Graphics °æ (¾«»ªÇø)
·¢ÐÅÈË: killest (victor), ÐÅÇø: Graphics
±ê Ìâ: PHOTOSHOP(9)-Using the ATM Program
·¢ÐÅÕ¾: ×Ï ¶¡ Ïã (Fri Mar 6 19:38:46 1998), תÐÅ
9 Delete the Atmfonts.qlc file from the directory
that contained the .pfb files. The default directory
is \Psfonts.
Customizing ATM on a Macintosh or a computer running Windows
ATM includes features that ensure you get the font
you want on-screen and from the printer. You can
customize these and other features to suit your
work style.
To customize ATM:
1 Open ATM in one of the following ways: On a Macintosh, double-click the ATM icon in
the Control Panels window. In Windows 95, choose Start > Programs > Main
> Adobe Type Manager Control Panel. In Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups
3.11, double-click the ATM icon in the Main
program group.
2 Select ATM options. (See the following
3 Click OK (Macintosh) or Exit (Windows).
4 If you turned ATM on or off or changed the
cache size, restart your Macintosh or restart
Windows for changes to take effect.
To select options:
Choose from the following options: Click On or Off to turn the ATM software on and
off. By default ATM is turned on upon installation.
However, you can turn it off at any time. For
example, you might want to turn off ATM when
trying to troubleshoot a system problem. Adjust the Font Cache to set the amount of
system memory ATM uses to store font data. A
large font cache may speed up scrolling and other
screen displays of fonts but can limit the amount
of memory available to other applications. The
default cache size is 256K. If you typically use
many different fonts on a single page, you may
want to experiment with a larger cache size. (Macintosh only) Select Preserve Line Spacing
(the default) to slightly compress descenders and
ascenders (such as accented characters) to fit in the
same space as unaccented characters. Alternatively,
choose Preserve Character Shapes to increase the
line height to accommodate accented characters. (Macintosh only) Select Substitute for Missing
fonts to generate high-quality replacement fonts
when a document’s fonts are not installed on your
system. This option appears only if you have previ-ously
installed SuperATM. For more information
about this option, contact your Adobe dealer. (Windows only) Select Use Pre-Built or Resident
Fonts to use bitmap fonts installed in Windows for
screen fonts and bitmap fonts resident in the
printer for printing. Bitmap fonts take up hard-disk
space but can help certain applications display
and print documents more quickly. (Windows only) Select Print ATM Fonts as
Graphics to send fonts to the printer as graphic
images rather than downloading the font file itself.
This setting may help older PCL printers that
cannot use downloadable fonts or when printing
documents with mixed text and graphics that
don't print correctly. Printing time may increase.
Creating multiple master fonts
The Create MM Instances option in the ATM
control panel lets you create customized renditions
of fonts. Depending on their design, multiple
master fonts have one or more controls to vary
certain attributes, such as width, height, or weight.
You can use multiple master fonts as you would any
other PostScript Type 1 font.
About multiple master font designs
A multiple master font consists of one or more
instances of the font. An instance is a particular ren-dition
of the font that varies from other instances in
one or more attributes.
Each multiple master font includes ready-to-use
primary instances that constitute a complete
typeface family. The typeface designer or
manufacturer determines the selection of primary
instances to provide a useful palette of fonts.
Each multiple master has one or more design axes
(which you can see in ATM once the font is
installed). A design axis is a variable typeface
attribute, such as weight, width, style, or
optical size.
Multiple master instances are named in the format
Family_design coordinates, where Family is the
name of the typeface and design coordinates identi-fies
a particular instance by a string of numbers and
letters. For example, the name of a Tekton ® multiple
master instance is TektoMM_240 RG 564 NO.
The design coordinates consist of alphanumeric
combinations for each design axis in the font. If the
font has a single design axis, there is a single alpha-
numeric combination (for example, 240 RG for
Regular weight). If there are two design axes, there
will be two alphanumeric combinations, and so on.
Within the design coordinate name, the numbers
indicate the position of the instance along the
design axis. The letters indicate style (regular, bold,
condensed) for a primary instance, or the design
axis (weight, width, optical size) for a custom
The labels for primary instances included in a mul-tiple
master font package use uppercase abbrevia-tions
(XL for Extra-Light), while custom instances
use generic lowercase abbreviations (wt for weight
and wd for width).
Note: Some font menus and lists in applications are
limited in width. Longer instance names may appear
Creating and removing custom instances
You create custom instances by using controls in
ATM to modify design axes of primary instances.
On the Macintosh, ATM automatically adds the
custom instance to its multiple master suitcase.
To create a custom instance:
1 Choose from the following options: On the Macintosh in the ATM control panel,
click Create MM Instances. In Windows in the ATM control panel, click
Create. From the Typeface Font menu, choose the
multiple master font you want to work with.
Using the ATM Program
2 If you want to start from one of the base font’s
primary instances, choose from the following
options: On the Macintosh, select a primary instance, or
a previously created custom instance from the
pop-up menu on the right. In Windows 95, click Primaries. Make sure that
Show Primary Instances is selected. Double-click
an instance to display a sample of it in ATM. Click
Close. In Windows 3.1 or 3.11, click Primary Instance.
You can type one or more words in the text box to
use as the sample display, and select a point size for
the sample.
3 Use the slider controls to modify the instance.
Different fonts have different controls. The sample
text changes as you move the sliders.
4 When you are satisfied with the new instance,
choose from the following options: On the Macintosh, click Create. The custom
instance appears in the list of fonts for the specified
multiple master suitcase. In Windows, click the Add button or click Add
All Styles. Click Yes.
5 Close the Font Creator, and close the ATM
control panel.
To remove a primary or custom instance on the
1 In the ATM control panel, click Create MM
2 Select the instance using the pop-up menu on
the right; click Remove. The instance is removed
from the suitcase on the hard drive.
If you removed a primary instance from the font
list, you can restore the primary instances by click-ing
the Primary button, selecting the primary
instances and clicking Create.
3 Click OK.
To remove a primary or custom instance in Windows:
Remove custom instances you no longer need as
you would any other Type 1 font. Follow the steps in
“To remove fonts from Windows” on page 19.
Automatic creation of instances
If you receive a file with a primary instance that you
don’t have on your system or a custom instance that
you haven’t created, ATM will automatically create
the instance when you open the file, as long as you
have the correct multiple master suitcase (Macin-tosh)
or multiple master base font (Windows) and
your application supports automatic creation. ATM
doesn’t store instances that have been created auto-matically.
To store an instance permanently, you
must create it using the Multiple Master Creator.
Applications vary in how they handle these auto-matic
instances. Some put the instance name in the
application Font menu, some display and print the
instance correctly but don’t put place it in the menu,
and some alert you to the presence of the instance in
a file so that you can create it yourself.
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