Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: Mathsims (玉子), 信区: Matlab
标 题: News Digest, February 2003
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Feb 26 09:52:24 2003) , 转信 Digest
February 2003
In this Issue:
Importing C Code into Simulink
C++ Tools for Image Processing
Error- Correcting Codes
RadioLab 3G
Data Automation Toolbox for MATLAB
Free Live Webinars:
+Today's Simulink for Wireless
+Real-Time Embedded Control Systems
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Today's Simulink for Wireless
Real Time Embedded Control Systems
Importing C-Code into Simulink
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Modeling Event Driven Systems with Simulink
802.11b Design with Simulink
RF Impairments Modeling with the Communications Blockset
Importing C Code into Simulink for Signal Processing Applications
Attend our Webinar on March 13, 2003 and see how to incorporate C code into th
e Simulink environment using the S-Function Builder.
C++ Tools for Image Processing
Tools for Image Processing (TiP) is a C++ library that implements basic data s
tructures and algorithms for computer vision and image processing. The main pu
rpose of the package is to provide a consistent, fast, and portable platform f
or developing general computer vision and image processing applications.
Error-Correcting Codes
This page contains programs written in C/C++ and MATLAB that implement encodin
g and decoding routines of popular error-correction codes (ECC), such as Reed-
Solomon, BCH, the binary Golay, a binary Goppa, Viterbi decoder, and more.
RadioLab 3G from RadioScape Ltd.
The 3G UMTS/W-CDMA Blockset is a Simulink blockset and associated reference mo
dels for system-level design and development of UMTS terminal and basestation
systems. The blockset contains the key elements for FDD mode simulation, inclu
ding CRC, segmentation, radio frame equalization, rate matching, interleaving,
scrambling, and transport channels. The product can help you with conformance
testing of components, system optimization of 3G components, and developing a
familiarity with 3G techniques.
Data Automation Toolbox for MATLAB
Data Automation Toolbox for MATLAB (DATfM) is a collection of MATLAB p-files w
ith a graphical user interface (GUI) that help you in managing and automating
data processing graphs. Graphs have directories to store data and directed lin
ks as MATLAB callback processes, for which you write code.
Today's Simulink for Wireless - February 20
Attend this Webinar on February 20, 2003 and discover how today's Simulink acc
elerates the design of wireless systems.
Developing Real-Time Embedded Control Systems Using a Model Based Design Appro
ach - February 27
Attend this Webinar on February 27, 2003 and learn how The MathWorks products
provide a complete, visual, and interactive environment for the model-based de
sign of embedded control systems.
※ 来源:.哈工大紫丁香 [FROM:]
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