Linux 版 (精华区)
发信人: netiscpu (说不如做), 信区: Linux
标 题: [B] Red Hat Linux Unleashed (18)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Sat Jul 25 03:10:55 1998), 转信
geqn and gtbl
o geqn
# Executing geqn
# Equations
# Subscripts and Superscripts
# Fractions
# Square Roots
# Summations, Set Theory, and Integrals
# Brackets, Bars, and Piles
# Matrices
# Quoted Text
# Character Changes
# Using geqn
o gtbl
# Executing gtbl
# Options
# Format
# Data
# Examples
o Summary
geqn and gtbl
Now that you are comfortable with groff, you can look at two useful
add-ons for groff: geqn and gtbl. In this chapter, you learn the
* What are geqn and gtbl?
* How to create complex equations easily
* How to format tables for groff documents
In the last chapter, you saw how groff can be used to produce
formatted documents to both screen and printer. Unfortunately, groff
is not the easiest package to work with for complex problems such as
tables and equations, so a set of macros for these tasks was
The utilities gtbl and geqn are preprocessors, which means that you
write the source code as usual, but then the gtbl and geqn programs
scan through and replace their specific commands with groff commands.
Except for the specific commands changed, no other changes to the text
or groff commands are performed.
The geqn preprocessor is designed for formatting complex equations and
printing special symbols. You need only use geqn if you are using
groff to create a document with these kinds of characters embedded
within them.
Although groff has enough power to provide simple equations, it is not
particularly friendly, or powerful enough for more than single-line
material. On the other hand, geqn is quite easy to work with. Most
aspects of geqn are designed to look like equivalent English commands
or words.
You can quickly move through a set of the important parts of geqn. As
you will see, it is remarkably easy to work with.
Executing geqn
The geqn preprocessor is invoked before the groff formatter. Usually,
this is accomplished with a simple pipe command:
geqn filename | groff
This processes filename through geqn, which converts geqn commands to
equivalent groff commands and then sends the result to groff for
The command
geqn file1 file2 file3 | groff
processes three files and sends them all to groff.
Remember that many consoles can't display equations properly because
they are not bitmapped and don't have the character set available. You
may have to output the results to a printer to see any exercises you
You must tell geqn where equations begin and end by using the commands
.EQ (equation start) and .EN (equation end). Within the two commands,
anything typed is treated as an equation. For example, the command
is formatted to the equation
If you try that line without the equation indicators, feeding it
straight to groff, you don't receive the same output because groff
can't interpret the characters properly.
You can number equations, as is often required in technical documents,
by placing a number after the .EQ command. For example, the command
.EQ 15
places the number 15 in the left margin next to the equation.
Subscripts and Superscripts
To place superscripts and subscripts in an equation, use the commands
sup and sub. The words sup and sub must be surrounded by spaces. For
example, the command
E=mc sup 2
produces Einstein's most famous equation.
To indicate the end of a subscript or superscript and continue with
normal characters, use a space or a tilde (~) character. For example,
the command
x=(z sup 2)+1
gives you the finished output
which is probably not what you wanted. Instead, use one of the
following commands:
x=(z sup 2 )+1
x=(z sup 2~)+1
In these commands, the space or the tilde indicates the end of the
superscript. This gives you the following output:
You can subscript subscripts, and superscript superscripts, simply by
combining the formats:
y sub x sub 3
You can also produce both subscript and superscript on the same
character using the two commands together:
x sub y sup 3
Because a space is used to indicate the end of a subscript or
superscript, this can cause a problem when you want spaces either as
part of the equation, or to separate words to be converted. To get
around this problem, use braces to enclose the subscript or
w sup {x alpha y}
This shows that the Greek letters are also available, as they are
within groff. You can have braces within braces, as well:
omega sub { 2 pi r sup { 2 + rho }}
Try these commands for yourself, and experiment to see the output.
To create a proper-looking fraction, use the keyword over. The geqn
preprocessor automatically adjusts the length of the line separating
the parts. For example, the command
a = 2b over {3c alpha}
produces an equation with a horizontal line separating the two
components, just as if you were writing the equation out on paper.
You can, of course, combine all the other elements of geqn to create
more complex-looking equations:
{alpha + beta * gamma sup 3} over {3 sub {4 + alpha}}
When you are combining sup and sub with over, geqn processes sup and
sub first, and then it does over, much as you would when writing the
Square Roots
To draw a square root symbol, use the keyword sqrt, and geqn ensures
that the square root symbol is properly drawn to enclose all parts of
the equation that are indicated as belonging to the square root. Very
large square root signs that cover a lot of material on many lines,
for example, do not look particularly good when printed. You should
consider using the superscript 0.5 instead.
You can use sqrt quite easily. For example, the command
sqrt a+c - 1 over sqrt {alpha + beta}
has the first square root sign over a+c, and the second over the part
in braces.
Summations, Set Theory, and Integrals
To produce a summation, use the keyword sum and the keywords from and
to to show the upper and lower parts of the command. For example, use
the command
sum from x=1 to x=100 x sup 2
to create the formula for summing x squared over the range 1 to 100.
If you want to use a special word, use braces:
sum from x=1 to {x= inf} x sup 2
This is the same command, except summing from 1 to infinity. The
braces ensure that the to component is properly interpreted. If no
from or to component is specified, they are not printed.
To use integrals, the keyword int is used, and can again take a from
lim from n=1 xy sup 3 = 9
Other reserved words for geqn are used with set theory. You can use
the keywords union and inter for the union and intersect of sets.
Brackets, Bars, and Piles
As equations get more complicated, you need to use more brackets and
braces. You can generate brackets ([]), braces ({}), and parentheses
(()) as needed using the left and right commands:
left { b over d+1} = left ( alpha over {beta + gamma} )
This produces large braces, and parentheses are required to surround
the terms. You can nest these, of course, with geqn adjusting the
sizes properly. Braces are usually bigger than brackets and
For floor and ceiling characters, use the left floor, right floor,
left ceiling, and right ceiling commands. For example:
left ceiling x over alpha right ceiling > left floor beta over 2 right floor
draws the equation with the proper vertical bars and ceiling and floor
To create a pile of elements, use the reserved word pile. The
following example shows the usage best:
X = left [ pile { a above b above c } right ]
This produces output with the three elements a, b, and c stacked
vertically within big braces.
To make a matrix requires a little more work. You could probably make
a matrix using the pile command, but if the elements are not of equal
height, they will not line up. For that reason, use the keyword
matrix. The general format is
matrix {
ccol { elements }
ccol { elements }
in which ccol produces centered columns. For left-adjusted columns,
use lcol; rcol produces right-adjusted columns. The elements are
specified individually. For example, the command
matrix {
ccol { x sub 1 above y sub 1 }
ccol { x sub 2 above y sub 2 }
produces the matrix
x1 x2
y1 y2
All matrices must have the same number of elements in each column or
geqn can't process the matrix properly.
Quoted Text
Any characters placed within quotation marks are not interpreted by
geqn. This is useful for text strings that may contain reserved words,
such as the following:
italics "beta" = beta + gamma
Here, the word beta will appear in italic without being converted to
the beta character.
Character Changes
You can change font and point size with geqn in much the same way as
with groff. The default setting is usually Roman 10 point. If you want
to set bold characters, use the keyword bold; italic sets italic font.
x=y bold alpha
You can also use the keyword fat, which widens the character (useful
for things such as grad characters). These reserved words affect only
what immediately follows, so you must use braces if the area to be
changed is more than a single block of characters.
x=y*2 bold {alpha + gamma}
To change the size of characters, use the size keyword:
size 16 {alpha + beta}
This sets the enclosed text in 16-point size. Incremental changes are
To affect the entire equation, you can use the gsize (global size) and
gfont (global font) commands at the start of the geqn block:
gsize 14
gfont H
This makes it easy to format the equations however you wish.
Using geqn
As you have seen, geqn is quite friendly and easy to use, especially
if you are used to writing out equations longhand. You should play
around with the system and learn the different features. There are
more commands available within geqn, but the main ones have been shown
to you. For more information, check the man pages or a good troff book
that includes eqn.
The gtbl routine is designed to help in the preparation of charts,
multicolumn lists, and any other material presented in a tabular
format. The gtbl commands are not difficult to work with, but can be
awkward to learn, so studying examples is the best method.
To use gtbl, two special commands are used to indicate to groff that
the area between the two commands is to be processed as gtbl
instructions. These two key commands are .TS (table start) and .TE
(table end). Commands between these two are processed by gtbl first,
which converts the gtbl commands to groff commands; then, the source
is passed to groff.
Tables are independent of each other with gtbl, meaning that each must
contain all the information for formatting the data within the table
and can't rely on a previous format. Tables contain three types of
information: text for the table itself, options that control the
behavior of gtbl, and formatting commands to lay out the table itself.
The general format of a gtbl source code section is as follows:
Let's look at the important parts of the gtbl layout first, and then
see how they are combined to produce finished tables.
Executing gtbl
Because gtbl is a preprocessor, it is invoked on the source file, and
then the results are passed to groff. The simplest way to do this is
with the command
gtbl filename | groff
in which the gtbl preprocessor runs against the source in filename and
then sends the output to groff. If you are processing more than one
file at a time, or you need to send the output of gtbl to another
preprocessor, such as geqn, you use piping slightly differently. The
gtbl filename | geqn | groff
sends the output to geqn and then to groff.
There can be a single line of options after a .TS command that affects
the entire table. Any options must follow the .TS command. If more
than one option is specified, they must be separated by spaces,
commas, or tabs, and terminate in a semicolon. gtbl accepts the
following options:
center Centers the table (default is left-justified).
expand Makes tables as wide as current line length.
box Encloses the table in a box.
allbox Encloses each element of the table in a box.
doublebox Encloses the table in two boxes.
tab (n) Uses n instead of a tab to separate data.
linesize (n) Uses point size n for lines or rules.
delim (mn) Uses m and n as equation delimiters.
When gtbl tries to lay out a table, it tries to keep the entire table
on one page if possible, even if it has to eject the previous page
only partially completed. This can sometimes cause problems because
gtbl can make mistakes estimating the size of the table prior to
generating it, especially if there are embedded line commands that
affect spacing or point size. To avoid this problem, some users
surround the entire table with the display macros .DS (display start)
and .DE (display end). You can ignore this for most tables, unless you
start embedding commands within the data.
The format section of the table structure indicates how the columns
are to be laid out. Each line in the format section corresponds to one
line of data in the finished table. If not enough format lines are
specified to match all the lines of data, the last format line
specified is used for the remainder of the table. This lets you use a
specific format for headers and a single format line for the rest of
the table. The format section ends with a period.
Each line in the format section contains a keyletter for each column
in the table. Keyletters should be separated by spaces or tabs for
each column to enhance readability. Keyletters are case-independent
(so you can use upper- or lowercase for the keyletters, or a mixture
of the two, without affecting the layout). Supported gtbl keyletters
are as follows:
l Left-justified entry
r Right-justified entry
c Centered entry
[lb] Numeric entries lined up by units
a Aligned on left so that widest entry is centered
s Previous column format applies across rest of column
A sample format section consists of a letter for each column, unless
the entry is repeated across the page. A sample format section looks
like this:
c s s
l n n .
In this sample, the first line of the table is formatted with the
first, second, and third columns centered (the s repeats the previous
entry). The second and subsequent lines have the first entry
left-justified, and the next two lined up as numbers. The period ends
the format section. If you like, you can put all these format
keyletters on a single line, using a comma to separate the lines:
c s s, l n n .
A table formatted by this set of commands looks like this (with random
numbers inserted to show the lineup):
Entry1 12.23 231.23
Entry2 3.23 45.2
Entry3 45 123.2344
Entry4 3.2 2.3
Numeric data is usually aligned so that the decimal places are in a
vertical column. However, sometimes you want to override this format
by forcing a movement. The special character \& is used to move the
decimal point. The special characters disappear when the table is
printed. To show the effect of this special character, the following
sample shows normal formatting and entries with the special character
embedded (the first column is the source input, and the second is the
generated output):
14.5 14.5
13 13
1.253 1.253
3\&1.21 31.21
53.2 53.2
6\&2.23 62.23
You can see that the numbers usually line up with the decimal point in
a vertical row, except where moved over by the \& characters. Even if
a number has no decimal point specified (as in the second line of the
example), it is lined up as though one were present after the last
The following are a few additional keyletters that can be used to
create special formats and make the tables more attractive:
_ Horizontal line in place of column entry.
= Double horizontal line in place of column entry.
| Between column entries, draws a vertical line between columns.
Before the first keyletters, draws a line to the left of the table.
After the last keyletters, draws a line to the right of the table.
|| Between column entries, draws a double vertical line.
e/E Sets equal width columns. All columns that have a keyletter
followed by e or E are set to the same width.
f/F Followed by a font name or number, changes the entry to the font
N Any number following a keyletter. Indicates the amount of separation
between columns.
p/P Followed by a number, changes the point size of the entry to the
specified number. Increments acceptable.
t/T Vertically spanned items begin at the top line. Normally,
vertically spanning items (more than one line in the table) are
centered in the vertical range.
v/V Followed by a number, gives vertical line spacing.
w/W Followed by a number, sets the width.
The order of these characters on the format line is not important,
although the spacing between each format identifier must still be
respected. Multiple letters can be used. The entry
sets the numeric entry (n) in italic (fi), with a point size of 14
(p14) and a minimum column width of 2.5 inches (w(2.5i)).
You may need to change the format of a table midway through—for
example, to present summaries. If you must change the format, use the
.T& (table continue) command.
Data for the table is entered after all the format specifications have
been completed. Data for columns is separated by tabs or any other
character indicated in the tabs option. Each line of data is one line
of the table. Long lines of data can be broken over several lines of
source by using the backslash character as the last character in a
Any line starting with a period and followed by anything other than a
number is assumed to be a groff command and is ignored by the
preprocessor. If a single line of the data consists of only underscore
or equal sign characters (single and double lines), it is treated as
extending the entire width of the table.
You can embed a block of text within a table by using the text
commands of T{ (start of text) and }T (end of text). This lets you
enter something that can't be easily entered as a string separated by
The best way to understand how to use gtbl is to look at some simple
examples. Here's a basic table command:
c c c, l l n.
Name Dept Phone
Joe 8A 7263
Mike 9F 2635
Peter 2R 2152
Yvonne 2B 2524
All of the entries in the data section are separated by tabs. This
produces a table with three columns, the first line of which is
centered text. The rest of the table has the first and second column
left-justified, and the last column aligned by decimal point (there
are none in this case). The entire table is surrounded by two boxes.
A slightly more complex example uses a table title, followed by a row
of column headings, and then the data. Separate each element in the
table by a box in this case:
c s s
c c c
n n n .
Division Results
East West North
15 12 14
12 12 18
36 15 24
Try typing in these examples, or create your own, to see what effect
the different commands have. When you've started using gtbl, it isn't
that difficult.
Although word processors have made utilities such as geqn and gtbl
less popular than they used to be, some diehard UNIX people still like
to use them. There are times when you might not be able to produce an
equation the way you want with your favorite word processor, so you
might have to return to the basics. Also, because word processors
capable of fancy formulas tend to be expensive, utilities such as geqn
and gtbl are ideal for the occasional user who doesn't want to spend a
lot of money on a seldom-used tool.
Enjoy Linux!
-----It's FREE!-----
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