Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: Mathsims (Justin), 信区: Matlab
标 题: Mathtools News Digest - December 2002
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Sat Dec 21 11:41:34 2002) , 转信 Digest
December 2002
In this Issue:
MATLAB for Signal Processing
Training: Automotive Data Analysis
Bayesian Network tools in Java
ATOM: Advanced Tool for Options Modeling
Tactical Engagement Simulation Suite
GCG Wisconsin Package
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Data Analysis with Curve Fitting and Statistics Toolboxes
MATLAB Tools for Test and Measurement
Introduction to Wavelets
MATLAB for Signal Processing
MATLAB is the leading software for signal processing design and analysis. Acce
ss our online demos and webinar to learn more about how the Signal Processing
Toolbox can help you perform tasks ranging from modulation and Fourier transfo
rms to digital radio design.
Training: Automotive Data Analysis with MATLAB and Simulink
Classes in Detroit, Michigan
Sign up now for the "Automotive Data Analysis" class held January 20-23 in Det
roit, Michigan. Automotive engineers can learn how to use MATLAB through relev
ant examples and exercises. This course is for beginning and intermediate user
s of MATLAB and Simulink.
Bayesian Network Tools in Java (BNJ)
BNJ is an open source suite of software tools for research and development usi
ng graphical models of probability. It is implemented in Java and distributed
under the GNU general public license (GPL) by the Kansas State University Labo
ratory for Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD).
ATOM: Advanced Tool for Options Modeling
ATOM is a free option pricer for Windows with advanced features such as quasi-
Monte Carlo simulation with antithetic variables and quadratic re-sampling tec
hniques.This program originated as a set of C++ classes and now features an in
tuitive visual interface for both programmers and non-programmers.
Tactical Engagement Simulation Suite - Tactical Technologies, Inc.
The Tactical Engagement Simulation Suite is a family of simulation tools that
uses MATLAB, Simulink, the Signal Processing Toolbox, and the DSP Blockset to
analyze the effectiveness of on-board and off-board electronic countermeasures
. Used by military planners, electronic warfare (EW) developers, test and eval
uation engineers, operational research scientists, threat analysts, and EW equ
ipment reprogrammers, the suite helps to provide ship and aircraft protection
against a variety of radar and infrared guided missile and associated weapon s
GCG Wisconsin Package
Molecular biologists worldwide use the GCG® Wisconsin Package® as thei
r software of choice for comprehensive sequence analysis. The Wisconsin Packag
e meets research needs across disciplines, project teams, and labs to provide
an enterprise-wide solution. Based on published algorithms from the fields of
mathematical and computational biology, the package includes tools for compari
son, database searching, DNA/RNA secondary structure, evolution, fragment asse
mbly, primer selection, and more.
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You can add your favorite technical computing links to To sugge
st a link to our editors, navigate to the relevant section of, c
hoose "Add Link" and enter the URL and a brief description.
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