Matlab 版 (精华区)
发信人: zjliu (秋天的萝卜), 信区: Matlab
标 题: The MATLAB Digest March 2003 Vol.11, No 2
发信站: 哈工大紫丁香 (Fri Mar 28 13:26:08 2003) , 转信
The MATLAB Digest March 2003 Volume 11, Number 2
The MathWorks electronic news bulletin. Articles provide tips and
shortcuts for using the MATLAB(R) and Simulink(R) product family,
as well as other technical, product, service, and event
---------------------------------- Contents --------------------------
(1) Introducing new ActiveX Features in MATLAB 6.5
(2) Developing a Multitarget Model
(3) MATLAB Programming Contest
(4) MATLAB 6.5 (R13) Installation Topics
(5) Embedded Target for TI C6000(TM) DSP
(6) MATLAB Link for Code Composer Studio(TM) Development Tools
(7) Sandia Implements a High-Performance Radar Receiver Using
MathWorks and Xilinx DSP Design Tools
(8) Third Party: Rugged Real-time hardware for On-target Rapid
Training and Events
(9) Numerical Methods in MATLAB Course with Cleve Moler
---------------------------------- Technical -------------------------
(1) Introducing new ActiveX Features in MATLAB 6.5
Get the details on the new properties, methods, events, and
lifecycle management of objects representing ActiveX controls in
(2) Developing a Multitarget Model
Learn how to develop a dictionary-driven Simulink?model that
accommodates multiple target controllers.
(3) MATLAB Programming Contest
April 2-9, 2003
Set aside some time to participate in our upcoming programming
contest or watch as competitors vie for the top spot. Find out
more and sign up for the mailing list at:
(4) MATLAB 6.5 (R13) Installation Topics
Peruse this technical note for general installation topics, such
as understanding license.dat and Imdebug.out files, configuring an
application server for MATLAB, understanding the FLEXlm License
Manager, and more.
----------------------------- Products ------------------------
(5) Embedded Target for TI C6000(TM) DSP
Read how you can generate real-time code and validate algorithms
for Texas Instruments C6000?DSPs.
(6) MATLAB Link for Code Composer Studio(TM) Development Tools
Learn how you can verify and validate DSP designs on Texas
Instruments C2800(TM), C5000(TM), and C6000(TM) digital signal
(7) Sandia Implements a High-Performance Radar Receiver Using
MathWorks and Xilinx DSP Design Tools
Discover how Sandia National Laboratories has accelerated design,
run a high-speed simulation, and created a bit-true representation
of their actual system with MathWorks and Xilinx tools.
(8) Third-Party: Rugged Real-Time Hardware for On-Target Rapid
See how Proteus, a fully integrated MPC555-based system with
signal conditioning and output power devices, can help you rapidly
prototype and control your vehicle systems.
---------------------- Training ----------------------
(9) Numerical Methods in MATLAB Course
San Francisco, CA March 24-25, 2003
Join Cleve Moler, chief scientist at The MathWorks, for an
in-depth look at how MATLAB performs its computations.
If you received this newsletter from a colleague and would like
your own copy of the MATLAB Digest, join MATLAB Access by
To remove yourself from this mailing list, visit:
To update your address, send email to:
Copyright 2003 by The MathWorks, Inc.
MATLAB, Simulink, Stateflow, Handle Graphics, and Real-Time
Workshop are registered trademarks, and TargetBox is a trademark
of The MathWorks, Inc. Infineon and C166 are registered trademarks
of Infineon Technologies AG. Other product or brand names are
trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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