Graphics 版 (精华区)
作 家: xian (小楼一夜听春雨) on board 'Graphics'
题 目: 3DS MAX R2新增功能(3)(转寄)
来 源: 哈尔滨紫丁香站
日 期: Sun Aug 24 01:32:48 1997
出 处:
发信人: (老屋), 信区: graphics
标 题: 3DS MAX R2新增功能(3)--动画工具
发信站: XMU CS BBS (Sat Aug 16 03:51:47 1997)
转信站: sjtubbs!sjtunews!xmucs
发信人: Qlin (青青子衿), 信区: Graphics
标 题: 3DS MAX R2新增功能(3)--动画工具
发信站: BBS 水木清华站 (Tue Aug 12 19:29:06 1997)
New Features Listing - Animation Tools
New Rigid Body, Physical Dynamics System
*Real-world Physics for colliding, bouncing, and sliding
all objects within the scene and between each other. Dynamic
simulations are named, controllable by object selection, work
with inverse kinematics, can solve in the active viewports,
and have bounce and friction defined by material definitions.
*Dynamic Hierarchies with 12 linkage types including ball
joint, prismatic joint, universal joint, plane constraint,
sliding hinge, and hinge.
*Motor SpaceWarp for applying torque to objects and particles
according to Newtonian physics.
*Push SpaceWarp for applying force to objects and particles
according to Newtonian physics.
Inverse Kinematics
*Real-Time IK solutions with the new, procedural IK
Controller for using Inverse Kinematics at all times.
*2D IK constraints are assigned automatically with IK
controllers when creating Bone Systems for animation setups
that quickly obey your construction plane.
*Auto Boning function to automatically create Bone Systems
with IK constraints for any selected hierarchy.
*Complex IK solutions when combined with new Attachment,
Link, and Surface Position controllers and the respect of IK
constraints and linkages within Dynamic simulations.
IK (cont.)
*IK Spring Back option to control IK spring-back joint
*Weighted IK bindings for assigning to specific axes.
*Apply Only to Keys option for solving IK for just existing
*Special end effectors are assigned to any joint with new IK
*Constant IK joint axis limit display with the new IK
*Copy &Paste and Mirror Paste IK joint settings.
*Position/Rotation threshold and iteration settings can be
individually set for each hierarchy with the new IK
New Animation Aids
*Animate mesh vertices, faces, and edges immediately in
the base mesh object.
*Animate spline vertices, handles, and segments
immediately in the base spline object.
*Animate NURBS surface control vertices and weights
immediately in the base surface object.
*Animate NURBS curve control vertices and weights
immediately in the base curve object.
*Motion Capture panel for recording controls, assigning
tracks, organizing events for real time motion input with
further key reduction and sampling options.
*Motion Capture Animation Controllers for real-time input
of position, rotation, scale, floats, and colors with
for mouse, keyboard, joystick, andmidi devices.?
*Red Brackets now indicate keyed values throughout the
*Place keys at any time with Shift+Right-Click over any
spinner arrow..
*Show Key Times for displaying keyframe numbers in
trajectory paths.
*Reset Pivot option for restoring an object抯pivot creation
*Animated Visibility Tracks for simple, smooth opacity
*Sub-Controller Cut &Paste now works with controllers
containing multiple controllers (like Euler, List, RGB
*Convert Splines to and from Trajectories Advance &Rewind
added to animation slider.
*Absolute Coordinate Reporting for sub-objects and gizmos.
*Modify Subtree within Edit Keys and Edit Time modes for
easily manipulating Key hierarchies
Track View Enhancements
*Navigate the Modify Panel and Edit History Stack by
clicking on the relevant modification tracks in TrackView.
*Time Tags for flagging important animation points in
*New Global Tracks for storing reference animation data in
*Floating TrackView Utility Panel for new Track View
*Wild Card Track Selection for super fast track selection
and searching.
*Hide by Controller Type window to control the display of
any combination of animation controllers.
*Make Unique function for changing instanced tracks to copies.
*Track Filter Methods to Hide by Category, show specific
transform components, Show only Visible.
*Copy and paste modifier tracks between or within objects.
*Named Track Views can be saved and recalled between sessions.
*Static Value Display besides each non-animated track.
*Debug Function for analyzing Expression Controller values
*Show Only Visible Objects?for controlling track display
according to scene visibility.
*TrackView hierarchies are quickly selected with Ctrl+Alt.
*TrackView selection of children in the parent track抯
right-click menu.
New Animation Controllers
*Weighted Morphing between multiple morph targets with
*Barycentric Morphing controller with blending controls -
perfect for facial animation.
*Animate Hierarchy Transfers with the new Link controller
so children can change parents during an animation .
*Attachment controller for constraining object animation
according to face locations.
*Surface Position controller for constraining object
animation across another object抯surface.
*Waveform controller for animating with periodic waves.
*RGBColor controller splits RGB into separate tracks.
*XYZ Position controller splits XYZ position into separate
*XYZ Point controller splits XYZ values into separate
*On/Off controller for precise binary animation.
New Animation Utilities
*Trajectory Collapse Transform for changing procedural
translation, rotation, and scale animation into explicit
*Randomize Keys utility. Apply random offset values to times
or values
*Create Out of Range Keys utility Convert out-of-range
time to keys
*Follow/Bank utility Generate explicit rotation keys for
following paths
*Link Inheritance utility Adjust a selection抯link controls
all at once
*Select Keys by Time utility Select keys quickly within a
specified start and end range of time
*Flip, Constant Velocity and Explicit Axis enhancements to
*Path controller for precise path-based animations.
※ 来源:·BBS 水木清华站·[FROM:]
※ 来源:·古庙钟声·[FROM:]
※ 来源:·哈尔滨紫丁香站·[FROM:]
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