Graphics 版 (精华区)
发信人: killest (victor), 信区: Graphics
标 题: PHOTOSHOP(81)-Using Channels and Masks
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sat Apr 25 12:22:16 1998), 转信
Subtract from Channel to delete the selected
channel from the current selection. Intersect with Channel to keep the areas of the
selected channel that intersect with the current
5 Click OK to load the selection.
To load a selection from another image:
1 Open the two images you want to use.
Note: The images must have exactly the same pixel
2 Make the destination image active, and choose
Select > Load Selection.
3 For Document, choose the source image.
4 For Channel, choose the channel containing the
selection you want to use as a mask.
5 Click Invert if you want to make the nonselected
areas selected and vice versa.
6 If there is already a selection in the destination
image, indicate how the selections should be
combined. See step 4 of the previous procedure for
information on these options.
7 Click OK to load the selection.
Selecting all non-transparent
You can quickly load a selection (called a transpar-ency
mask) of all non-transparent areas on a layer,
that is, all areas that have color values. This is use-ful
for making selections on a layer that contains
both transparent and non-transparent areas.
To load all non-transparent areas on a layer:
Do one of the following: In the Layers palette, Command-click (Macin-tosh)
or Ctrl-click (Windows) the layer containing
the pixels you want to load as a selection. To add the pixels to an existing selection, press
Command+Shift/Ctrl+Shift and click the layer in
the Layers palette. To subtract the pixels from an existing selection,
press Command+Option/Ctrl+Alt and click the
layer in the Layers palette. To load the intersection of the pixels
and an existing selection, press
and click the layer in the Layers palette.
To move all non-transparent areas on a
layer, you can use the move tool without
selecting any pixels first.
CHAPTER 10 242
Using Channels and Masks
Deleting channels
Depending on the complexity of the information
they contain, alpha channels can substantially
increase the disk space required for an image. If
you have a shortage of disk space, you may want to
delete any channels you no longer need before sav-ing
the image.
To delete a channel with no confirmation:
1 Select the channel in the Channels palette.
2 Do one of the following: Option-click (Macintosh) or Alt-click
(Windows) the Trash button. Drag the channel name in the palette to the
Trash button. Choose Delete Channel from the Channels
palette menu.
To delete a channel with confirmation:
1 Select the channel in the Channels palette.
2 Click the Trash button at the bottom of the
palette. Then click Yes.
No matter what method you use, if you抮e deleting
a color channel and the file has layers, you will be
prompted to let Photoshop flatten the visible lay-ers
and discard hidden layers (if any) before delet-ing
the channel. This is necessary since removing a
color channel results in a multichannel image, a
color mode that does not support layers.
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※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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