Graphics °æ (¾«»ªÇø)
·¢ÐÅÈË: killest (victor), ÐÅÇø: Graphics
±ê Ìâ: PHOTOSHOP(80)-Using Channels and Masks
·¢ÐÅÕ¾: ×Ï ¶¡ Ïã (Sat Apr 25 12:21:58 1998), תÐÅ
channels, and you can specify a name, color, mask
protection option, and opacity for each channel.
All new channels have the same dimensions and
number of pixels as the original image. You can
edit the mask in an alpha channel using the paint-ing
and editing tools.
Storing selections in alpha channels makes them
permanent, so that they can be used again in the
same image or in a different image. You can also
use the Calculations command to perform opera-tions
on two or more channels. For more informa-tion
on the Calculations command, see “Using
channel calculations” on page 272. For more
examples of how you can use channels with your
artwork, see the Adobe Photoshop CD-ROM tuto-rials.
Note: To keep track of the active channel or chan-nels,
it’s a good idea to keep your Channels palette
open as you create and edit channels. You should also
keep your Layers palette open to track your active
Creating a new alpha channel
You create a new alpha channel when you want to
save a selection or create a new mask. For example,
you can create a gradient fill in a blank channel
and then use the gradient fill as a mask.
To create a new alpha channel using current options:
Click the New Channel button (O) at the bottom
of the Channels palette. The new channel is named
according to the order in which it was created.
To create a new alpha channel and specify options:
1 Do one of the following: Option-click (Macintosh) or Alt-click
(Windows) the New Channel button (O) at the
bottom of the palette. Choose New Channel from the Channels palette
2 Type a name for the channel. By default, alpha
channels are assigned numbers according to the
order in which they are created.
3 Select display options for the channel, as
described in steps 2 through 4 starting on page
page 240. Alpha channel options are identical to
Quick Mask options.
Save to channel Make a selection
Alpha channel mask Apply changes to
unmasked area
Composite (RGB)
4 Click OK.
A new 8-bit grayscale channel appears at the bot-tom
of the Channels palette and is the only chan-nel
visible in the image window.
Saving a selection in an alpha channel
You can save a selection to either a new or existing
alpha channel. You can then store the selection
permanently and use it as a mask for your image.
To save a selection to a new channel with default
Click the Save Selection button (q) at the bottom
of the Channels palette. A new channel appears in
the Channels palette, named according to the
order in which it was created.
To save a selection to a new or existing channel:
1 Select the area or areas of the image that you
want to isolate.
Selected area
2 Choose Select > Save Selection.
3 For Document, choose a destination image for
the selection.
By default, the selection is placed into a channel in
your active image. You can choose to save the
selection to a channel in any other open image
having the same pixel dimensions or to a new
4 Choose a destination channel for the selection.
By default, the selection is saved in a new channel.
You can choose to save the selection to any existing
channel in the selected image or to a layer mask.
5 If you’re saving the selection to an existing
channel, select one of the following options to
indicate how the selections should be combined: Replace Channel to replace the current selection
in the channel. Add to Channel to add the selection in the image
to the current channel contents. Subtract from Channel to delete the selection
from the channel contents. Intersect with Channel to keep the areas of the
new selection that intersect with the channel
6 Click OK.
CHAPTER 10 240
Using Channels and Masks
To see the saved selection, select the channel in the
Channels palette. The channel displays the saved
selection in grayscale.
Changing alpha channel options
You can rename an alpha channel and change its
display options, which are identical to the display
options for quick masks. However, you cannot
modify the characteristics of the default color
To set options for a channel:
1 Do one of the following: Select the channel in the Channels palette and
choose Channel Options from the palette menu. Double-click the channel name in the Channels
2 Enter a new name for the channel.
3 Choose display options, as explained in steps 2
through 4 onpage 237.
Loading a selection into an image
When you have finished modifying an alpha chan-nel
or simply want to use a previously saved selec-tion,
you can load the selection into the image.
To load a saved selection using shortcuts:
Do one of the following: In the Channels palette, select the alpha channel,
click the Load Selection button (1) at the bottom
of the palette, and then click the composite color
channel near the top of the palette. In the Channels
palette, Command-click
(Macintosh) or Ctrl-click (Windows) the channel
containing the selection you want to load. To add the
selection to an existing selection,
press Command+Shift/Ctrl+Shift and click the
channel in the Channels palette. To subtract the
selection from an existing selec-tion,
press Command+Option/Ctrl+Alt and click
the channel in the Channels palette. To load the
intersection of the saved selection
and an existing selection, press
Command+Option+Shift/Ctrl+Alt+Shift and
click the channel in the Channels palette.
To load a saved selection into an image:
1 Choose Select > Load Selection. For Document,
the active filename is selected.
2 For Channel, choose the channel containing the
selection you want to load.
3 Click Invert to make the nonselected areas
selected and vice versa.
4 If there is already a selection in the image, select
one of the following: New Channel to replace the current selection
with that of the selected channel. Add to Channel to add the selected
channel to
the current selection.
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