Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: Matlab
标 题: Digest March 2003
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Wed Mar 19 10:38:59 2003) , 转信
MATLAB ? Overview Webinar
Join us for the upcoming webinar, MATLAB Overview: A Demonstration of t
he Capabilities of MATLAB. This 60-minute webinar will be broadcast liv
e on March 26, 2003, and will include a summary of MATLAB product capab
ilities and product demonstrations. Register today and soon see a short
tour of the MATLAB environment and its tools for analysis, visualizati
on, algorithm development, and programming. See the link below for regi
stration information and broadcast times.
MATLAB Programming Contest Coming Soon
The semi-annual MATLAB Programming Contest is back and will run at MATL
AB Central from April 2-9, 2003. This competition brings together progr
ammers from around the world all vying for the number one spot. Be sure
to set aside some time during the week to participate or watch the com
petitors at work. See the link below to subscribe to the contest mailin
g list.
Global Signal Processing Expo (GSPx) and International Signal Processin
g Conference (ISPC)
Join The MathWorks at the Global Signal Processing Expo (GSPx) and Inte
rnational Signal Processing Conference(ISPC) in Dallas, Texas held from
March 31 to April 4, 2003. The GSPx and ISPC fill the market's need fo
r a peer-to-peer horizontal DSP show for engineers.
Engauge Digitizer
This free tool converts an image file that displays a graph or map into
numbers. The image file can come from a scanner, digital camera, or sc
reenshot. The numbers can be read on the screen and written or copied t
o a spreadsheet. The process starts with an image file containing a gra
ph or map. The final result is digitized data that can be used by other
tools, such as Microsoft Excel and Gnumeric.
Structural Dynamics Toolbox from SDTools, Inc.
The Structural Dynamics Toolbox (SDT) enhances MATLAB core capabilities
to provide a general finite element architecture for creating models f
or vibration analysis. SDT offers modal analysis tools to exploit frequ
ency domain measurements for testing; and GUIs assist with visualizing
responses, identifying frequency domains, animating testing modes and o
perational deflection shapes, correlating topology, and testing/analysi
s of correlation criteria.
Relo: C++ IDE
A customizable open-source IDE for Windows, Relo supports MingW32 and B
orland C++ Compilers. Features include compile, make, rebuild commands,
a text editor with syntax highlighting, and more.
Contribute Your Links
You can add your favorite technical computing links to T
o suggest a link to our editors, navigate to the relevant section of Ma, choose "Add Link," and enter the URL and a brief descripti
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