Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: Mathsims (玉子), 信区: Matlab
标 题: News Digest, January 2003
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Feb 26 09:50:36 2003) , 转信 Digest
January 2003
In this Issue:
Statistics and Curve Fitting Toolboxes
Filter Design Toolbox
MATLAB Newsgroup 10th Annivesary
DYNARE Simulation Toolbox
ExcelEverywhere: Web Pages from Excel
GT-SUITE from Gamma Technologies
C++ Pattern Recognition API
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Statistics and Curve Fitting with MATLAB.
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Advanced Image Processing with MATLAB
Accelerating MATLAB
Application Deployment Using MATLAB
Statistics and Curve Fitting Toolboxes for Data Analysis
The Statistics and Curve Fitting Toolboxes can help you pre-process data, perf
orm exploratory visualizations, handle statistical analysis, model data, and m
ore. Attend a Webinar on February 5, 2003 to see an online demonstration.
Filter Design Toolbox
Learn how the Filter Design Toolbox extends the capabilities of the Signal Pro
cessing Toolbox by adding filter architectures and design methods for complex
real-time DSP applications.
MATLAB Newsgroup Celebrates Its 10th Anniversary
The popular MATLAB USENET group, comp.soft-sys.matlab (CSSM), celebrated its 1
0th anniversary on January 14th, 2003. CSSM is a collaboration space where tho
usands of MATLAB users discuss MATLAB related topics. In 2003, more than 33,80
0 posts were made on CSSM. As part of the celebrations, we gave away ten MATLA
B T-shirts to people who participated in the CSSM anniversary quiz. Find out m
ore here:
DYNARE Simulation Toolbox
DYNARE is a simulation toolbox for linear, non-linear, deterministic, stochast
ic, or consistent expectation models. It uses the Laffargue-Boucekkine-Juillar
d algorithm for non-linear deterministic models and the generalized real Schur
decomposition for linear models. This toolbox works on top of MATLAB, SCILAB,
ExcelEverywhere: Web Pages from Excel
ExcelEverywhere lets you create interactive and calculating Web pages from Exc
el spreadsheets. Solve your problem using Microsoft Excel, and let ExcelEveryw
here convert it to HTML with embedded JavaScript. You can then place these web
pages on your intranet or extranet for easy access.
GT-SUITE from Gamma Technologies
GT-SUITE is a set of simulation tools that model engine performance (GT-Power)
, vehicle powertrain system performance (GT-Drive), engine cooling system perf
ormance (GT-Cool), engine fuel injection system dynamics (GT-Fuel), and engine
valvetrain dynamics (GT-Vtrain). When connected to Simulink and Stateflow via
Simulink blocks provided by GTISOFT, the simulation codes provide a flexible
environment for investigating and developing control algorithms for new engine
component technologies, emission controls, and engine performance. In additio
n, data generated by GT-Suite tools can be transformed into analytical powertr
ain calibrations using the Model Based Calibration Toolbox.
Pattern Recognition API
The Pattern Recognition Application Programmer's Interface is a full-featured,
easy-to-use general C++ framework for various pattern recognition tasks, espe
cially image analysis. It supports many image formats, well known image analys
is methods, classification, and feature analysis tools.
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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