Graphics 版 (精华区)
发信人: killest (victor), 信区: Graphics
标 题: PHOTOSHOP(4)-Installing&Starting Adobe Photoshop
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Mar 5 20:12:16 1998), 转信
Installing Adobe Photoshop in Windows
In Adobe Photoshop for Windows, the Installer
determines which version of Windows you are using
and installs the appropriate version of Adobe
Photoshop, either for the 32-bit operating environ-ment
of Windows 95 or Windows NT, or for use with
Windows 3.1 and Windows for Workgroups 3.11.
To install the Adobe Photoshop program in Windows:
1 Start Windows, if necessary.
2 Choose from the following options: If you are installing the program from
the Appli-cation CD-ROM, insert the Adobe Photoshop
Application CD-ROM disc into your CD-ROM
drive. If you are running Windows 95 or Windows
NT 4.0, a startup screen appears automatically. If you are installing the
program using floppy disks, insert the Installer disk.
3 Choose from the following options: In Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, if a
startup screen appeared in step 2, choose Install Adobe
Photoshop and skip to step 5. In Explorer (Windows 95 or NT 4.0) or File
Manager (Windows 3.1, 3.11, or NT 3.5.1), locate
the Adobe Photoshop directory on the Adobe
Photoshop Application CD-ROM, and open
Disk1. (For example, d:\photoshp\disk1, where d:
is the CD-ROM drive letter.) If you are installing from floppy disks open
Note: If you're using a program launcher other than
Program Manager, first run the Program Manager
application progman.exe, and then follow step 3.
Running the installer from a program launcher other
than Program Manager may produce unexpected
4 Double-click the Setup.exe file. The Installer
dialog box appears.
5 Click Next.
6 Follow the on-screen instructions, entering
your name, company, and serial number. The
Adobe Photoshop serial number appears on the
Registration Card and on the inside front cover of
the Adobe Photoshop User Guide. If you抮e
upgrading from a previous version, use its serial
(If you're upgrading from the LE version, use the
serial number that you received with the upgrade.
Your original LE serial number won抰 work. If
you did not receive a new serial number, contact
Adobe Systems.)
7 Click Next, and then click Yes to confirm your
registration information.
Important: If you抮e upgrading from an earlier
version, the installer by default overwrites the direc-tory
containing the previous Adobe Photoshop
version. To keep the earlier version installed, select a
different destination directory (e.g., to c:\Ps40).
Installing and Starting Adobe Photoshop
8 Choose the installation setup you prefer from
the following options: Choose Typical for the most common options. Compact for the minimum required options. Choose Custom to choose the options you want
to install. The installer displays the amount of disk
space required to install each set of program files,
the total amount of disk space required for the
selected files, and the amount of available disk
space. Select the desired files, and click Next. If necessary, use the Browse button to locate a
directory and a drive for the installation, typing a
new drive and directory.
9 Create a program folder or select an existing one
for the application icon. Click Next.
10 Click Next to confirm your selections and to
begin the installation, following the on-screen
instructions. A message appears when installation
is complete.
11 If you installed the Electronic Registration
module, have a modem, and want to register the
application online, follow the on-screen instruc-tions
to register. If you choose to delay registering
the application, you抣l be reminded to do so in 14
days by the registration program.
12 If prompted, close all other applications so the
installer can restart Windows.
Note: To view the movies in the Adobe Photoshop
CD-ROM Set, you also must install QuickTime for
Windows. The QuickTime installer is located on the
Application CD-ROM.
Starting Adobe Photoshop
Follow these steps to start the program.
To start Adobe Photoshop on the Macintosh:
1 Open the Adobe Photoshop folder, and double-click
the Adobe Photoshop program icon. A dialog
box appears asking you to personalize your copy of
the program.
2 Type your name and your organization name.
3 Type the serial number of your Adobe
Photoshop program exactly as it appears on the
registration card or on the inside front cover of the
user guide (including the hyphen). If you抮e
installing Adobe Photoshop for the first time, the
serial number is located on the Read This First
card, the registration card, and the first page of the
Adobe Photoshop User Guide.
If you抮e upgrading to Adobe Photoshop 4.0 from
an earlier version, the serial number is also located
on the first page of your original user guide.
Note: If you抮e upgrading from the LE version, use
the serial number that you received with the
upgrade. Your original LE serial number won抰 work.
If you did not receive a new serial number, contact
Adobe Systems.
4 Click OK.
The Adobe Photoshop window appears. You can
now open an image and start working.
To start Adobe Photoshop in Windows:
Choose one of two options: In Windows 3.1, 3.11, or Windows NT 3.5.1, in
the Program Manager, open the program folder
you specified in step 10 of the previous procedure.
Then double-click the Adobe Photoshop program
icon. In Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0, choose Start
> Programs > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop 4.0.
(If you installed the program in a folder other
than Adobe, choose that folder from the Start >
Programs menu.)
The Adobe Photoshop window appears. You can
now open an image and start working.
Making installation floppy disks
from the CD-ROM installer files
If you need floppy disks as backup or for installing
the Adobe Photoshop program on a computer that
doesn抰 have a CD-ROM drive, follow this proce-dure
to make a set of installation floppy disks from
the Application CD-ROM installer files. This pro-cedure
assumes that you have access to another
computer with a CD-ROM drive for copying the
To make a set of installation floppy disks from the
CD-ROM installer files:
1 Insert the Adobe Photoshop Application
CD-ROM disc into your CD-ROM drive.
2 Choose from the following options: On the Macintosh, open the Adobe
4.0 folder and the Disk Images folder. In Windows, open the Photoshp folder.
3 Insert a formatted, high-density floppy disk into
your floppy disk drive. Select and copy the
contents of the Disk1 folder onto the floppy disk,
and label each disk as follows: On the Macintosh, name the floppy disk exactly
the same as the folder containing the files you just
copied (e.g., Disk 1). In Windows, label each disk with the proper
number. During installation, you will be
prompted for the disks by number.
4 Eject the disk. Repeat step 3 for the remaining
disk folders on the CD-ROM disc.
5 To install Adobe Photoshop from the floppy
disks, follow the instructions in "installing Adobe
Photoshop on the Macintosh" on page 5 and
"installing Adobe Photoshop in Windows" on
page 7.
※ 修改:.killest 于 Mar 6 19:41:37 修改本文.[FROM:]
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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