Graphics 版 (精华区)
发信人: killest (矛盾), 信区: Graphics
标 题: NURBS for 3DS MAX R2.5 (5)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Wed Jul 15 21:33:36 1998), 转信
Rollouts for NURBS sub-object creation
This is a summary of how to create sub-objects:
· Both curves and surfaces have a rollout for creating points. A point
you create individually is either an independent point or a dependent
point tied to other NURBS geometry.
· Both curves and surfaces have a rollout for creating curves. Curve
sub-objects are either independent Point Curves or CV Curves, or they
are dependent curves whose geometry is based on other curves [NEW: or
surfaces] already present in the model. For
example, a Blend curve is a dependent curve sub-object that connects
the endpoints of two other curves(the parent curves must both be of the
same type?either Point or CV).
· Surfaces have a rollout for creating surfaces. Surface sub-objects
are either independent Point Surfaces or CV Surfaces, or they are
dependent surfaces whose geometry is based on other surfaces already
present in the model. For example, a Blend
surface is a dependent surface sub-object that connects the edges of
two other surfaces.
· You can attach 3DS MAX objectsobjects. If the attached object is
not already a NURBS object, it is converted to NURBS geometry. A NURBS
curve can attach another NURBS curve or a spline curve. A NURBS surface
can attach a curve, another NURBS
surface,or a convertible 3DS MAX object or a convertible 3DS MAX object.
The attached object becomes one or more curve or surface sub-objects.
· You can import 3DS MAX objects. The attached imported object retains
its parameters. While it is part of the NURBS object it renders as a NURBS,
but you can still edit it and its modifiers parametrically at the Imports
sub-object level. At this
sub-object level, viewports display its usual geometry, not its NURBS form.
A NURBS curve can import NURBS curves or spline curves. A NURBS surface
can import curves, surfaces, or convertible 3DS MAX objectsor convertible
3DS MAX objects.
Note: You can detach a NURBS sub-object to make it a new NURBS object of
its own, and you can extract an imported object to create an independent,
top-level object once again.
Using the NURBS Toolbox to Create Sub-Objects
Besides the rollouts at the NURBS object level, you can use the NURBS
toolbox to create sub-objects.
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※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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