Graphics 版 (精华区)
发信人: killest (矛盾), 信区: Graphics
标 题: NURBS for 3DS MAX R2.5 (1)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Jul 15 21:14:22 1998), 转信
NURBS for 3DS MAX R2.5
Draft 1
Randy Clark
Kinetix Tech Pubs
March 9, 199818
[NOTE: This draft describes 3DS MAX R2.5 Beta build A0126. If you are
still using an earlier build, some features that the document assumes
are available won't be functioning yet. Some screen captures still
reflect build A011. -RC]
3D Studio MAX R2.5 Beta provides NURBS surfaces and curves. NURBS have
become an industry standard for designing and modeling surfaces. They
are especially suited for modeling surfaces with complicated curves.
NURBS stands for Non-Uniform Rational
B-Splines. The tools for modeling with NURBS do not require an
understanding of the mathematics that produces these objects. NURBS
are popular precisely because they are easy to manipulate interactively,
and because the algorithms that create them are both efficient and numerically stable.
[NEW: For the R2.5 release of 3DS MAX, NURBS objects and tools have been
updated to provide a more complete feature set. The new NURBS modeling
features include new curve types, trimming surfaces, and new surface
types including UV Loft, and 1-Rail and
2-Rail sweeps. The update also provides several user-interface improvements,
including improved select-by-name features for NURBS sub-objects.]
Vase from lathed NURBS curve Spaceship from cylindrical
NURBS surface Lotion bottle's spout and body
with fused and scaled
control vertices modeled with NURBS surfaces
(the tubes are rendered
NURBS curves)
Models created using NURBS
[SUGGESTION: Read this document in Word to see the illustrations in color.]
In 3DS MAX, you can also model surfaces using polygonal meshes or patches.
Compared to NURBS surfaces, meshes and patches have these shortcomings:
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※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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