structure.
Index-organized tables are particularly useful when you are using applicatio
rticularly useful when you are using applicatio
ns that must retrieve data based on a primary key. Also, index-organized tab
les are suitable for modeling application-specific index structures. For exa
mple, content-based information retrieval applications containing text, imag
e and audio data require inverted indexes that can be effectively modeled us
ing index-organized tables.
See Also: For more details about index-organized tables, see Oracle8 Concept
Differences Between Index-Organized and Regular Tables
Index-organized tables are like regular tables with an index on one or more
of its columns. However, instead of maintaining two separate storage spaces
for the table and B*tree index, an index-organized table only maintains a si
ngle B*tree index containing the primary key of the table and other column v
Figure 12-1 Structure of Regular Table versus Index-Organized Table
Index-organized tables are suitable for accessing data by way of primary key
or any key that is a valid prefix of the primary key. Also, there is no dup
lication of key values because a separate index structure containing the key
values and ROWID is not created. Table 12-1 summarizes the difference betwe
en an index-organized table and a regular table.
Table 12-1 Comparison of Index-Organized table with a Regular Table
Regular Table Index-Organized Table
ROWID uniquely identifies a row; primary key can be optionally specified
can be optionally specified
Primary key uniquely identifies a row; primary key must be specified
Implicit ROWID Column; allows building physical secondary indexes
No implicit ROWID Column; can not have physical secondary indexes
ROWID-based access, key or scan
Primary key-based access or scan
Sequential scan returns all rows
Full-table scan returns all rows in primary key order
UNIQUE constraints allowed on other columns
UNIQUE constraints on other columns are not allowed
Triggers allowed on other columns
Triggers allowed on other columns
Table can be stored in a cluster containing other tables
An index-organized table can not be stored in a cluster
Distributed SQL, Replication, and Partitioning supported
Distributed SQL and Replication supported. Partitioning not supported
Creating Index-Organized Tables
You can use the CREATE TABLE statement to create index-organized tables; whe
n doing so, you need to provide the following additional information:
An ORGANIZATION INDEX qualifier, which indicates that this is an index-organ
ized table.
A primary key, specified through a column constraint clause (for a single co
lumn primary key) or a table constraint clause (for a multiple- column prima
traint clause (for a multiple- column prima
ry key). A primary key must be specified for index-organized tables.
An optional row overflow specification clause, which preserves dense cluster
ing of the B*tree index by storing the row column values exceeding the speci
fied threshold in a separate overflow data segment.
The row overflow tablespace is defined as a percentage of the block size. If
a row size is greater than the specified threshold value (PCTTHRESHOLD), th
e non-key column values are stored in the overflow tablespace. In other word
s, the row is broken at a column boundary into 2 pieces, for example, a head
piece and tail piece. The head piece fits in the specified threshold and is
stored along with the key in the index leaf block. The tail piece is stored
in the overflow area as one or more row pieces. Thus, the index entry conta
ins the key value, the non-key column values that fit the specified threshol
d, and a pointer to the rest of the row.
The following example shows information to provide when creating index-organ
ized tables:
( token char(20),
doc_oid NUMBER,
token_frequency NUMBER,
token_occurrence_data varchar2(512),
CONSTRAINT pk_docindex
PRIMARY KEY (token, doc_oid))
PRIMARY KEY (token, doc_oid))
OVERFLOW TABLESPACE text_col_overflow;
This example shows that the ORGANIZATION INDEX qualifier specifies an index-
organized table, where the key columns and non-key columns reside in an inde
x defined on columns that designate the primary key (TOKEN,DOC_ID) for the t
Index-organized tables can store object types. For example, you can create a
n index-organized table containing a column of object type mytype (for the p
urpose of this example) as follows:
CREATE TABLE iot (c1 NUMBER primary key, c2 mytype)
However, you cannot create an index-organized table of object types. For exa
mple, the following statement would not be valid:
See Also: For more details about the CREATE INDEX statement, see the Oracle
SQL Reference.
Using the Overflow Clause
The overflow clause specified in the preceding example indicates that any no
n-key columns of rows exceeding 20% of the block size are placed in a data s
egment stored in the TEXT_COLLECTION_OVERFLOW tablespace. The key columns sh
ould fit the specified threshold.
If an update of a non-key column causes the row to decrease in size, Oracle
identifies the row piece (head or tail) to which the update is applicable an
d rewrites that piece.
If an update of a non-key column causes the row to increase in size, Oracle
identifies the piece (head or tail) to which the update is applicable and re
writes that row piece. If the update's target turns out to be the head piece
, note that this piece may again be broken into 2 to keep the row size below
the specified threshold.
The non-key columns that fit in the index leaf block are stored as a row hea
d-piece that contains a ROWID field linking it to the next row piece stored
in the overflow data segment. The only columns that are stored in the overfl
ow area are those that do not fit.
Choosing and Monitoring a Threshold Value
You should choose a threshold value that can accommodate your key columns, a
s well as the first few non-key columns (if they are frequently accessed).
After choosing a threshold value, you can monitor tables to verify that the
value you specified is appropriate. You can use the ANALYZE TABLE LIST CHAIN
ED ROWS statement to determine the number and identity of rows exceeding the
threshold value.
To analyze index-organized tables, you must create a separate CHAINED ROWS t
able for each and every index-organized table (to accommodate the primary ke
y storage of index-organized tables). You can use the SQL scripts DBMSIOTC.S
an use the SQL scripts DBMSIOTC.S
QL and PRVTIOTC.PLB to define the BUILD_CHAIN_ROWS_TABLE package definition,
and then execute this procedure to create an IOT_CHAINED_ROWS table for an
index-organized table.
You must execute both DBMSIOTC.SQL and PRVTIOTC.PLB in the 'SYS' schema to c
reate the package definition. PUBLIC users have EXECUTE privileges for the p
rocedures defined in the packages, so users in any schema can use them to cr
eate the LIST_CHAIN_ROW table.
See Also: For more information about the ANALYZE command and SQL scripts, se
e the Oracle8 SQL Reference.
Using the INCLUDING clause
In addition to specifying PCTTHRESHOLD, you can use the INCLUDING <COLUMN_NA
ME> clause to control which non-key columns are stored with the key columns.
Oracle accommodates all non-key columns up to the column specified in the I
NCLUDING clause in the index leaf block, provided it does not exceed the spe
cified threshold. All non-key columns beyond the column specified in the INC
LUDING clause are stored in the overflow area.
For example, you can modify the previous example where an index-organized ta
ble was created so that it always has the TOKEN_OCCURRENCE_DATA column value
stored in the overflow area:
( token char(20),
doc_oid NUMBER,
doc_oid NUMBER,
token_frequency NUMBER,
token_occurrence_data varchar2(512),
CONSTRAINT pk_docindex
PRIMARY KEY (token, doc_oid))
INCLUDING token_frequency
OVERFLOW TABLESPACE text_col_overflow;
Here, only non-key columns up to TOKEN_FREQUENCY (in this case a single colu
mn only) are stored with the key column values in the index leaf block.
Maintaining Index-Organized Tables
You can use an index-organized table in place of a regular table in INSERT,
SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements. Note that the rows for index-organize
d tables are stored in the B*tree, and do not have a row identity (ROWID). T
hus, you cannot perform ROWID based-retrieval on index-organized tables.
You cannot partition index-organized tables.
Altering Index-Organized Tables
Index-organized tables differ only in physical organization; logically, they
are manipulated the same as regular tables. Hence, you manipulate index-org
anized tables as you would regular tables. However, there is one difference
when using the ALTER TABLE statement. In addition to other defined clauses,
you can use the following:
An integer value that specifies the threshold as percentage of the block siz
Specifies the physical attributes of the overflow data segment (area where t
he data rows exceeding the threshold are placed).
You can alter the threshold value for index-organized tables only when the t
able is empty or the specified threshold is larger than the current threshol
d value.
See Also: For details about the ALTER TABLE statement, see the Oracle8 SQL R
Scenario: Using the ORDER BY Clause with Index-Organized Tables
If an ORDER BY clause only references the primary key column or a prefix of
it, then the optimizer avoids the sorting overhead as the rows are returned
sorted on the primary key columns.
For example, you create the following table:
The following 2 queries avoid sorting overhead because the data is already s
orted on the primary key:
If, however, you have an ORDER BY clause on a suffix of the primary key colu
mn, additional sorting is required.
Scenario: Updating the Key Column
A key column update is logically equivalent to deleting the row with the old
key value and inserting the row with the new key value at the appropriate p
lace to maintain the primary key order.
In the following example, the employee row for DEPT_ID 20 and E_ID 10 are de
leted and the employee row for DEPT_ID 23 and E_ID 10 are inserted:
WHERE DEPT_ID=20 and E_ID=10;
Converting Index-Organized Tables to Regular Tables
You can convert index-organized tables to regular tables using the Oracle IM
PORT/EXPORT utilities, or the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement.
To convert an index-organized table to a regular table:
zed table to a regular table:
Export the index-organized table data using conventional path
Create a regular table definition with the same definition
Import the index-organized table data, making sure IGNORE=y (ensures that ob
ject exists error is ignored)
Before converting an index-organized table to a regular table, be aware that
index-organized tables cannot be exported using pre-Oracle8 versions of the
Export utility.
See Also: For more details about using IMPORT/EXPORT, see Oracle8 Utilities.
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