Graphics 版 (精华区)
发信人: killest (矛盾), 信区: Graphics
标 题: NURBS for 3DS MAX R2.5 (4)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Jul 15 21:26:07 1998), 转信
Example: To cut a hole in a CV surface
1 Create a CV surface in the Top viewport.
2 Create a closed CV curve that lies on top of (or above) the surface.
3 Create a Normal Projected Curve: turn on this button in the toolbox,
then in the Top viewport select first the CV curve, then the surface.
This creates a projection of the CV curve that lies on the surface, and can
trim it.
4 In the Normal Projected curve's parameters, click to turn on Trim.
A hole appears in the surface. Depending on the orientation of the Normal
Projected curve, you might see everything but the hole.
5 Use the Flip Trim toggle to invert the trim.
Note: Trims aren't displayed in viewports if the NURBS surface's Surface
Trims toggle is turned off in the General rollout's Display area.
Modifying NURBS Models and Creating Sub-Objects
NURBS are immediately editable when you enter the Modify command panel.
You don't have to apply a modifier, as you do for most kinds of 3DS MAX
While you are editing a NURBS object in the Modify command panel, you can
create sub-objects "on the fly," without having to go back to the Create
panel. This is an exception to the way you usually use 3DS MAX. The Modify
command panel for NURBS curve
and NURBS surface objects includes rollouts that let you create new NURBS
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※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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