Graphics °æ (¾«»ªÇø)
·¢ÐÅÈË: killest (victor), ÐÅÇø: Graphics
±ê Ìâ: PHOTOSHOP(62)- Editing
·¢ÐÅÕ¾: ×Ï ¶¡ Ïã (Wed Apr 15 08:32:52 1998), תÐÅ
To paste one selection into another:
1 Cut or copy the part of the image you want
to paste.
2 Select the part of the image into which you want
to paste the selection.
Source selection Destination selection
3 Choose Edit > Paste Into. The contents of the
source selection appear masked by the destination
In the Layers palette, the layer thumbnail for the
source selection appears next to the layer mask
thumbnail for the destination selection. The layer
and layer mask are unlinked—that is, you can
move each one independently.
Source selection pasted
into destination selection
4 Select the move tool, or hold down the
Command (Macintosh) or Ctrl (Windows) key to
activate the move tool. Then drag the source
contents until the part you want appears through
the mask.
5 To reveal more or less of the source contents,
click the layer mask thumbnail in the Layers
palette, select a painting tool, and do one of the
following: To hide more of the source contents, paint the
mask with black. To reveal more of the source contents, paint the
mask with white. To reveal the source contents partially, paint the
mask with grey.
For more information, see “Adding a layer mask”
on page 263.
6 If you are satisfied with your results, choose
Layer > Merge Down to merge the new layer and
layer mask with the underlying layer and make the
changes permanent.
Deleting a selection
To delete a selection, choose Edit > Clear or press
Delete (Macintosh) or Backspace (Windows). To
cut a selection to the Clipboard, choose Edit > Cut.
Deleting a selection on a background or on a layer
with the Preserve Transparency option selected
replaces the original location with the background
color; deleting a selection on a layer with the Pre-serve
Transparency option deselected replaces the
original area with the layer transparency.
Matting a moved or pasted
When you move or paste an anti-aliased
selection, some of the pixels surrounding the
selection border are included with the selection.
This can result in a fringe or halo around the edges
of the pasted contents. You use the Matting com-mand
to edit these unwanted edge pixels.
Defringing a selection
The Defringe command replaces the color of any
“fringe” pixels with the colors of nearby pixels that
contain pure colors (pure-color pixels don’t con-tain
any of the background color). For example, if
you select a white object on a blue background and
move the selection, some of the blue background
is moved with the object. The Defringe command
removes the blue pixels.
To decrease a fringe on a selection:
1 Do one of the following: To defringe a moved selection, select the floating
selection in the Layers palette (see page 175). To defringe a pasted selection, select the layer
containing the pasted contents in the Layers
2 Choose Layer > Matting > Defringe.
3 Enter a value in the Width text box for the
distance to be used to find replacement pixels; then
click OK.
In most cases, a distance of 1 or 2 pixels is
enough to locate pixels that remove a fringe.
Floating selection Defringe value: 2 pixels
Removing matte from a selection
The Remove Black Matte and Remove White
Matte commands are useful when a selection has
been anti-aliased against a white or black back-ground,
and you want to paste the selection in
front of a different background. For example, cre-ating
white text with anti-aliasing on a black back-ground
produces gray pixels at the edges, which
are visible against a colored background.
The Remove Black Matte mode removes the rem-nants
(ghosting) of black around the edges of
images created on black backgrounds. The
Remove White Matte mode eliminates the ghost-ing
of white around the edges of images created on
white backgrounds.
To remove a matte from a selection:
1 Do one of the following: To remove matte from a moved selection, select
the floating selection in the Layers palette (see
page 175). To remove matte from a pasted selection, select
the layer containing the pasted contents in the
Layers palette.
2 Choose Layer > Matting > Remove Black Matte
or Remove White Matte.
Rotating and flipping an image
The Image > Rotate Canvas commands let you
rotate or flip the entire contents of an image.
To rotate or flip an image:
Choose Image > Rotate Canvas and, from the sub-menu,
choose one of the following commands: 180 º to rotate by a half-turn. 90 º CW to rotate clockwise by a quarter-turn. 90 º CCW to rotate counterclockwise by a
quarter-turn. Flip Horizontal to flip horizontally, along the
vertical axis. Flip Vertical to flip vertically, along the hori-zontal
Original Canvas rotated
Applying transformations
Using the Layer > Transform and Layer > Free
Transform commands, you can transform a selec-tion
or layer by rotating, scaling, flipping, skewing,
or distorting it. When you transform a linked layer,
the transformation affects all the layers in the link-ing
group. The Free Transform command lets you
apply any combination of these transformations in
one operation. The Transform > Numeric com-mand
lets you apply a combination of transforma-tions
to a selection or layer by specifying numeric
Note: You cannot apply transformations to the back-ground
as a layer. You can, however, transform selec-tions
on the background.
You can also apply transformations to an alpha
channel by first selecting it in the Channels palette,
and you can transform a layer mask by selecting its
thumbnail in the Layers palette.
Using interpolation
To calculate the color values of pixels that are
added or deleted during transformation, Adobe
Photoshop uses the interpolation method selected
in the General Preferences dialog box.
This option directly affects the speed and quality
of the transformation. The default Bicubic inter-polation
is the slowest method, but yields the best
results. For more information on different inter-polation
options, see “Choosing an interpolation
method” on page 48.
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