Linux 版 (精华区)
发信人: Mice (周末网老鼠), 信区: twunix
标 题: 轻轻松松安装 Linux (8)
发信站: 紫 丁 香 (Thu Mar 26 20:33:51 1998), 转信
【 以下文字转载自 cnlinux 讨论区 】
【 原文由 所发表 】
□ 选择安装软体
前面罗哩罗唆的介绍四种安装方法, 读者请根据您的设定及条件,
选择其中之一就可以, 之後, 进入到这一节, 这里我们要来选择究竟
安装哪些软体, 或许哪些可以省略。
下面第一个画面是前一节 『指定安装来源』 操作时的最後一个
画面, 通常我们选择 Yes, 就进行到这一节的操作, 或者读者选 No
的话, 之後在主选单上选择进入 DISK SETS选项也可以进行这里的操
<< 画面 5-49 >>
______________________ CONTINUE?
________________________□ □ Would you like to go on to the DISK
SETS section and □ □ select which catagories of software to
install? □
□ < Yes > < No > □
以下就是第一个选择画面, 有关於选择方法, 先移动上下方向键,
之後, 使用空白键把想安装的部份标示起来, 底下画面 A 选项其左边
已经有打叉标示, 这是内键情况, 表示 A 系列一定要安装。 再之後
的画面 (画面 5-51), 才是笔者所选择的。 读者朋友可以比对一下
<画面 5-50> 与 <画面 5-51> 的差异。
以下选项就是 Slackware Linux 系列编号软体, 其中第一选向
是用来安装非标准 (Customer) Slackware Linux软体, 这里我们没
有介绍。 假如光选择 A 系列的话, 则可以架设出一套最基本 Linux
系统。 至於想要安装能够直接由 CD-ROM 执行者, 这是比较特殊的
情况, 以下除了 Q 系列以外, 什麽都不要装 (对云观 CD-ROM III
的用户来说, 请参考您手上的使用手册, 或者第五章「交大『云观
CD-ROM III』直接由 CD-ROM执行之安装法」)。
以下的选择方法, 用上下方向键移动反白, 用按空白键来做选
<< 画面 5-50 >>
__________________________ SERIES SELECTION
□ □
□ Use the spacebar to select the disk sets you wish to install. □
□ You can use the UP/DOWN arrows to see all the possible choices. □
□ Press the ENTER key when you are finished. If you need to □
□ install a disk set that is not listed here, check the box for □
□ custom additional disk sets. □
□ □
□ _____________________________________________________________________ □
□□ [ ] CUS Also prompt for CUSTOM disk sets □□
□□ [X] A Base Linux system □□
□□ [ ] AP Various Applications that do not need X □□
□□ [ ] D Program Development (C, C++, Lisp, Perl, etc.) □□
□□ [ ] E GNU Emacs □□
□□ [ ] F FAQ lists, HOWTO documentation □□
(+)_________________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
底下画面我统统标示起来, 意思是要安装一个最完整的 Linux作
<< 画面 5-51 >>
__________________________□SERIES SELECTION
□ □
□ Use the spacebar to select the disk sets you wish to install. □
□ You can use the UP/DOWN arrows to see all the possible choices. □
□ Press the ENTER key when you are finished. If you need to □
□ install a disk set that is not listed here, check the box for □
□ custom additional disk sets. □
□ □
□ _____________________________________________________________________ □
□□ [ ] CUS Also prompt for CUSTOM disk sets □□
□□ [X] A Base Linux system □□
□□ [X] AP Various Applications that do not need X □□
□□ [X] D Program Development (C, C++, Lisp, Perl, etc.) □□
□□ [X] E GNU Emacs □□
□□ [X] F FAQ lists, HOWTO documentation □□
(+)_________________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
下面画面问说, 我们要不要接著立即进行安装, 到这里, 几乎万
<< 画面 5-52 >>
______________________ CONTINUE?
________________________□ □ Now that you've decided what you want
to install you □ □ may begin the installation process by moving
to the □ □ INSTALL section. Please note that if you have
not □ □ completed all the prerequisites you will be
informed □ □ of this and returned to the main menu. Would you
like □ □ to go on to the INSTALL section?
□ □
□ < Yes > < No > □
□ Install 实际安装
经过以上前置作业後, 我们已经指定了安装的来源与去处, 且
对於软体的安装范围也已经指定好, 现在我们真的要把 Linux 系统
下面画面的反白停在第一个选项, 这是内定方式, 不熟的朋友
这里按<Enter>, 采用内定方法即可。
<< 画面 5-53 >>
______________________ SELECT PROMPTING MODE _______________________
□ □ Now you must select which type of prompting you would like to
□ □ use while installing your software packages. If you're not
□ □ sure which mode to use, read the help file.
□ □
□ □ Which type of prompting would you like to use?
□ □
________________________________________________________________□□ □□
Normal Use the default tagfiles □□ □□
Custom Use custom tagfiles in the package directories □□ □□
Path Use tagfiles in the subdirectories of a custom path □□ □□
None Use no tagfiles - install everything □□ □□
HELP Read the prompt mode help file □□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-54 >>
________________________________________________□ □ PROMPT
mode selected. Using prompting □ □ defaults found in
tagfiles along the way. □
以下就开始进行拷贝安装了, 由於画面好几十个, 这里我们就不
一一摘录出来, 我只收录第一个画面, 以及其中一个选则 Kernel 的
以下读者们会碰到选择系统核心的过程, 其实照笔者的看法, 以
下即使您挑选了一个最适合的系统核心 (以下两个, 以及 Q 系列大约
有 11 个, 也未必是最适合您硬体以及需求的系统核心。 照笔者这样
的浅见, 最适合的系统核心当然要自己来做, 而这也就是为什麽, 笔
者强调, 系统核心的重新编译 (Recompile Kernel) 是您系统安装完
成, 且开始正常运转了, 之後的第一件工作。
假如您也认为笔者以上的看法可接受, 以下选择系统 Kernel时,
您的选择底线, 就是, 最起码, 该 Kernel 能够启动您的机器, 并成
功认得您的硬体配备。 最起码, 这样子能够确保系统能够初步运转
起来, 之後就可以重新编译一份系统核心。
<< 画面 5-55 >>
______ Auto-installing package ==>base<== Priority: [required]
□ □
□ Basic Linux filesystem package. □
□ □
□ Sets up the basic directory structure and adds a few important □
□ binaries such as GNU mtools 2.0.7 and fdisk. □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ Size: Compressed: 128K, uncompressed: 410K. □
以下画面要选择一个系统核心, 假如我们的机器刚好是 IDE 硬碟
界面, 刚好也只需要 UMSDOS 及 PPP 两项支援, 这里就按 <Enter>
选择安装, 假如不是, 或者是 IDE 但需要更多支援, 您需要则把反白
移到 <Cancel>, 就可以跳过不安装。
<< 画面 5-56 >>
________ Package Name: ==>idekern<== Priority: [recommended]
□ □
□ Linux kernel version 1.1.54, without SCSI support. □
□ □
□ A Linux kernel for computers that do not need SCSI support. You MUST □
□ install a kernel image in order for your system to boot. This kernel □
□ also contains UMSDOS and PPP. See the file '' for an exact □
□ list of included drivers. □
□ □
□ ***IMPORTANT***! If you have special hardware, such as a non-SCSI □
□ CD-ROM drive, you'll need to install a kernel from the Q series that □
□ supports it, or compile the support into your own custom kernel. □
□ □
□ Size: Compressed: 398K, uncompressed: 480K. □
□ □
□ Install package idekern? □
□ _____________________________________________________________________ □
(+)_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
__________________ INSTALLING
__________________□ □ Installing package
idekern □
假如您使用 SCSI 界面硬碟, 您要选用下面画面, 若不是, 则跳
过去不选用。 注意, 整个 Q 系列有其他更多选择。
<< 画面 5-57A >>
________ Package Name: ==>scsikern<== Priority: [recommended] _________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.54, with SCSI + IDE support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with full support for SCSI devices such as hard
□ □ drives, tape drives, and CD-ROM drives. This kernel also contains
□ □ UMSDOS and PPP. See the file '' for an exact list of
□ □ included drivers.
□ □
□ □ ***IMPORTANT***! If you have special hardware, such as a non-SCSI
□ □ CD-ROM drive, you'll need to install a kernel from the Q series that
□ □ supports it, or compile the support into your own custom kernel.
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 487K, uncompressed: 580K.
□ □
□ □ Install package scsikern?
□ □ _____________________________________________________________________
(+)_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
以下我们要忽略了一系列的画面, 之後, 我们轮到了 Q 系列的安
□ □ □ Installing
disk series ==>q<== □
□ □
<< 画面 5-57B >>
_________________________ FILE MISSING FROM YOUR DISK ___________________
□ □ WARNING!!!
□ □
□ □ While looking through your index file (diskq1), I
□ □ noticed that you might be missing a package (alpha.tgz)
□ □ that is supposed to be on this disk (disk q1). You may go
□ □ on with the installation if you wish, but if this is a
□ □ crucial file I'm making no promises that your machine will
□ □ boot.
□ □
□ □
□ _______________________________________________________________________
□ < OK >
□ _______________________________________________________________________
看到以上警告讯息, 忽略掉没有关系。
<< 画面 5-57C >>
___________ Package Name: ==>idekerno<== Priority: [optional] ____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.18, without SCSI support.
□ □
□ □ A Linux kernel for computers that do not need SCSI support. If you
□ □ don't have SCSI, the advantage of using the idekern kernel is that
□ □ your machine will boot faster with a leaner kernel. See the file
□ □ 'idekern.log' for an exact list of included drivers. A short list:
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 328 K, uncompressed: 390 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package idekerno?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package idekerno
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
_________________________________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-57D >>
__________ Package Name: ==>scsikrno<== Priority: [optional] ___________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.18, with SCSI + IDE support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with full support for SCSI devices such as hard
□ □ drives, tape drives, and CD-ROM drives. See the file 'scsikern.log'
□ □ for an exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 404 K, uncompressed: 480 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package scsikrno?
□ □ _____________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package scsikrno
□□ □_____________ (+)
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-57E >>
____________ Package Name: ==>cdu31ao<== Priority: [optional] ____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.18, with SCSI+IDE+Sony CDU31A CD support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for the Sony CDU31A CD-ROM
□ □ drives, as well as full support for SCSI devices such as hard drives,
□ □ tape drives, and SCSI CD-ROM drives. See the file 'cdu31a.log' for
□ □ an exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 410 K, uncompressed: 480 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package cdu31ao?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package cdu31ao
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-57F >>
____________ Package Name: ==>sbpcdo<== Priority: [optional] _____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.18, with SCSI+IDE+SoundBlaster Pro CD
□ □ (also Panasonic/Lasermate).
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for the whole family of IDE-style
□ □ Kotobuki/Matsushita/Panasonic CR-5xx drives for SoundBlaster ('Pro' or
□ □ '16 ASP' or compatible) cards and for 'no-sound' interfaces like
□ □ Lasermate and the Panasonic CI-101P.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 416 K, uncompressed: 490 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package sbpcdo?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package sbpcdo
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-57G >>
___________ Package Name: ==>sony535o<== Priority: [optional] ____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.18, with SCSI+IDE+Sony 535/531 CD support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for the Sony CDU 535/531 CD-ROM
□ □ drives, as well as full support for SCSI devices such as hard drives,
□ □ tape drives, and SCSI CD-ROM drives. See the file 'sony535.log' for
□ □ an exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 409 K, uncompressed: 480 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package sony535o?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package sony535o
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-57H >>
___________ Package Name: ==>cdu31a<== Priority: [optional] _____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.59, with SCSI+IDE+Sony CDU31/33A CD support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for the Sony CDU31/33A CD-ROM
□ □ drives, as well as full support for SCSI devices such as hard drives,
□ □ tape drives, and SCSI CD-ROM drives. See the file 'cdu31a.cfg' for
□ □ an exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, Ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 487 K, uncompressed: 580 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package cdu31a?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package cdu31a
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
<< 画面 5-57I >>
____________ Package Name: ==>cdu535<== Priority: [optional] _____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.59, with SCSI+IDE+Sony CDU531/535 CD support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for the Sony CDU531/535 CD-ROM
□ □ drives, as well as full support for SCSI devices such as hard drives,
□ □ tape drives, and SCSI CD-ROM drives. See the file 'cdu535.cfg' for
□ □ an exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, Ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 486 K, uncompressed: 580 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package cdu535?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package cdu535
□□ □_____________ (+)
____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ __________________________________________________________________________
<< 画面 5-57J >>
____________ Package Name: ==>mitsumi<== Priority: [optional] ___________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.59, with SCSI+IDE+Mitsumi CD support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for Mitsumi CD-ROM drives, as
□ □ well as full support for SCSI devices such as hard drives, tape
□ □ drives, and SCSI CD-ROM drives. See the file 'mitsumi.cfg' for an
□ □ exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, Ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 487 K, uncompressed: 580 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package mitsumi?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package mitsumi
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
<< 画面 5-57K >>
____________ Package Name: ==>nec260<== Priority: [optional] ____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.59, with SCSI+IDE+NEC260 IDE CD support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for the NEC 260 CD-ROM as the
□ □ second device on the IDE controller. It also supports all the SCSI
□ □ devices supported by the standard kernel.
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 484 K, uncompressed: 570 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package nec260?
□ □______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package nec260
□□ □_____________ (+)
____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
<< 画面 5-57L >>
_____________ Package Name: ==>sbpcd<== Priority: [optional] _____________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.59, with SCSI+IDE+Soundblaster CD support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for the whole family of
□ □ Matsushita/Panasonic CD-ROM drives, as well as full support for SCSI
□ □ devices such as hard drives, tape drives, and SCSI CD-ROM drives. See
□ □ the file 'sbpcd.cfg' for an exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, Ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 495 K, uncompressed: 590 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package sbpcd?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package sbpcd
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
<< 画面 5-57M >>
______________ Package Name: ==>xt<== Priority: [optional] _______________
□ □ Linux kernel version 1.1.59, with IDE+XT (MFM/RLL) drive support.
□ □
□ □ This is a Linux kernel with support for XT style (MFM/RLL) hard
□ □ drives. See 'xt.cfg' for an exact list of included drivers.
□ □
□ □ This kernel also has support for PPP, UMSDOS, CSLIP, Ethernet,
□ □ Ftape, and the PS/2 style mouse (but not other busmouse types).
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □ Size: Compressed: 384 K, uncompressed: 460 K.
□ □
□ □ Install package xt?
□ □_______________________________________________________________________
□ □□ Yes Install package xt
□□ □_____________ (+)
_____________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _________________________________________________________________________
□ 系统设定
刚刚完成的安装工作, 所花时间可能会用掉一两个小时之间, 假
如想更快些, 在後面我会示范快速自动安装法。
下面画面是刚刚安装过程最後的一个画面, 也就是在安装完成时,
安装程式会立刻询问我们要不要接著进行系统设定, 我们按 <Enter>
选择 Yes。
<< 画面 5-58 >>
________________ CONFIGURE YOUR SYSTEM? _________________
□ Now it's time to configure your Linux system. If this
□ □ is a new system, you must configure it now or it will
□ □ not boot correctly. Otherwise, you can back out to the
□ □ main menu if you're sure you want to skip this step.
□ □ If you've installed a new kernel image, it's important
□ □ to reconfigure your system so that you can install
□ □ LILO (the Linux loader) or create a bootdisk using the
□ □ new kernel. Do you want to move on to the CONFIGURE
□ □ option?
□ □
□ < Yes > < No > □
<< 画面 5-59 >>
____________________ MAKE BOOT DISK? _____________________
□ It is HIGHLY recommended that you make a standard boot
□ □ disk for your Linux system at this time. Such a disk
□ □ can be very handy if LILO of a kernel is ever
□ □ improperly installed. Since the boot disk will contain
□ □ a kernel that is independent of LILO and the kernel on
□ □ your hard drive, you'll still be able to use it to
□ □ boot your system no matter what you do to LILO or your
□ □ hard drive kernel. Would you like to make a standard
□ □ boot disk?
□ □
□ < Yes > < No > □
<< 画面 5-60 >>
____________________ BOOT DISK CREATION
□ □ □ Now
put a formatted floppy in your boot drive. □ □ This will
be made into your Linux boot disk. Use this to □ □ boot Linux until
LILO has been configured to boot from □ □ the hard
drive. □
□ □ □ Any
data on the target disk will be destroyed. □
□ □ □ YES
creates the disk, NO aborts. □
□ □
□ < Yes > < No > □
<< 画面 5-61 >>
________________ CREATING DISK _________________
□ Creating boot disk from 'vmlinuz'...
□ □
□ □
□ ________________________________________________□
以下询问是有配备有数据机 (Modem)? 有数据机则直接按 <Enter>
键, 若没有, 使用 <Tab> 或 左右方向键把反白移到 < No >, 再按
<Enter> 键。
<< 画面 5-62 >>
________________________ MODEM CONFIGURATION _________________________
□ □ This part of the configuration process will create a link in /dev
□ □ from your callout device (cua0, cua1, cua2, cua3) to /dev/modem.
□ □ You can change this link later if you put your modem on a different
□ □ port.
□ □
□ □ Would you like to set up your modem?
□ □ 2
□ _______________________________________________________________________
□ < Yes > < No >
□ _______________________________________________________________________
若有数据机, 则进一步选择数据机所在之串列埠。 请移动反白
做正确选择。 以下这动作相当於正常 Linux环境下的指令:
$ ln -s /dev/ttyS1 mouse, 但是把 ttyS1 换成正确的一个。
<< 画面 5-63 >>
________________ SELECT CALLOUT DEVICE
__________________□ □ Please select the callout device which you
would like □ □ to use for your
modem: □ □
□□ cua0 com1: under DOS □□
□□ cua1 com2: under DOS □□
□□ cua2 com3: under DOS □□
□□ cua3 com4: under DOS □□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-64 >>
______________________ MOUSE CONFIGURATION
□ □ □
This part of the configuration process will create a link in /dev □ □
from your mouse device to /dev/mouse. You can change this link □ □
later if the setting chosen does not work, or if you switch to a □ □
different type of mouse. □
□ □ □
Would you like to set up your mouse? □
□ □
□ < Yes > < No > □
以下回答滑鼠种类。 很多朋友不清楚, 我们一般常的滑鼠都是串
列式滑鼠, 这些是串接在 RS-232C 通讯埠上 (25针或9针), 另外有一
些圆形接头的滑鼠, 这些则是各品牌的 Bus 滑鼠。 以下选项 1 与 6
分别是两键式与三键式串列滑鼠, 请做小心正确选择。
<< 画面 5-65 >>
__________________ SELECT MOUSE TYPE
____________________□ □ These mouse types are
supported: □ □
______________________________________________________□□ □□ 1
Microsoft compatible serial mouse □□ □□ 2 C&T
82C710 or PS/2 style mouse (Auxiliary port) □□ □□ 3 Logitech
Bus Mouse □□ □□ 4 ATI XL Bus
Mouse □□ □□ 5 Microsoft Bus
Mouse □□ □□ 6 Mouse Systems serial
mouse □□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
对串列滑鼠来说, 我们还要具体指定滑鼠所接的通讯埠所在, 如下图。
<< 画面 5-66 >>
__________________ SELECT SERIAL PORT ___________________
□ Your mouse requires a serial port. Which one would you
□ □ like to use?
□ □
□□ ttyS0 com1: under DOS □□
□□ ttyS1 com2: under DOS □□
□□ ttyS2 com3: under DOS □□
□□ ttyS3 com4: under DOS □□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
<< 画面 5-67 >>
______ CONFIGURE CD-ROM? _______
□ □ Do you have a CD-ROM?
□ □
□ _________________________________
□ < Yes > < No >
□ _________________________________
若回答有唯读式光碟机, 以下动作则是进一步做一个 /dev/cdrom
连结档。 这样做方便使用者或管理者统一以 /dev/cdrom 代表光碟装
置, 否则不同类型光碟机在 Linux系统下的档案名称并不一样, 这对
生手还说会很困扰, 比方说 Panasonic 562B/563B 牌为 /dev/sbpcd,
Mitsumi牌为 /dev/mcd, Sony 535 为 /dev/sonycd, Sony CDU31A 为
/dev/cdu31a, 至於 SCSI 规格则可能为 /dev/sr0、 /dev/sr1、
/dev/scd0 或 /dev/scd1 等等其中之一。
<< 画面 5-68 >>
____________ Configuring CD-OM link (/dev/cdrom) _____________
□ □ What type of CD-ROM drive do you have?
□ □
□ □
____________________________________________________________□□ □□ 1
SCSI [ /dev/sr0, /dev/sr1, /dev/scd0, or /dev/scd1 ] □□ □□ 2 Sony
CDU31A [ /dev/cdu31a ] □□ □□ 3 Sony 535
[ /dev/sonycd ] □□ □□ 4 Mitsumi [
/dev/mcd ] □□ □□ 5 Sound Blaster
Pro (Panasonic) [ /dev/sbpcd ] □□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
以下设定数据机速度, 一般 14.4K v.32bis/v.42bis 数据机不妨
指定最高速的 38400 (Linux可以用 setserial 这支工具程式把 DTE
通讯数度调为 57600 或甚至 115200 bps)。
<< 画面 5-69 >>
__________________ SET YOUR MODEM SPEED
__________________□ □ Please select a modem speed. You may use
setserial □ □ later to make 38400 stand for a higher baud rate
if □ □ these speeds aren't fast enough.
□ □
□□ 38400 □□
□□ 19200 □□
□□ 9600 □□
□□ 4800 □□
□□ 2400 □□
□□ 1200 □□
□□ 300 Ouch! □□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
以下进行到最重要的, 设定 LILO 开机选择程式。 LILO 是一个
相当优秀的系统工具, 读这若漏装了这软体, 将非常可惜。 有了 LILO,
假如我们电脑内只有 Linux 系统, 没有其他作业系统, 这时只需
执行以下 Begin 及 Linux 两个程序, 假如说硬碟内有 DOS, 而我们
也想开机时可以选择DOS或 Linux, 这样子也把以下 DOS选项也一并执
行, 当确定设定无误後, 执行 Install程序。 以下我再分别简单说明
Begin: 设定 LILO 安装模式, 比方安装在硬碟 MBR、 Superblock
或者软碟, 要不要 LILO 稍作延迟等等细节。
Linux: 设定把 Linux包含进开机选择。
DOS : 设定把 DOS 包含进开机选择。
Install: 实际安装动作
以下画面中, 我们就把反白移到 Begin 选项上。
<< 画面 5-70 >>
__________________________ LILO INSTALLATION
__________________________□ □ LILO (the Linux Loader) allows you to boot
Linux from your hard □ □ drive. To install, you make a new LILO
configuration file by □ □ creating a new header and then adding at
least one bootable □ □ partition to the file. Once you've done
this, you can select the □ □ install option. Alternately, if you
already have an /etc/lilo.conf, □ □ you may reinstall using that. If you
make a mistake, you can always □ □ start over by choosing 'Begin'. Which
option would you like? □ □
___________________________________________________________________ □
□□ Begin Start LILO configuration with a new LILO header □□
□□ Linux Add a Linux partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ OS/2 Add an OS/2 partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ DOS Add a DOS partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ Install Install LILO □□
□□ Recycle Reinstall LILO using the existing lilo.conf □□
□□ Skip Skip LILO installation and exit this menu □□
□□ View View your current /etc/lilo.conf □□
□□ Help Read the Linux Loader HELP file □□
□ ___________________________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _______________________________________________________________________
下面首先询问要不要在启动时, 传一些参数给 Kernel。 据笔者
了解, 有些情况会有这需要, 比方说您使用级特殊规格的硬碟 (IBM
牌硬碟可能是其中之一), 还有比方说您的光碟机控制卡 Kernel无法
侦测到, 另外还有配备两块网路卡时, 这些情况都会需要在系统启动
时额外传参数给 Kernel。
不过, 我建议读者朋友先忽略这操作, 等系统设定完成後, 若发
觉有需要, 届时手工编修 /etc/lilo.conf 档即可。
<< 画面 5-71 >>
______________________□OPTIONAL append= LINE
________________________□ □ Some systems might require extra parameters
to be passed to the □ □ kernel in order to boot. An example would be
the hd=cyl,hds,secs □ □ needed with some SCSI systems and some
machines with IBM □ □ motherboards. If you needed to pass
parameters to the kernel when □ □ you booted the Slackware bootkernel
disk, you'll probably want to □ □ enter the same ones here. Most
systems won't require any extra □ □ parameters. If you don't need
any, just hit ENTER to continue. □ □
□□ □□
□ __________________________________________________________________□□
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
底下我们就来选择开机模式。 以下有三个选项, 我分别解释如下:
MBR: MBR是位在第一颗硬碟、第一sylinder内的第一个sector,
电脑一启动电源後, 会先读取这区域, 来决定开机。
Root: 这是所谓 superblock, 就是把 LILO 装在 Linux 所在
Floppy: 指定把LILO安装在软碟上, 这样可以软碟开机。
以上 MBR 与 Floppy可能比较常用, 第一次安装 Linux的生手,
笔者尤其推荐用软碟开机, 等熟悉後, 最好把也同时设定 MBR, 这
样万一其中一个坏掉, 还可以用另外一个方式开机。
<< 画面 5-72 >>
________________ SELECT LILO TARGET LOCATION _________________
□ LILO can be installed to a variety of places: the master
□ □ boot record of your first hard drive, the superblock of
□ □ your root Linux partition (which could then be made the
□ □ bootable partition with fdisk), or a formatted floppy disk.
□ □ If you're using a boot system such as OS/2's Boot Manager,
□ □ you should use the Root selection. Please pick a target
□ □ location:
□ □ ___________________________________________________________
□ □□ MBR Use the Master Boot Record
□□ □□ Root Use superblock of the root Linux partition
□□ □□ Floppy Use a formatted floppy disk in the boot drive
□□ □ ___________________________________________________________
□ _______________________________________________________________
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _______________________________________________________________
以下询问要不要开机时, 让 LILO停顿一下, 若选择 None, 则开机
时, 除非按住 <Shift> 或 <Alt> 键, 这样会迫使 LILO停下来, 否则
LILO 不会停下来。
照笔者的习惯, 我习惯设定停顿五秒钟, 在这五秒钟内, 只要我碰
一下 <Caps Lock>键, 就会出现 LILO: 提示符号, 我再进一步按一下
<Tab> 键, 就会出现所有 OS 的选单。
<< 画面 5-73 >>
________________________ CHOOSE LILO DELAY
__________________________□ □ How long would you like LILO to wait for
you to hit left-shift to □ □ get a prompt after rebooting? If you let
LILO time out, it will □ □ boot the first OS in the configuration
file by default. □ □
□□ None Don't wait at all - boot straight into the first OS □□
□□ 5 5 seconds □□
□□ 30 30 seconds □□
□□ Forever Present a prompt and wait until a choice is made □□
□ __________________________________________________________________□□
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
以上已经指定好 LILO 的运作方式了, 接下来我们就要把我们硬
碟里现的 OS, 全部加入 LILO 的开机选单中。 底下先把反白移道第
<< 画面 5-74 >>
__________________________ LILO INSTALLATION
__________________________□ □ LILO (the Linux Loader) allows you to boot
Linux from your hard □ □ drive. To install, you make a new LILO
configuration file by □ □ creating a new header and then adding at
least one bootable □ □ partition to the file. Once you've done
this, you can select the □ □ install option. Alternately, if you
already have an /etc/lilo.conf, □ □ you may reinstall using that. If you
make a mistake, you can always □ □ start over by choosing 'Begin'. Which
option would you like? □ □
___________________________________________________________________ □
□□ Begin Start LILO configuration with a new LILO header □□
□□ Linux Add a Linux partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ OS/2 Add an OS/2 partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ DOS Add a DOS partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ Install Install LILO □□
□□ Recycle Reinstall LILO using the existing lilo.conf □□
□□ Skip Skip LILO installation and exit this menu □□
□□ View View your current /etc/lilo.conf □□
□□ Help Read the Linux Loader HELP file □□
□ ___________________________________________________________________ □
□ < OK > <Cancel>
□ _______________________________________________________________________
底下侦测到一共有两个 Linux属性的分割区, 我们在空白内填入
想要 LILO 开机启动的分割区。
<< 画面 5-75 >>
________________________ SELECT LINUX PARTITION
________________________□ □ These are your Linux
partitions: □
□ □
□ Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System □
□ /dev/hdb1 1 1 100 50368+ 83 Linux native □
□ /dev/hdb3 161 161 300 70560 83 Linux native □
□ □
□ Which one would you like LILO to boot? □
□ ____________________________________________________________________□□
□□dev/hdb3 □□
□ ____________________________________________________________________□□
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
以下填入一个代号, 这样在开机时 LILO 提示符号下, 键入该代
号, 就可以启动进入这代号所代表的作业系统。
<< 画面 5-76 >>
________________ SELECT PARTITION NAME
__________________□ □ Now you must select a short, unique name for
this □ □ partition. You'll use this name if you specify
a □ □ partition to boot at the LILO prompt. 'Linux'
might □ □ not be a bad choice. THIS MUST BE A SINGLE
WORD. □ □
______________________________________________________□□ □
□linux1 □□ □
□ < OK > <Cancel> □
把 Linux 分割区加入开机选单後, 以下我们要回到 LILO 的主
服务画面。 底下我想把我 /dev/hda1 的 DOS 分割区也加入选单, 以
下选择 DOS。
<< 画面 5-77 >>
__________________________ LILO INSTALLATION
__________________________□ □ LILO (the Linux Loader) allows you to boot
Linux from your hard □ □ drive. To install, you make a new LILO
configuration file by □ □ creating a new header and then adding at
least one bootable □ □ partition to the file. Once you've done
this, you can select the □ □ install option. Alternately, if you
already have an /etc/lilo.conf, □ □ you may reinstall using that. If you
make a mistake, you can always □ □ start over by choosing 'Begin'. Which
option would you like? □ □
___________________________________________________________________ □
□□ Begin Start LILO configuration with a new LILO header □□
□□ Linux Add a Linux partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ OS/2 Add an OS/2 partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ DOS Add a DOS partition to the LILO config file □□
□□ Install Install LILO □□
□□ Recycle Reinstall LILO using the existing li
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