Graphics °æ (¾«»ªÇø)
·¢ÐÅÈË: killest (victor), ÐÅÇø: Graphics
±ê Ìâ: PHOTOSHOP(1)- Introducing Adobe Photoshop 4.0
·¢ÐÅÕ¾: ×Ï ¶¡ Ïã (Thu Mar 5 14:08:25 1998), תÐÅ
Introducing Adobe Photoshop 4.0
welcome to the Adobe Photoshop
program-Software that brings the
world of digital image editing and
professional prepress production to the desktop.
Adobe Photoshop lets you retouch scanned photo-graphs,
edit images, and create painted artwork
and special effects. Whether you're an art director,
photographer, graphic designer, multimedia
author, Web page designer, animator, or printer,
the variety of built-in painting, editing, and color-correction
tools that Adobe Photoshop offers
ensures that you'll get the professional-quality
results that you need. The large selection of file
formats that Adobe Photoshop supports lets you
easily import and export most image files. With
the new adjustment layers feature, you can apply
color and tonal adjustments without permanently
affecting your image. The new Actions palette lets
you automate sequences of tasks and apply the
same task sequence to a batch of files.
Adobe Photoshop also features the ability to work
in multichannel images and use the internal color
separator to convert RGB images to CMYK
images. You can even preview and edit images in
CMYK color mode. You can then print separations
from the program or save them for use in page-layout
and illustration programs.
About this guide
Adobe Photoshop Getting Started is for first-time
Adobe Photoshop users, as well as for users
upgrading to version 4.0 from an earlier version.
Before you begin using Adobe Photoshop, be sure
to read this guide for installation instructions and
other important information. This cross-platform
booklet addresses both Macintosh and Windows
users, and notes any instructional differences
between platforms in the text. This guide contains
the following information: Instructions for installing the Adobe Photoshop
software A summary of new features in Adobe
Photoshop 4.0 Instructions on using the Digimarc ™ digital
watermarking filter Information on the Adobe Type Manager Ò
(ATM Ò ) utility
Macintosh system requirements
To use Adobe Photoshop, you need the following
hardware and software: An Apple Ò Macintosh Ò computer with a 68030
processor (or later model) or a Power Macintosh Ò At least 16 MB of
random-access memory(RAM) available for the application
Introducing Adobe Photoshop 4.0 Apple system software 7.1 or later (7.1.2 for
Power Macintosh). Adobe Photoshop 4.0 won’t
run under System 6. A color monitor with an 8-bit (256-color) or
better video display card A hard drive with at least 25 MB of free space.
You’ll need additional disk space if you work with
very large image files. A CD-ROM drive (required to use the Adobe
Photoshop CD-ROM Set)
For the best performance, Adobe Systems recom-mends
the following hardware and software: A Power Macintosh Apple system
software 7.5 or later At least 32 MB of RAM A 24-bit (millions of color)
video display card A Macintosh-compatible scanner A PostScript Ò printer
Acceleration products bearing the logo
Adobe Photoshop performance improves with
more RAM, faster CPUs, and faster and larger
hard disk drives.
Windows system requirements
To use Adobe Photoshop, you need the following
hardware and software: An Intel Ò 80486, Pentium Ò - or Pentium Pro -based
or faster PC Microsoft Ò Windows Ò 3.1 with MS-DOS Ò 5.0 or
later, Windows 95, or Intel-based Windows NT ™
version 3.5.1 or later At least 16 MB of random-access memory
(RAM) available for the application A hard drive with at least 25 MB of free
space.You’ll need additional disk space if you work with
very large image files. An 8-bit (256-color) display adapter card A mouse or
other compatible pointer device A CD-ROM drive and a sound card (required to
use the Adobe Photoshop CD-ROM Set)
For the best performance, Adobe Systems recom-mends
the following hardware and software: A Pentium or Pentium Pro processor
Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.5.1 or later At least 32 MB of RAM A 24-bit
(millions of color) video display card A PostScript printer Acceleration
products bearing the logo
Adobe Photoshop performance improves with
more RAM, faster CPUs, and faster and larger
hard disk drives.
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