Linux 版 (精华区)
发信人: don (驿路梨花), 信区: Linux
标 题: Slackware Linux Unleashed第六章(之一)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Tue Aug 25 16:57:12 1998), 站内信件
原著:Ed Treijs 翻译:don 1998.8.24
- 6 -
开始(Getting Started )
启动和关闭你的linux(Starting (and Stopping!) Your Linux System )
Whats This About Logging In?
注释(NOTE )
注释(NOTE )
注释(NOTE )
为什么你不应该以root登陆(Why You Shouldnt Use the root Login )
注释(NOTE )
你的第一次登陆(Your First Login )
注释(NOTE )
密码(Passwords )
注释(NOTE )
创建一个新的登陆(Creating a New Login )
注释(NOTE )
注消(Logging Out )
Trying Out Your New Login
注释(NOTE )
Linux 的出错信息(Linux Error Messages )
搜索路径(Search Paths )
虚拟终端(Virtual Terminals )
命令与程序(Commands and Programs )
摘要(Summary )
- 6 -
Getting Started
by Ed Treijs
Starting (and Stopping!) Your Linux System
(启动(和终止)你的 Linux 系统)
Passwords (密码)
Creating a New Login(创建一个新的登陆)
Logging Out (注销)
Trying Out Your New Login
Virtual Terminals(虚拟终端)
Commands and Programs (命令与程序)
Congratulations! Now that you have successfully installed Linux, you can
start using it. In this chapter we will look at the steps you need to
take to begin working with Linux, including the following:
祝贺你! 现在你已经成功的安装了 Linux . 你可以开始使用了.在这章里我们将看
一下你开始使用Linux 所需的步骤, 包括以下内容:
Starting and stopping Linux (启动和关闭)
Logging in and out (注册和注销)
Creating a new user with adduser (利用adduser命令建立一个新用户)
Changing your password (改变你的密码)
Using virtual terminals (使用虚拟终端)
Displaying system users with who (利用who命令 显示系统中的用户)
Starting (and Stopping!) Your Linux System(启动和关闭)
Depending on the setup you chose during Linux installation and
configuration, either Linux starts automatically when you power
on your computer, or it requires youto type something (such as Linux)
to specify that you want to boot Linux.
根据你在安装和配置Linux 时所作的选择, Linux 或者在开及时自动启动,
As your Linux system starts up, you see quite a few Linux
initialization messages scroll through your screen. When Linux has
completed its startup, you should see the following prompt:
在你启动Linux 的过程中,你会看到一些Linux 初始化信息滑过你的屏幕.
当Linux 启动完毕.你应该看到一下提示:
Welcome to Linux 2.0.0.
darkstar login:
WARNING: A Linux system must always be shut down properly.
Improper shutdown, such as simply turning off your system,
can cause serious damage to your Linux system! When you are
finished using your Linux system, you must shut it down properly,
as described in the next section. If you start to boot Linux,
and then change your mind, you should let the system start up
fully and then follow the shutdown procedure.
警告:Linux 系统必须正常关机.非正常关机 ,例如直接关闭电源可能对你的Linux
如果启动了Linux ,就应当让系统完成启动过程,然后正常关机.
Because you know how to start Linux, it's even more important to know how
to shut it down properly. Like many UNIX systems, if Linux is not powered
down properly, damage to files can result. The easiest way to ensure a
proper shutdown is to press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously.
(This is the famous Ctrl-Alt-Delete "three-finger salute" used in DOS.)
你已经知道如何启动Linux .但更重要的是知道如何正常关闭系统.像许多UNIX系统
一样, 如果不正确关闭Linux 系统,其结果就是对文件的损害.保证正确关机的最简单
的方法是同时按下Ctrl, Alt和Delete键(这种方法在DOS下是非常著名的
Pressing Ctrl-Alt-Delete causes a number of advisory messages and
Linux shutdown messages to be displayed. You must wait until the
Linux shutdown procedure has finished, at which point your monitor
shows the initial "power-on" screen, before turning your computer off.
Whats This About Logging In?
Linux waits for a login. A login is simply the name that you supply
to Linux to identify yourself to the operating system. Linux keeps
track of which names are permitted to log in or access the system,
and only allows valid users to have access
Linux 时刻等待着登陆请求.一个登陆就是你提供一个用户名来确认你有权力
NOTE: If you supplied a name to your system when installing Linux,
the system name is used at the prompt. In the login shown earlier,
the system has been called darkstar. The system name enables you
to identify your machine to others when using networks or modem
connections. Don't worry if you didn't name your system yet,
because you can change the system's name at any time.
Every login name on the system is unique. Normally, a password is assigned
to each login, too. This secret password is like the identification number
you use with your bank card to prove that you really are who you say you
are. Also, the things you can do with your login--the login's
privileges--are controlled by Linux;different logins have different levels
of privileges.
NOTE: Usually, login names reflect a person's real name. Although you
can't have two identically named logins on your system, you can easily
create logins for users with the same (real) name by having one or two
characters different. So, for example, the login names suej and suek
are treated by Linux as completely separate logins. Conversely, there
is no reason that one human being (for instance, yourself) can't have two,
three, or a dozen login names. In fact,because you will be the system
administrator of your Linux system, you will have one or more
administrative logins, and one or more regular user logins.
At the login prompt, try typing your name, your dog's name, or any other
random name that occurs to you. None of these are valid logins (at least
not yet). The system asks you for a password; it won't matter what you type,
so just press Enter or type a random string of characters. Because the
logins are not valid on the system, Linux won't let you in. It displays
the message Login incorrect to tell you that either the name or the password
you entered is not valid
都不合法(至少现在不是),Linux是不会让你进入的. 系统将显示登陆失败的信息
The only valid login on your Linux system after installation is the
most powerful and dangerous login Linux offers: root. In the section
"Creating a New Login," later in this chapter, we will create a safe
login for you to use. This login can have your name, your dog's name,
or whatever else you choose
.在下面(Creating a NewLogin)会告诉你如何用你的名字你的狗的名字安全的登陆..
NOTE: The login prompt is actually produced by a program called
login whose only task is to accept your user ID and password,
verify it, and then display a message preventing your access or
letting you through to the next program that starts your user session
※ 来源:.紫 丁 香[FROM:]
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