Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: Mathsims (Justin), 信区: Matlab
标 题: News Digest, November 2002
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Fri Nov 15 13:04:26 2002) , 转信
* Applied Optimization using MATLAB
* Training: Image Processing Using MATLAB
* Multiscale Pyramid Tools
* C++ Pseudo Random Number Generators
* Pattern Recognition Toolbox
* Data Mining with .NET and Visual Basic
* View Archived Webinars
- Introduction to MATLAB
- Controller Tuning and Plant Modeling
* Contribute Your Links
Applied Optimization Using MATLAB
Optimization is an important and expanding area that helps engineers and scien
tists find improved solutions to their problems. MATLAB and the Optimization T
oolbox provide powerful capabilities for optimization with robust algorithms f
or general and large-scale optimization, linear programming, quadratic program
ing, nonlinear equations, and more. Attend a free webinar on December 4, 2002
to learn about MATLAB, the Optimization Toolbox and how to apply these tools.
Training: Image Processing Using MATLAB
Classes held in Boston and El Segundo, CA
Sign up now for the "Image Processing Using MATLAB" class going on December 6,
2002 in Boston, MA and El Segundo, CA. Learn how to use MATLAB and the Image
Processing Toolbox to enhance image characteristics and perform basic image ar
ithmetic operations, filtering, and region-based processing.
Multiscale Pyramid Tools
This page describes tools for creating and manipulating a variety of multiscal
e image representations, including Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids, quadrature
mirror filters and orthonomal wavelets, and steerable pyramids. Also includes
a variety of image processing tools, such as fast convolution routines with b
oundary handling (MEX).
C++ Pseudo Random Number Generators
This site contains code libraries for some very good uniform and nonuniform ra
ndom number generators. Code examples are included to show how to use these cl
ass libraries. An assembly language library of uniform number generators is in
cluded for improved speed. These generators are intended for Monte Carlo not c
ryptographic applications.
Pattern Recognition Toolbox
The Pattern Recognition Toolbox is a comprehensive software package for analys
is and fault diagnosis of one-dimensional signals using MATLAB as its computin
g engine. The toolbox is used to help researchers determine key relationships
and the statistical nature of data. It includes an extensive library of featur
e extraction and optimization routines, statistical algorithms, as well as neu
ral networks and graphical display functions for visualizing data sets.
Data Mining with .NET and Visual Basic
The Visual Basic and .Net Data Mining Portal provides .Net and Visual Basic da
ta mining source code, applications, tutorials, and algorithms.
View Archived Webinars
Missed out on viewing a previously broadcast webinar? Select from the followin
g recorded ones:
-Introduction to MATLAB
This webinar highlights how MATLAB integrates mathematical computing, visualiz
ation, and a powerful language to provide a flexible environment for technical
-Controller Tuning and Plat Modeling
The Nonlinear Control Design Blockset automates parameter tuning of linear and
nonlinear control systems within Simulink? The MATLAB?System Identification T
oolbox lets you create well-defined mathematical models of dynamic systems bas
ed on observed input/output data. This webinar will show you how these tools e
nable you to tune controllers and model plants.
Contribute Your Links
You add your favorite technical computing links to To suggest a
link to our editors, navigate to the relevant section of, choos
e 'Add Link' and enter the URL and a brief description.
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