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·¢ÐÅÈË: killest (victor), ÐÅÇø: Graphics
±ê Ìâ: PHOTOSHOP(26)- Choosing a Color Display Mode
·¢ÐÅÕ¾: ×Ï ¶¡ Ïã (Sun Mar 29 11:03:40 1998), תÐÅ
Chapter 4: Choosing a Color Display Mode
amiliarity with color theory and termin-ology
can help you understand how color is
measured and how Adobe Photoshop uses
this information to define, display, and print color
This chapter discusses several accepted standards
for describing color and Photoshop’s correspond-ing
color modes. The last part of the chapter
explains how to optimize the monitor display for
systems with limited colors and how to convert
images between different color modes.
Color modes and models
Adobe Photoshop can use a number of color
modes for displaying, printing, and storing
images. These modes are based on established
color models for describing and reproducing
color. Three of the most common models are red,
green, and blue (RGB); cyan, magenta, yellow, and
black (CMYK); and CIE L*a*b*. Photoshop uses
another common model—hue, saturation, and
brightness (HSB)—to represent color values in
palettes and dialog boxes. In addition to modes
based on color models, Photoshop includes modes
for specialized color output such as indexed color
and duotones. For information on duotones, see
“Using monotones, duotones, tritones, and quad-tones”
on page 337.
HSB model
The HSB model is based on the human perception
of color. In the HSB model, all colors are described
in terms of three fundamental characteristics: Hue is
the wavelength of light reflected from or
transmitted through an object. More commonly,
hue is identified by the name of the color such as
red, orange, or green. Hue is measured as a loca-tion
on the standard color wheel and is expressed
as a degree between 0 ° and 360 ° (see the illustration
on the next page). Saturation, sometimes called chroma, is the
strength or purity of the color. Saturation repre-sents
the amount of gray in proportion to the hue
and is measured as a percentage from 0% (gray) to
100% (fully saturated). On the standard color
wheel, saturation increases as one approaches the
edge of the wheel; saturation decreases as one
approaches the center. Brightness is the relative lightness or darkness of
the color and is usually measured as a percentage
from 0% (black) to 100% (white).
Choosing a Color Display Mode
In Photoshop, you can use the HSB model to
define a color in the Color palette or Color Picker
dialog box.
RGB model
A large percentage of the visible spectrum can be
represented by mixing three basic components of
colored light in various proportions and intensi-ties.
These components are known as the primary
colors: red, green, and blue (RGB). When the three
primary colors overlap, they create the secondary
colors: cyan, magenta, and yellow.
Since the primary colors combine to create white,
they are also called additive colors. Adding all the
colors together creates white—that is, all the light
is reflected back to the eye. Additive colors are used
for lighting, video, film recorders, and monitors.
Your monitor, for example, creates color by emit-ting
light through red, green, and blue phosphors.
Additive colors (RGB)
RGB mode
Photoshop’s RGB mode uses the RGB model,
assigning an intensity value to each pixel ranging
from 0 (black) to 255 (white) for each of the RGB
components in a color image. For example, a
bright red color might have an R value of 246, a G
value of 20, and a B value of 50. When the values of
all three components are equal, the result is a
shade of gray. When the value of all components is
255, the result is pure white; when all components
have values of 0, the result is pure black.
RGB is the default mode for new Photoshop
images. When working in other color modes, such
as CMYK, Adobe Photoshop temporarily converts
CMYK data into RGB data because computer
monitors display colors using the RGB model.
All hues
CMYK model
While the RGB model depends on a light source to
create color, the CMYK model is based on the
light-absorbing quality of ink printed on paper.
As white light strikes translucent inks, a portion of
the spectrum is absorbed. Color that is not
absorbed is reflected back to your eye.
In theory, pure cyan (C), magenta (M), and yellow
(Y) pigments should combine to absorb all color
and produce black; for this reason they are also
called subtractive colors. Because all printing inks
contain some impurities, these three inks actually
produce a muddy brown and must be combined
with black (K) ink to produce a true black. (The
letter K is used to avoid confusion, because B
might also stand for blue.) Combining these inks
to reproduce color is called four-color process
The additive and subtractive colors are comple-mentary
colors. Each pair of subtractive colors
creates an additive color.
Subtractive color (CMYK)
CMYK mode
In Photoshop’s CMYK mode, each pixel in a
CMYK image is assigned a percentage value for
each of the process inks. The lightest (highlight)
colors are assigned small percentages of process
ink colors; darker (shadow) colors have higher
percentage values. For example, a bright red might
contain 2% cyan, 93% magenta, 90% yellow, and
0% black. In CMYK images, pure white is gener-ated
when all four components have values of 0%.
CMYK is the mode to use when preparing an
image to be printed using process colors. The pro-cess
of converting an RGB image into CMYK for
this purpose creates a color separation. However, if
your image started out as an RGB image, it’s best
to edit the image before converting to CMYK.
When working in RGB mode, you can use the
CMYK Preview command to simulate the effects
of the change without actually changing image
data (see page 111). You can also use CMYK mode
to work directly with CMYK images that have been
scanned or imported from high-end systems.
L*a*b model
The L*a*b color model is based on the original
color model proposed by the Commission Inter-nationale
d’Eclairage (CIE) in 1931 as an interna-tional
standard for color measurement. In 1976,
this model was refined and named CIE L*a*b.
The L*a*b model addresses the problem of the
variability of color reproduction that results from
the use of different monitors or different printing
devices. L*a*b color is designed to be device inde-pendent;
that is, it creates consistent color regard-
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