Graphics 版 (精华区)
作 家: xian (小楼一夜听春雨) on board 'Graphics'
题 目: 3DS MAX R2新增功能(1)(转寄)
来 源: 哈尔滨紫丁香站
日 期: Sun Aug 24 01:32:11 1997
出 处:
发信人: (老屋), 信区: graphics
标 题: 3DS MAX R2新增功能(1)--建模
发信站: XMU CS BBS (Sat Aug 16 03:49:50 1997)
转信站: sjtubbs!sjtunews!xmucs
发信人: Qlin (青青子衿), 信区: Graphics
标 题: 3DS MAX R2新增功能(1)--建模
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Aug 12 19:26:53 1997)
New Features Listing - Modeling
General Modeling Architecture
*Cut, copy, and paste modifiers between objects as copies
or instances for the ultimate in modeling flexibility and
*Copy and rearrange modifiers within an object.
*Undo and Redo all Edit History Stack operations.
*Collapse objects with one click to a choice of base
editable classes (such as editable meshes, splines, NURBS
surfaces, or curves).
*Active/Inactive in Viewport option per modifier to
exclude complex actions from interactive views while
including them in production renderings.
*Space Warp effects are directly assignable without gizmo
creation or binding with new class of World Space Modifiers
*Convert instances to references with the Edit History Stack
with the Reference Object option.
*Convert instances and references to copies with the Edit
*History Stack抯Copy Object option.
*Convert selections of instances and references to copies with
Make Unique.
*3D Array system with animateable translation, rotation, scale,
and incremental offset options.
*3D Snap System support of sub-object selections &gizmos for
accurate modeling within an object.
*Align System support of sub-object selections &gizmos for
accurate alignment within and between objects.
*Align System support of Pivots for accurate placement within
*Transform Type-In System support of sub-object selections for
keyboard accurate placement and reporting.
*Collapse multiple objects at once with the Collapse utility
to either single or multiple objects.
*Boolean multiple objects in one step with the Collapse
*Non-Renderable object properties for flexible scene
Inherit Visibility property for a parent抯visibility to
influence its children
*Edit Named Selections function to combine, intersect,
subtract, add to, delete, and rename named selection sets.
*Edit Named Sub-Object Selections function to combine,
intersect, subtract and rename named selection sets.
*Combo Filters for combining Selection Filter methods.
*Share sub-object selection sets between modifiers.
*Sort by Size option for searching the scene by object complexity.
*Select Subtree and Select Dependents options for including
all children and dependent objects in selections.
Relational, Animateable, NURBS Modeling
*Smooth, View Dependent Tessellation for all NURB and
*Bezier Patch surfaces based on spatial or curvature
relationships with analytical normals for precise highlights.
*Dependent NURBS Points include Independent, Point/Point,
*Curve/Point, Curve/Curve, Surf/Point.
*Dependent NURBS Curves include (animateable)Blend,
*Fillet, Chamfer, Offset, Mirror, Transform, U&V Iso Curve,
and Curve Fit.
NURBS Modeling (cont.)
*Dependent NURBS Surfaces include (animateable)Blend,
*Transform, Mirror, Offset, Extrude, Cap, Lathe, Ruled, and
*Render NURBS Curves without additional modeling with
thickness and mapping control.
*Iso-Curve Display of NURBS surfaces for fast and clear
editing with density control.
*Surface Approximation controls are separate for
interactive display and production rendering and include: iso
display, parametric mesh density, spatial density with edge
control, curvature density with distance and angle control,
and view-dependent tessellation for spatial and curvature.
*Curve Approximation controls include adaptive, explicit,
and optimized steps.
*Curve object controls include: attach single/multiple,
import single/multiple, reorient, floating toolbar,
lattice/curve/dependency display control.
*Surface object controls include: attach single/multiple,
import single/multiple, reorient, floating toolbar,
lattice/curves/surfaces/dependency display control.
*Surface CV controls include: translate/rotate/scale, named
selections, weight, hide/unhide, fuse/unfuse, delete
row/column/both, refine row/column/both, affect region.
*Surface controls include: translate/rotate/scale, name
selections, hide/unhide, delete, make loft, make independent,
detach, copy, renderable, display normals, flip normals,
material, UV offset, UV tiling, break row/column/both,
extend, join, tolerance.
*Curve CV controls include: translate/rotate/scale, named
selections, weight, hide/unhide, fuse/unfuse, refine, delete,
extend, affect region.
*Curve controls include: translate/rotate/scale, named
selections, hide/unhide, delete, make fit, reverse, make
independent, detach, copy, make first, break, join,
tolerance, close, degree.
*Point controls include: translate/rotate/scale, named
selections, hide/unhide, fuse/unfuse, extend, make
independent, delete select/row/column, refine
curve/row/column/both, affect region.
*NURB Surface and Curve Select modifiers pass sub-object
*NURBS selections up the modifier stack for further parametric
New NURBS Objects
*NURBS CV Curve object class for drawing curves with control
vertices and weights (all animateable).
*NURBS Point Curve object class for drawing curves with
exact interpolation points (all animateable).
*NURBS CV Surface object class for creating surfaces with
control vertices and weights (all animateable).
*NURBS Point Surface object class for creating surfaces
with exact interpolation points (all animateable).
*NURBS Primitives of Box, Cone, Sphere, Cylinder, Tube,
*Torus, Pyramid, Prism, and Teapot provided by modifier
history collapse.
New Parametric Objects
*New Parametric Objects include Capsule, C-Ext, Chamfer
Box, Chamfer Cylinder, Gengon, L-Ext, Oil Tank, Prism,
Pyramid, Spindle, Torus Knot, 3 Door types, and 6 Window
*New Compound Objects
*Scatter Object arrays an object across another object抯
surface with numerous placement, transform, and display
options, with recallable presets.
*Conform Object forces one object抯geometry into the
configuration of another objects.
*Connect Object stitches a mesh between the holes in two
mesh objects with control over bridging, tension, and
*ShapeMerge Object projects a spline object onto a mesh
object for further manipulation or cookie cutter
subtractions and intersections.
Parametric Modeling in World Space
*SurfDeform WSM deforms objects based upon a selected NURBS
surface object.
*PatchDeform WSM deforms objects based upon a selected Patch
surface object.
*PathDeform WSM deforms objects based upon a selected Bezier
spline or NURBS curve object.
Parametric Modeling in Object Space
*FFD Box modifier for cylindrical free form deformation with
any number of animateable deformation points.
*FFD Cylindrical modifier for cubic free form deformation
with any number of animateable deformation points.
*Lattice modifier turns objects into inker toy struts
and/or joints for true 3D wireframes with control over radii,
density, and smoothing
*Affect Region modifier for parametric bulge and pinch
effects and animation.
*Spherify modifier deforms objects into a ball.
Mirror modifier for parametric mirroring and animation.
*SurfDeform modifier deforms objects based on a NURBS
*PatchDeform modifier deforms objects based on a Patch
*PathDeform modifier deforms objects based on a Spline path.
Parametric Mesh Modeling
*Preserve modifier for controlling the edge lengths, face
angles, and volume of a distorted object.
*Tessellate modifier for parametric tessellation and
animation with Quad/Poly conversion options.
*Delete Mesh modifier for parametric and animated deletion
of the active selection.
*Face Extrude modifier for parametric face extrusion and
*Cap Holes modifier automatically builds faces across holes
in meshes.
*Mesh Select modifier passes sub-object mesh selections up
the modifier stack.
*Quad Output options for Tessellate and MeshSmooth
*MeshSmooth modifier enhancements for organic mesh modeling.
*Boolean Navigator Tree for easily working with nested
*Extract, Name, Remove, Copy for Boolean Operands.
*Polygon Counter utility for establishing and staying within
polygon budgets.
*Luminance Center, Parametric Dimensions, Region Fit, View
Align, and Map Tree usage added to Displace modifier.
*Max Edge Length control when optimizing mesh densities with
the Optimize modifier.
Explicit Mesh Editing
*Animateable vertices, faces, and edges within the base
EditableMesh object, designed for fast mesh editing and
*Local Axis modeling respected per vertex, face, and edge
*Copy and Pastenamed vertex, face, and edge selections.
*Constant reporting of current vertex, face, and edge
selection count.
Vertex Editing
*Target Threshold for target welding.
*Edge Distance control over Affect Region bulging.
*Align to Viewport function for vertex selections.
*Align to Construction Plane function for vertex selections.
*Remove Isolated Vertices function for cleaning up entire
*Break Vertex for making two vertices from every selected
*Interactive Vertex Color Assignment within viewports.
*Select Vertices by Vertex Color ability with color proximity
*Vertex Colors ability for the vertices in face selections.
*Assign Vertex Colors utility inputs scene抯lighting into
mesh vertices.
Face Editing
*Ignore Backfaces option for selecting only the faces you see.
*Ignore Invisible Edges option for extending polygon
*Planar Threshold for selecting faces by edged polygon
*Align to Viewport function for face selections.
*Align to Construction Plane function for face selections.
*Flip Normal Mode for interactive face normal flipping.
*Select By Normal for selecting faces by their orientation.
Edge Editing
*Create Shape for creating splines based on edge selections.
*Select Open Edge for showing missing faces.
*Constant reporting current edge selection count.
Parametric Spline Modeling
*Bevel Profile modifier extrudes spline objects into objects
with cross sections based upon a referenced spline object.
*Section Shape Object creates dynamic or explicit
cross-sectional splines of any geometry it intersects by its
boundary or plane.
*Text Enhancements include Justification, Kerning,
*Leading, and Multi-Line (all animateable)and Manual
*Update for large text sections.
*Render Splines Immediately without any additional
modeling with new Renderable, Thickness, and Mapping
*Delete Spline modifier parametrically deletes shape
*Fillet/Chamfer modifier for filleting and chamfering spline
*Trim/Extend modifier for trimming and extending splines.
*Spline Select modifier passes sub-object shape selections
up the modifier stack.
*Corner Radius Parameters for parametric spline objects
with straight sides that include Rectangle, NGon, and Star.
*Flip Normals option added to Lathe modifier.
*NURBS Output added to Lathe &Extrude modifiers.
Explicit Spline Editing
*EditableSpline Object for fast, explicit spline editing in
the base object.
*Animateable Vertices and Tangencies within the base
*EditableSpline object for rapid animation.
*Interpolation Options in the base EditableSpline object.
*Attach Multiple option for combining multiple shapes at once.
*Copy and Paste named vertex, segment, and spline selections.
*Constant reporting of current vertex, segment, and spline
selection count.
*Detach to Same Shape option for cloning segments within an
*Divide Segment function with division control for adding
vertices at proportional increments.
*Segment Insert for adding vertices while at the segment
*Spline Reverse option for reversing a spline抯direction.
*Spline Insert for adding vertices while at the spline level.
*Adaptive Beveling for lofted objects by Normal, Adaptive
*Linear, and Adaptive Cubic methods.
*Constant Cross-Section for uniform loft widths along path
*Path Steps method for locating cross sections at path
*Shape Align functions for accurate cross section placement.
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站·[FROM:]
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