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±ê Ìâ: PHOTOSHOP-Appendix A:Improving Performance(1)
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Appendix A: Improving Performance
program’s “performance” is the amount of
time that it takes the program to complete
certain operations, such as opening a file,
sending a file to a printer, or redrawing the screen
after you edit an image.
To a great extent, your computer processor speed
and the amount of RAM you have affect the per-formance
of Adobe Photoshop. Other factors that
can dramatically affect the application’s perfor-mance
are how you set up your software, how you
use virtual memory, and the size and complexity
of your files.
This appendix explains how best to configure your
system for optimal performance, and how Adobe
Photoshop uses memory. The appendix also
explains how to improve performance by mini-mizing
the size of your files and making efficient
use of Photoshop’s features.
Using RAM, scratch disks, and
system virtual memory
The best way to improve performance when using
Adobe Photoshop is to increase the amount of
random access memory (RAM) installed on your
system. Testing at Adobe Systems has shown that
increasing the amount of installed RAM tremen-dously
improves the overall performance of Adobe
Determining the amount of RAM required
The amount of RAM that Photoshop requires
depends on numerous factors, including the pixel
dimensions of your image (see Chapter 2), its
color display mode (see page 70), the number of
layers in the file, (see Chapter 11) as well as on the
operations you’re performing. Copying part of an
image, taking a snapshot, or performing other
operations in Photoshop may require 2 to 3 times
the image size in RAM.
In most cases, it’s a good idea to give Photoshop at
least 3 to 5 times your file size in RAM, plus about
5 to 10 MB. If you’re using many layers and chan-nels,
Photoshop will need even more RAM.
The RAM available to Photoshop is determined in
the following ways: On the Macintosh, Photoshop is set to a default
application size determined by the type of Macin-tosh
you have. If you have more RAM available,
you can increase the amount of RAM allocated to
Photoshop in the Finder. See “Increase the appli-cation
memory size” on page 366 for instructions. In Windows, Photoshop’s default setting allo-cates
75% of available RAM (i.e., RAM not being
used by the operating system or by disk-caching
software) for its own use. You can increase this
amount in the Memory & Image Cache Prefer-ences
dialog box (choose File > Preferences >
Memory & Image Cache).
Improving Performance
Determining the amount of scratch disk
space required
When your system does not have enough RAM to
perform an operation, Adobe Photoshop uses
virtual memory, also called the scratch disk. Virtual
memory is disk space used for storing data during
a work session when the amount of RAM is insuf-ficient.
Photoshop’s virtual memory scheme lets
you open and manipulate large images by swap-ping
image data to a hard drive if there is not
enough RAM to contain the data. Keep in mind,
however, that copying data to and from the scratch
disk requires significantly more time than process-ing
files in RAM. Allocating enough RAM to Pho-toshop
to avoid using the scratch disk will keep
Photoshop operating at peak performance.
Whether or not Photoshop is using the scratch
disk, the amount of free space on the scratch disk
must be greater than or equal to the amount of
RAM you have allocated to Photoshop. To ensure
good performance, Photoshop writes the entire
RAM contents to the scratch disk during idle
times. If the scratch disk runs out of free space,
Photoshop quits taking additional RAM—regard-less
of what you have allocated to the program.
This means that if you’ve allocated 60 MB to Pho-toshop
but you have only 10 MB of free space on
your scratch disk, Photoshop will use only 10 MB
of RAM.
Assigning scratch disks
By default, Photoshop uses the hard drive that the
operating system is installed on as its primary
scratch disk. You can change the primary scratch
disk or designate a secondary scratch disk, to be
used when the primary disk is full. Your primary
scratch disk should be your fastest hard disk, and
should have plenty of defragmented space avail-able.
For the best performance with large files,
Adobe recommends that you dedicate an entire
hard disk to Photoshop’s scratch disk.
To change the scratch disk assignment:
1 Choose File > Preferences > Plug-ins & Scratch
2 Select the desired disk from the menu. Then
restart Adobe Photoshop for the change to take
Important: Adobe recommends that you use a disk
tool utility, such as Norton Utilities or Defrag, to
optimize and defragment your hard drive on a
regular basis. See your Macintosh or Windows docu-mentation
for information.
Using the operating system’s virtual
In addition to Photoshop’s virtual memory, both
Apple System software 7.0 and later and Windows
use their own virtual memory schemes. These vir-tual
memory schemes swap active application pro-grams
to a hard disk when there is not enough
RAM to hold them all simultaneously. Increasing
the system virtual memory will not speed up oper-ations
within Photoshop; it may, in fact, take
needed scratch disk space from Photoshop and so
seriously degrade performance. Use the following
guidelines for setting up system virtual memory: On the Macintosh, turn off System 7 virtual
memory. See page 367 for instructions.
365 On Windows, if you have plenty of RAM for
Photoshop (see “Determining the amount of
RAM required” on page 363) you might want to
increase the amount of virtual memory to speed
up Windows operations, including printing. See
page 368 for more information.
Displaying file size and memory
The display in the lower left of the window lets you
view different information related to disk space
and memory. It’s important to note that the
amount of data in an image and the amount of
RAM the image is using may be very different
To display file size and memory status:
1 Move the pointer to the [icon] in the lower left
of the window, and hold down the mouse button.
2 Choose from the following options: Document Sizes to display information on the
amount of data in the image. (See the following
section for more information.) Scratch Sizes to display information on the
amount of RAM used to process the image. See
“Scratch sizes” on page 366 for more information. Efficiency to display the percentage of Photo-shop
operations being performed using RAM (as
compared to using scratch disk space). An Effi-
ciency display below 100% indicates that Photo-shop
is using the scratch disk and so is operating
more slowly than if only RAM were being used.
See “Determining the amount of scratch disk
space required” on page 364 for information on
the scratch disk. Timing to display the amount of time it took to
complete the last operation.
Document sizes
When you display Document Sizes, the number on
the left represents the printing size of the image—
that is, the amount of data that will be sent to a
printer if you print the file. The printing size is
approximately the size of the saved, flattened file in
Adobe Photoshop format; however, it is usually
somewhat smaller than the uncompressed file size
on disk. This discrepancy is caused by other fac-tors—
such as your preview options, paths, File
Info, and the type of disk you have—which can
add to the size of the file on disk. On the other
hand, if you save in a compressed format, such as
JPEG, the printing size displayed here may be sig-nificantly
larger than the file size on disk.
Memory required
for all open images
and Clipboard
Total RAM available
to Photoshop
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